Jun 12, 2012

Morning routine 5 days a week

 Morning routine 5 days a week ~ I drink hard and I drink early!
Ginger/Turmeric tea w/ Cayenne to taste
Grate enough to fit the size of your palm and 1/2 that with the Turmeric  
Cayenne to taste

Pray and meditate (Used to just medicate!) This is way mo betta!
Worship/Study the Word
GreenStar Elite Juicer is the one I use
Hippocrates Green Drink 16 to 20 ounces (I drink this daily in the morning)
Ginger size top half of your thumb (You'll learn to make it to taste)
Garlic (one or two cloves again you'll learn to make it to taste)
Kale Dinosaur 5 to 10 sprigs (Not sure what they're called)
Celery Four Sprigs
Cucumber 1 large maybe 1 1/2 (LTT) (learn to taste)
Sunflower Sprouts 2 cups
Cilantro good handful (LTT)

Feel the pulp if it is moist run it back through

If you are making wheatgrass juice get an atomizer with olive oil
and give it a quick spray on the gears while they're running this
will keep the foam down (If you are getting foam)

Alternate working out at Lifestyles and/or ride bike and/or bounce on rebounder 45 minutes.


David RawManRaines

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