The Many Uses for Peppermint
The name Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) comes from Greek mythology and it's one of my very favorite herbs because it's easy to grow and it's useful in so many home remedies.
According to one version of the Greek myth, Hades fell in love with a girl named Minthe. His wife, Persephone, flew into a jealous rage and in her anger turned Minthe into a lowly plant that everyone would forever walk all over. Completely outraged, Hades could do nothing except imbue the poor Minthe with the aroma "peppermint", so that whenever anyone stepped on her she would release the wonderful fragrance. Hades hoped that in doing this, people would always remember Minthe the person and how beautiful she was. Upon her discovery of Hades actions, Persephone again flew into a rage because she realized that Minthe now had the ability to linger in the air and there wasn't a thing she could do about it!
But enough about stories... Did you know that dried leaves of peppermint were found tucked away in the depths of Egyptian pyramids dating from approximately 1000 BC. ? It is believed that the ancients used it medicinally, as well as for culinary purposes. Highly valued by the Greeks and Romans, it only reached popularity in Western Europe in the 18th century.
Grown commercially and in home gardens throughout Asia, Europe, and North America, it is propagated from seed in the Spring and harvested just before flowering in the Summer.
A hybrid of watermint (M. aquatica) and spearmint (M. spicata) which have milder therapeutic properties, peppermint offers potent medicinal properties effective in relieving a wide variety of complaints. The following remedies use peppermint in both its whole, dried leaf form, as well as the essential oil.
•Make sure that you don’t get the oil in your eyes or rub it on mucus membranes, and never apply essential oils in or near the noses of infants or small children, because this has been reported to cause respiratory arrest
Peppermint for Treating Headache
Massage a few drops of peppermint oil into your temples (avoiding your eyes!) and it will stimulate the nerves that perceive cold and decrease your pain-transmission signals.Drinking a cup of peppermint tea also has been proven to help with headaches combined with nausea. Make a peppermint tea by infusing 1 tsp of herb in 1 cup of boiling water. Allow to cool to a drinkable temperature and consume up to 5 cups a day.
Peppermint for Treating Congestion & Sinus Pressure
Most humidifiers will allow you to add a few drops of essential oil directly to the water so that you can relax in bed as the medicinal compounds set to work relaxing the airways. Another method is to place a few drops on a washcloth and place it in the shower, where the steam will release the vapors and the combined effects of the steam and the herbal vapors will clear you up in a hurry!
Peppermint for Treating Eczema
Infuse 1 tsp of herb in 1 cup of boiling water. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes, then strain and cool. Apply to affected skin 2-3 times daily.
Peppermint for Treating Bloating & Gas
Make a peppermint tea by infusing 1 tsp of herb in 1 cup of boiling water. Allow to cool to a drinkable temperature and consume up to 5 cups a day.
Peppermint for Treating Neuralgia (Nerve Pain)
Prepare an infusion of 25g herb to 3 cups of water and bathe the affected area. You can also dilute 20 drops of the essential oil into 1/2 cup of carrier oil and gently massage into the affected area. Some carrier oils include, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, and even sunflower oil.
Purifying Potpourri
3 cups dried peppermint leaves
10-12 drops lavender oil
2 cups dried lavender flowers
5 drops eucalyptus oil
10-12 drops pine oil
1 cup miniature pine cones
3/4 cup sandalwood chips
3/4 cup cedar shavings
Add the peppermint leaves to a large container. In a separate container add the lavender flowers and toss with the lavender oil. In another container add the pinecones and pine oil, tossing to combine.
Pour the lavender and pinecones into the peppermint leaves and stir well. Add the remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Cover, and allow to sit in a warm place for one month. Place the potpourri into small containers to freshen any room!
(This recipe was adapted from Llewellyn's 2012 Herbal Almanac)
• Remember to make sure that you don’t get the oil in your eyes or rub it on mucus membranes, and never apply essential oils in or near the noses of infants or small children, because this has been reported to cause respiratory arrest.
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Making Your Own Tea Blends
Herbal tea blends are sold everywhere that plain tea is sold, but making your own blends is a wonderful way to obtain an extra boost of healing through the addition of certain herbs.
By experimenting with different herbal combinations on their own, or in addition to store-bought black or green teas, you can create versions that are specific to your health needs, or that have a richer flavor than the original brew, or aromas that generate desired feelings such as inspiration or calmness. You can purchase your own tea bags to fill with your favorite blends, or invest in a metal strainer called a tea ball that you can fill with your blend and add to the cup alongside a store-bought tea bag.
