Jun 20, 2012

Access Bars™ - USA

Access Bars™ - USA

  You will experience giving this “hands on process” and also receiving it. Basically there are 32 points or Bars on the head including; Healing, Body, Sexuality, Money, Control, Aging, Hopes & Dreams, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Creating Life Forms, etc. Activating these points by lightly touching them and allowing the energy to flow through these bars releases the electrical charge that holds all the considerations, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions, emotions or attitudes you have ever stored or decided was important in any lifetime. After a “bars” session the worst thing that can happen is, you feel like you have had a great massage, the best thing that can happen is, it can change your life. No pre requisites.
Please bring a blanket and pillow. Some snacks will be provided. Please bring a sack lunch as we will not be breaking for lunch. What grand and glorious adventures will we have? Looking forward to meeting you! Julia

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