Developing your own tea blends is easy as long as you remember to
always use equal parts of each herb in each cup of tea.
The standard dose for a cup of herbal tea is one teaspoonful of dried herbs to 8 ounces of water. If you are using more than one herb, you must divide them into equal parts to equal one teaspoon. If you are combining your own blend with a store-bought tea bag, add more water to account for the potency of your newly formulated blend.
Many blends are created with the idea of using one herb for it's particular health benefit, and then adding other herbs to alter the scent or flavor to make it more pleasing to the palate.
Lemon balm, lemongrass, and lemon verbena add refreshing citrus flavor. Lemon balm has sedative properties, so you need to keep this in mind when deciding which lemon-flavored herb to include in your blend.
Peppermint and spearmint add a menthol touch that's ideal for lifting spirits, soothing the intestinal tract, and clearing stuffy noses.
Licorice and anise offer natural sweetness, and anise also offers benefits to the digestive system, making it a wonderful addition to an after-dinner tea blend.
Chamomile, lavender, and hibiscus offer tantalizing aromas, but use them sparingly as they can overpower a tea! Too much lavender can taste like soap! These are most often used in sleep-promoting blends.
Blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, and rosehips offer vitamin C and beautiful color and richness.
Echinacea can be added to help fight off the cold and flu.
Ginseng can be added for increased energy and vitality.
Soothing herbs that help relieve cold and flu symptoms include mullein and marshmallow.
Health Specific Tea Blends:
Echinacea and cranberry boosts immunity and cleanses the urinary tract.
Mullein and elder help fight off the cold and flu.
Mullein, thyme, marshmallow elder, and peppermint assist with easing cold and bronchitis symptoms.
Bladderwrack added to your favorite tea assists with weightloss due to its metabolic and thyroid stimulating effects.
Health Tonic Tea Blends:
Cranberry, blackberry, and raspberry combined with black tea. Or raspberry, peppermint, and licorice combined with black tea.
Energy Blends:
Men: Siberian ginseng and gotu kola, alone or combined with black or green tea.
Women: Dong quai and chaste berry, alone or combined with black or green tea.
Summer Refreshment Teas - best served over ice in a tall glassParsley, dandelion leaves, lemon balm, and peppermint combined with green tea and served with a wedge of lemon. Lavender and lemongrass combined with green tea and served with a sprig of mint. Peppermint and lemongrass combined with green tea and a slice of orange
Winter Night's Blend
Black tea combined with rosemary and served with a cinnamon stick inside the cup makes a terrific infection-fighting tea, with the cinnamon stick equal to one herb in the blend.
Scarborough Fair Tea - from Tasha TudorParsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, alone, or combined with your favorite black or green tea.
If you are nursing or pregnant, always check with your healthcare provider before adding any herbal teas or remedies to your diet.
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
After a recent study concluded that Butterbur was effective for treating migraines, many people who hoped to benefit from it are confused because additional information was reported stating that the plant contains pyrollizidine alkaloids.
What Are Pyrollizidine Alkaloids?
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA's) are a group of chemical compounds found in only about 3% of flowering plants. PA's can have a toxic effect on the liver when ingested orally over long periods of time. The amount of PA's in plants can differ significantly due to variations in botanical species, conditions they were grown under, the part(s) used, and the time they were harvested. Because the amount ingested can accumulate in the body, it is best to avoid them. Developing fetuses, children, the elderly, and people with liver conditions or liver disease are more easily harmed by PA's.
Can They Be Removed From Plants?
Yes. PA's can be removed by the chemical-free process "ion exchange" that removes nothing from the extract but the PA's and 2% to 3% of the minerals. Quality and effectiveness of these PA-free extracts is not compromised by the removal process and can be used without further concern regarding PA toxicity.
Have Herbs Containing These Alkaloids Been Banned?
Citing safety concerns, Australia, Canada, England, and several other European countries have banned all sales of PA-containing herbs, although Germany and Switzerland do permit sales if the tested level is less than one part per million.
These measures are met with some resistance due to the fact that adverse reactions occur only when ingested, and not when applied externally, as in the form of lotions, creams, or poultices.
So Which Plants Contain PA's?
Coltsfoot, Comfrey, and Butterbur are among the popular plants that contain them.
To assure safety, only consume Comfrey, Coltsfoot or Butterbur extracts that are specifically labeled as being PA-Free.
Don't forget, you can always schedule a consulatation with me to learn more about incorporating herbal remedies into your life safely and confidently. Click the button marked "Consultation Info." to find out more.
I hope this post has helped to answer any questions or concerns you may have had. Please leave a comment. I love to hear from my readers!
Herb Butters
One of my favorite things to do when I have an abundance of fresh herbs growing in my garden is to make a variety of herb butters. If you don't grow your own herbs, you can always purchase fresh herbs from your supermarket or farmers market. Making and freezing herb butters is a wonderful method to preserve your herbs, too. You can freeze them using decorative molds found at most craft stores, or simply roll the prepared butters into logs to cut into portions as needed.
Experiment with different combinations of herbs and toss with hot pasta, spread onto warm bread fresh from the oven, melt over steaks, fish, or baked potatoes.
Once you've cooked with fresh herbs, you'll never want to go back to store-bought again! The difference in flavor is absolutely amazing! I hope you enjoy the following recipes.
Garlic/Basil/Oregano Butter
8 Tbsp. salted butter, at room temperature for easy mixing
1-2 cloves garlic, very finely minced
1 Tbsp. fresh basil, finely minced
1 Tbsp. fresh oregano
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well with a spoon until combined and all ingredients are evenly incorporated. You can serve your herb-butter by piping into individual ramekins with a decorative pastry tip, spreading into individual molds and freezing until solid, or placing the herb-butter mixture onto plastic wrap, forming into a log, wrapping tightly and refrigerating or freezing until ready to serve. Allow to come to room temperature before serving so it is spreadable.
Rosemary/Citrus Butter
8 Tbsp. salted butter, at room temperature for easy mixing
1 Tbsp. freshly minced rosemary
1/2 tsp. freshly grated lemon zest
1 garlic clove minced
2-3 drops freshly squeezed orange juice
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well with a spoon until combined and all ingredients are evenly incorporated. You can serve your herb-butter by piping into individual ramekins with a decorative pastry tip, spreading into individual molds and freezing until solid, or placing the herb-butter mixture onto plastic wrap, forming into a log, wrapping tightly and refrigerating or freezing until ready to serve. Allow to come to room temperature before serving so it is spreadable.
Garlic/Chive Butter
8 Tbsp. salted butter, at room temperature for easy mixing
2 cloves fresh garlic, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. fresh chives finely chopped
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well with a spoon until combined and all ingredients are evenly incorporated. You can serve your herb-butter by piping into individual ramekins with a decorative pastry tip, spreading into individual molds and freezing until solid, or placing the herb-butter mixture onto plastic wrap, forming into a log, wrapping tightly and refrigerating or freezing until ready to serve. Allow to come to room temperature before serving so it is spreadable.
Pepper/Garlic Butter
8 Tbsp. salted butter, at room temperature for easy mixing
1 Tbsp. parsley, freshly chopped
1 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. fresh garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. fresh cilantro, chopped
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well with a spoon until combined and all ingredients are evenly incorporated. You can serve your herb-butter by piping into individual ramekins with a decorative pastry tip, spreading into individual molds and freezing until solid, or placing the herb-butter mixture onto plastic wrap, forming into a log, wrapping tightly and refrigerating or freezing until ready to serve. Allow to come to room temperature before serving so it is spreadable.
Foxglove - Medicine or Poison?
One of my favorite flowers is Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea).
It has been said that the name "foxglove" is derived from the Old English name "Foxes Glofa." Legend has it that sly foxes used the flowers to magically sheath their paws as they stealthily committed their moonlit raids into the chicken coops of rural villagers. The association is natural because the foxgloves grew on the wooded hillside slopes that the foxes chose for their dens.The scientific genus name also refers to the fact that foxglove flowers are just about the size to slip your fingers into, as the Latin word, digitalis, literally translates to "measuring a finger's breadth."
As an Herbalist, I call it Pretty Poison, as it has the ability to kill or save a life...
Depending on the species, the digitalis plant may contain several deadly physiological and chemically related cardiac and steroidal glycosides. Thus, Digitalis has earned several more sinister names: Dead Man’s Bells, and Witches’ Gloves.
Foxglove as Medicine
Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides that can cause cardiac arrest, but a pharmaceutical derivative of the Digitalis plant is used to create the drugs Digoxin and Digitoxin. These drugs improve contractility in the heart muscle of those with congestive heart failure, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Digoxin is eliminated from the body via the kidneys, while Digitoxin is eliminated via the liver and can therefore be used in patients with poor or erratic kidney function.
Digoxin was first approved for heart failure in 1998 under regulations by the Food and Drug Administration on the basis of prospective randomized studies and clinical trials. It was also approved for the control of ventricular response rate for patients with atrial fibrillation. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines recommend digoxin for symptomatic chronic heart failure for patients with reduced systolic function, preservation of systolic function, and/or rate control for atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. Heart Failure Society of America guidelines for heart failure provide similar recommendations.
Foxglove is among the most poisonous plants grown on the landscape. The entire plant is toxic (including the roots and seeds), although the leaves of the upper stem are particularly potent, with just a nibble being enough to potentially cause death. Most animals seem to instinctively know not to nibble on any part of the plant.
Do not grow them if small children or pets will be present.
There have been instances of people confusing digitalis with the relatively harmless Symphytum (comfrey) plant (which is often brewed into a tea) with fatal consequences. Other fatal accidents involve children drinking the water in a vase containing digitalis plants. Drying does not reduce the toxicity of the plant.
Do I Use Foxglove?
The short answer: No way! In answer to the title question, it's a medicine in the right hands, and a deadly poison to most of us. But I grow it under confined, and therefore safe, conditions for its beauty. Herbalists have largely abandoned the use of Foxglove because of its narrow therapeutic index and the difficulty of determining the amount of active drug in herbal preparations. It is important to never, ever attempt to create your own medicines from the plant, as a strictly controlled preparation and amount should only be taken under the careful guidance of a qualified medical professional. Digitoxin exhibits similar toxic effects to the more commonly used Digoxin, which include anorexia, nausea, diarhhea, confusion, vomiting, visual disturbances, and cardiac arrhythmias. Anti-digoxin fragments, which are the specific treatement for Digoxin poisoning, are also effective in cases of serious Digitoxin toxicity.
Growing Foxglove at Home:
Average planting success with this species: 50%
Height: 2-5 feet
Germination: 20-30 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 60-65F
Sowing depth: Surface Sow
Blooming period: June-September
Average seeds per pound: 4,360,000
Seeding rate: 1/2 lb. per acre
Suggested use: Shaded areas, wildflower mixes, waste places.
Foxglove plants are classified as biennial: leaves form a rosette close to the ground the first year, succeeded by a spike with blooms the second, and final year. But under favorable growing conditions they often last longer, blooming another year or two beyond what their "biennial" status would warrant. In this case, they may be considered herbaceous perennials. Further complicating any positive life-cycle identification for the novice is the fact that foxglove plants often reseed themselves.
Foxglove in Fiction
Used as the murder weapon in Agatha Christies' "Appointment with Death"
Used as the murder weapon in Elizabeth Peters' "Die for Love"
Used as the murder weapon in "Murder 101: College Can Be Murder."
Used as the murder weapon, along with a crop duster, on "CSI" The Descent of Man (Season 9, Episode 19)
Digoxin was used as a poison in the Columbo episode "Uneasy Lies the Crown" (Season 9, Episode 5) , again in the McMillan and Wife episode "Affair of the Heart" (Season 6, Episode 5)
In a song by The Decemberists', "The Rake's Song," the narrator murders his daughter by feeding her foxglove. (The Hazards of Love album)
Depending on the species, the digitalis plant may contain several deadly physiological and chemically related cardiac and steroidal glycosides. Thus, Digitalis has earned several more sinister names: Dead Man’s Bells, and Witches’ Gloves.
Foxglove as Medicine
Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides that can cause cardiac arrest, but a pharmaceutical derivative of the Digitalis plant is used to create the drugs Digoxin and Digitoxin. These drugs improve contractility in the heart muscle of those with congestive heart failure, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Digoxin is eliminated from the body via the kidneys, while Digitoxin is eliminated via the liver and can therefore be used in patients with poor or erratic kidney function.
Digoxin was first approved for heart failure in 1998 under regulations by the Food and Drug Administration on the basis of prospective randomized studies and clinical trials. It was also approved for the control of ventricular response rate for patients with atrial fibrillation. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines recommend digoxin for symptomatic chronic heart failure for patients with reduced systolic function, preservation of systolic function, and/or rate control for atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. Heart Failure Society of America guidelines for heart failure provide similar recommendations.
Foxglove is among the most poisonous plants grown on the landscape. The entire plant is toxic (including the roots and seeds), although the leaves of the upper stem are particularly potent, with just a nibble being enough to potentially cause death. Most animals seem to instinctively know not to nibble on any part of the plant.
Do not grow them if small children or pets will be present.
There have been instances of people confusing digitalis with the relatively harmless Symphytum (comfrey) plant (which is often brewed into a tea) with fatal consequences. Other fatal accidents involve children drinking the water in a vase containing digitalis plants. Drying does not reduce the toxicity of the plant.
Do I Use Foxglove?
The short answer: No way! In answer to the title question, it's a medicine in the right hands, and a deadly poison to most of us. But I grow it under confined, and therefore safe, conditions for its beauty. Herbalists have largely abandoned the use of Foxglove because of its narrow therapeutic index and the difficulty of determining the amount of active drug in herbal preparations. It is important to never, ever attempt to create your own medicines from the plant, as a strictly controlled preparation and amount should only be taken under the careful guidance of a qualified medical professional. Digitoxin exhibits similar toxic effects to the more commonly used Digoxin, which include anorexia, nausea, diarhhea, confusion, vomiting, visual disturbances, and cardiac arrhythmias. Anti-digoxin fragments, which are the specific treatement for Digoxin poisoning, are also effective in cases of serious Digitoxin toxicity.
Growing Foxglove at Home:
Average planting success with this species: 50%
Height: 2-5 feet
Germination: 20-30 days
Optimum soil temperature for germination: 60-65F
Sowing depth: Surface Sow
Blooming period: June-September
Average seeds per pound: 4,360,000
Seeding rate: 1/2 lb. per acre
Suggested use: Shaded areas, wildflower mixes, waste places.
Foxglove plants are classified as biennial: leaves form a rosette close to the ground the first year, succeeded by a spike with blooms the second, and final year. But under favorable growing conditions they often last longer, blooming another year or two beyond what their "biennial" status would warrant. In this case, they may be considered herbaceous perennials. Further complicating any positive life-cycle identification for the novice is the fact that foxglove plants often reseed themselves.
Foxglove in Fiction
Used as the murder weapon in Agatha Christies' "Appointment with Death"
Used as the murder weapon in Elizabeth Peters' "Die for Love"
Used as the murder weapon in "Murder 101: College Can Be Murder."
Used as the murder weapon, along with a crop duster, on "CSI" The Descent of Man (Season 9, Episode 19)
Digoxin was used as a poison in the Columbo episode "Uneasy Lies the Crown" (Season 9, Episode 5) , again in the McMillan and Wife episode "Affair of the Heart" (Season 6, Episode 5)
In a song by The Decemberists', "The Rake's Song," the narrator murders his daughter by feeding her foxglove. (The Hazards of Love album)
Taking Herbal Tinctures - What You Should Know
Herbal Tinctures, or Liquid Herbal Extracts, are preparations where the medicinal qualities of an herb or herbs are extracted into a combination of water and grain alcohol, or sometimes glycerin.
The most potent tinctures contain only a single herb, although most consumers believe that the combinations of multiple herbs are the most potent.
Tinctures with several herbs in the ingredient list contain smaller quantities of similar herbs, and are usually referred to as Tonics, while the single herbal ingredient tinctures contain the strongest amount of just one herb.
The main advantage to using herbal tinctures and tonics is their rapid absorption into the bloodstream. The body actually begins to absorb their benefits from the moment they are placed in the mouth. The alcohol they contain acts as a preservative which retains their potency and stability for many years, and because they are sold in bottles with droppers, they are easily carried around and easily administered. Herbal capsules are prepared by first grinding the herb into a fine powder, where the medicinal properties begin to breakdown rapidly, and then the powder gets packed into a capsule that must be digested before the medicinal qualities can be released. They are useful in certain situations, but I recommend using tinctures or tonics. I never recommend pills because they always contain ingredients that are anything but natural or beneficial except to act as a preservative, or bulking agent. My rule of thumb is that if you can't pronounce it, or don't know what it is or does, don't take it...
Commercial tinctures are labeled with the standard rule for dosing in the industry, which is based on a 150 lb. individual. The dosage is then adjusted according to the user's individual weight by determining the user's body weight in pounds and dividing the number by 150. You then multiply the result by the number of drops listed under the suggested use on the product label. The final result is the adjusted dosage. The typical recommendation for most tinctures is 10-30 drops three times per day. (Of course, each herb and each situation is unique, and the advice of a qualified Herbalist can be of tremendous benefit when deciding how/if to use tinctures and tonics.)
Dosages for children vary according to weight, age, and the herb(s) being used.
Young's Rule for determining dosage uses the child's age divided by twelve plus the age. The dosage for a 4 year old:
4/12+4 = 4/16 = 1/4 of the adult dose.
Clark's Rule for determining dosages divides the weight of the child by 150 to give the approximate fraction of the adult dose. Dosage for a 40 lb. child: . 40 /150 = .26 or approx. 1/4 the adult dose.
60 drops = 1 teaspoon
4 ml. = 1 teaspoon
1 ounce = 28.4 grams (solid)
1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml.
1 teaspoon tincture = 2 "OO" capsules
Most people prefer to take their tinctures diluted in 1/4 Cup of water, juice, or tea, but its perfectly acceptable to use the dropper and administer the tincture or tonic directly onto, or under, (for fastest absorption) the tongue.
Some clients express an aversion to consuming alcohol. It's important to understand that grain alcohol dissolves and extracts certain important phytochemicals - plant chemicals that are necessary for tinctures to be medicinally effective. The amount of alcohol per industry-standard dose is so insignificant that there is more alcohol in some mouthwashes. The amount of alcohol in the average dose of tincture is equal to the amount of alcohol in a ripe banana. This dosage has been tested on people who are alcohol-sensitive with NO adverse reactions. It is also considered to be a safe amount for anyone in a 12 step program or Alcoholics Anonymous. If you're still concerned about the alcohol, you can place the tincture in a cup, add boiling water, and the alcohol will evaporate within seconds. You may then drink the liquid without concern.
Thank you for reading this post! I hope it helped you to learn more about the benefits of using herbal tinctures. Please contact Wonderland Herbal if you have any questions, or would like to schedule a Consultation. Visit our Online Apothecary to see our organic herbal remedies. Leave a comment - I love to hear from my readers!
Genesa Crystal
Something that I find fascinating is the work of Dr. Derald Langham (1913-1991) an American agricultural geneticist, and the founder of the Genesa Foundation.
Dr. Langham attended Iowa State College, received his first Ph.D. in Genetics from Cornell University in 1939, and he later earned a second Ph.D. in Humanities from United States International University in San Diego. After spending considerable time in Venezuela where he was hired by their government to be the geneticist at the first agricultural experiment station in Venezuela, he taught at Yale University.
His research that I find so interesting is that in the 1940's, Langham discovered that at the 8-cell stage of development, the cellular structure of all living organisms is identical. From this point in development, Dr. Langham asserted that "life can expand in any direction." He was the first to discover that this shape, technically referred to as a cubatahedron, "held the full potential for infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite form, infinite energy, infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations - even life itself."
Dr. Langham called the shape a "Genesa Crystal" - "gene" followed by the letters "S" and "A" for South America.
Closer examination reveals that Genesa Crystals contain within its design all 5 Platonic Solids - the shapes that are the foundation for all organic life, including the Star of Tetrahedron. The Star of Tetrahedron is believed by many to be the specific geometric shape that surrounds the human body. Some believe that a Genesa Crystal aligns the physical body with the spiritual body, thus speeding up life's spiritual processes. When used in combination with meditation and pranic breathing, it is thought to increase the body's evolution - rapidly unfolding the knowledge of the Humanself and the God.

Dr. Derald Langham inside his Genesa Crystal.
Fast forward to the 1950's when Langham founded the Genesa Foundation. After discovering that plants grow much better when planted in a circle, as opposed to straight rows, he developed the gardening technique known as "Circle Gardening." In a circle garden, only the inside of the circle is watered, while the outside remains dry. A study performed by New York University proved that levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium increased inside the circle without the addition of any fertilizer. The Genesa Foundation promoted the use of Circle Gardnening techniques as well as the Genesa philosophy.
Langham believed that the crystals hold infinite potential for people to bond with the energies in their lives. He went on to sponsor conferences throughout the United States, Venezuela, Europe, and Canada that taught how to apply Genesa principles to all aspects of his students' lives.
Genesa Crystals are in use in the famous gardens of both Findhorn in Scotland, and Perelandra in the United States. Machaelle Small Wright, founder of the Perelandra Nature Research Center, uses a Genesa Crystal as "an energy air conditioner" stating that it "draws in positive energy from within a 2 mile radius, then cleanses it, balances it, and sends it back out."
Reported to have a tremendous effect on plants, the addition of these crystals have been identified as having the ability to return an ailing tree to perfect health and to return a poorly growing garden to a renewed state of health and vibrancy. Interestingly, gardens protected by a Genesa Crystal are less likely to frost in cold weather, often showing frost or its effects on the side that is away from the crystal and remaining lsuh and green on the side directly facing it!
Dr. Langham attended Iowa State College, received his first Ph.D. in Genetics from Cornell University in 1939, and he later earned a second Ph.D. in Humanities from United States International University in San Diego. After spending considerable time in Venezuela where he was hired by their government to be the geneticist at the first agricultural experiment station in Venezuela, he taught at Yale University.
His research that I find so interesting is that in the 1940's, Langham discovered that at the 8-cell stage of development, the cellular structure of all living organisms is identical. From this point in development, Dr. Langham asserted that "life can expand in any direction." He was the first to discover that this shape, technically referred to as a cubatahedron, "held the full potential for infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite form, infinite energy, infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations - even life itself."
Dr. Langham called the shape a "Genesa Crystal" - "gene" followed by the letters "S" and "A" for South America.
Closer examination reveals that Genesa Crystals contain within its design all 5 Platonic Solids - the shapes that are the foundation for all organic life, including the Star of Tetrahedron. The Star of Tetrahedron is believed by many to be the specific geometric shape that surrounds the human body. Some believe that a Genesa Crystal aligns the physical body with the spiritual body, thus speeding up life's spiritual processes. When used in combination with meditation and pranic breathing, it is thought to increase the body's evolution - rapidly unfolding the knowledge of the Humanself and the God.
Dr. Derald Langham inside his Genesa Crystal.
Fast forward to the 1950's when Langham founded the Genesa Foundation. After discovering that plants grow much better when planted in a circle, as opposed to straight rows, he developed the gardening technique known as "Circle Gardening." In a circle garden, only the inside of the circle is watered, while the outside remains dry. A study performed by New York University proved that levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium increased inside the circle without the addition of any fertilizer. The Genesa Foundation promoted the use of Circle Gardnening techniques as well as the Genesa philosophy.
Langham believed that the crystals hold infinite potential for people to bond with the energies in their lives. He went on to sponsor conferences throughout the United States, Venezuela, Europe, and Canada that taught how to apply Genesa principles to all aspects of his students' lives.
Genesa Crystals are in use in the famous gardens of both Findhorn in Scotland, and Perelandra in the United States. Machaelle Small Wright, founder of the Perelandra Nature Research Center, uses a Genesa Crystal as "an energy air conditioner" stating that it "draws in positive energy from within a 2 mile radius, then cleanses it, balances it, and sends it back out."
Reported to have a tremendous effect on plants, the addition of these crystals have been identified as having the ability to return an ailing tree to perfect health and to return a poorly growing garden to a renewed state of health and vibrancy. Interestingly, gardens protected by a Genesa Crystal are less likely to frost in cold weather, often showing frost or its effects on the side that is away from the crystal and remaining lsuh and green on the side directly facing it!
Nature spirits are also known to be highly attracted to the Genesa Crystals, which is thought to account for the increased vibrancy as well as the size and yield of gardens that have a Genesa Crystal set within them. There are many accounts of fairies being observed near the crystals or of people experiencing increased communication with nature while in the presence of a crystal. There has also been speculation that the presence of a Genesa crystal can actually increase psychic or intuitive powers.
So tell me, what do you think? Do you use a Genesa Crystal in your garden, or have one inside your home? Leave a comment...
Panic Attacks/Disorder
Panic attacks are the the most common subject of calls I receive in my practice as an Herbalist.They don't discriminate, and often strike the sufferer for no apparent reason and at the least expected times. Let's look at their signs and symptoms, and what can be done to alleviate them, and possibly eliminate them from interfering with your life and well-being...
The signs and symptoms of a panic attack develop abruptly and usually reach their peak within 10 minutes. Most panic attacks end within 20 to 30 minutes, and they rarely last more than an hour.
The video above is of Dr. Paul Salkovskis, who recommends the use of Cognitive Bahavioral Therapy in the treatment of Panic Attacks/Disorder.
Signs of a Panic Attack:•Shortness of breath or hyperventilation
•Heart palpitations or a racing heart
•Chest pain or discomfort
•Trembling or shaking
•Choking feeling
•Feeling unreal or detached from your surroundings
•Nausea or upset stomach
•Feeling dizzy, light-headed, or faint
•Numbness or tingling sensations
•Hot or cold flashes
•Fear of dying, losing control, or going crazy
Many people experience panic attacks without further episodes or complications. There is little reason to worry if you’ve had just one or two panic attacks. However, some people who have experienced panic attacks go on to develop Panic Disorder. This is characterized by repeated panic attacks combined with major changes in behavior or persistent anxiety over having further attacks.
Signs of Panic Disorder:•Experience of frequent, unexpected panic attacks that aren’t related to a specific situation.
•Feel anxious and worry about having another panic attack.
•Are behaving differently because of the panic attacks, such as avoiding places where you’ve previously panicked, or avoiding particular locations because you suddenly fear certain characteristics about them.As a result of the physical signs and symptoms that accompany these attacks, they are often mistaken for heart attacks or other life-threatening illnesses as a result of the extreme pain and/or panic experienced. Up to 25% of people visiting emergency rooms because of chest pain are actually in the throes of a full-blown panic episode. As a result, they often undergo extensive medical testing to rule out other medical conditions, and more than 90% leave the hospital without an appropriate diagnosis of Panic Attack or Panic Disorder.
Although specific causes for panic attacks have never been identified, it is widely believed that they are the result of biological vulnerabilities, ways of thinking, and social stressors. Panic Disorder has been found to run in families, and nutritional deficiencies appear to play a role. Major risk factors for Panic Disorder also seem to be related to having experienced physical or sexual abuse in adolescence or childhood, or after other major life stressors.
I tell my clients that the important thing to realize and remember when you experience episodes of panic is that they are not threatening to your life, or to your organs. No one has ever died because of a panic attack. They do no damage to your body other than to affect your sense of well-being. Of course, when one is in the midst of an attack, it's impossible to focus on anything, and often extremely difficult to calm down long enough to rationalize the situation. Because of this, I advise my clients to develop a Coping Plan to rely on before an episode occurs. Every Coping Plan encompasses Lifestyle Changes, Nutritional Supplements, and Herbal Remedies to have at the ready to take at the first sign of an attack.
Many times people who suffer from panic attacks are told that "it's all in your head" and are left to struggle on their own. In a desperate bid to escape the feelings of dread and anxiety, they often turn to self-medication in the form of alcohol or illegal drugs. Sometimes they are given prescriptions for xanax or valium and sent on their way. All of these seeming "solutions" can cause more problems for the sufferer ranging from feelings of being unimportant, more alone than ever, that people just think they're overly dramatic, or just plain crazy.
When it comes to Panic Attacks/Disorder my usual recommendations include seeking support from a trusted family member or friend, and/or receiving cognitive bahavioral therapy from a qualified provider. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, otherwise known as Talk Therapy, can be useful in helping to determine what your triggers are, as well as developing effective methods for managing symptoms using relaxation techniques. I stress the importance of not self-medicating! Physical problems can arise with the liver as the result of over-use of drugs and alcohol because the organ must process these harmful chemicals. I have observed that people who experience panic attacks can have unnecessary fears regarding their health, probably because of the feelings of helplessness and vulnerability that occur during and after an episode. Before you start worrying about what you might have done to your liver through attempts at relieving your situation, be aware that there exists an herbal remedy that cleanses the organ. Milk Thistle Tincture has been proven to repair and even regenerate the liver, reversing any possible damage that may have occurred from any reason. Rather than thinking about negative effects of past attempts to alleviate symptoms of panic, instead realize the important step you're taking right now to learn about the condition including healthy ways of coping.
In addition to cognitive behavioral therapy, I also advice supplementing with zinc and magnesium. These have been found to have a positive effect in reducing the number of attacks, most clients report. I recommend that sufferers keep a bottle of our Tranquility Tincture formula to take at the first sign of an attack, as well as a bottle of Valerian Tincture if the attack is particularly severe. These remedies are not habit-forming or addicting. They are absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than prescriptions, too, alleviating the feelings of terror and shortness of breath almost instantly. My experience has shown that gaining control over the episode quickly goes a long way in helping my clients to feel a sense of control and not fear that another episode might occur. When they have suffered repeated attacks and been forced to cope on their own without the use of medications or remedies, they felt helpless and fearful of another attack. They have reported a reluctance to leave their homes, because they were afraid that they could have an attack while out in public and wouldn't be able to handle it, leading to a condition known as Agoraphobia. My best advice is to get it under control quickly and move on. Many clients report that just knowing they have the herbal remedy bottles with them helps them to feel calmer and more in control, and seems to reduce the number of episodes experienced.
I also advocate lifestyle changes. Often, making positive changes in your life and adopting new practices enhances your sense of wellness by causing you to focus on positive aspects of your health and reduces your negative thoughts on every subject. Partaking in activities such as yoga or going for a walk outside daily is very beneficial. Reducing the number of carbohydrates you consume can also help because your body turns carbohydrates into sugar and excessive amounts of sugar can wreak havoc with your system. Eliminating caffeine completely also helps tremendously. You don't need to make drastic changes, but small steps can yield big results in managing your attacks.
Regularly practicing "Earthing" or sleeping on an "Earthing" sheet also has helped numerous people with anxiety, in addition to a host of other complaints. Be sure to check out my post on this miraculous healing modality!
I know how debilitating Panic Attacks can be. But you do not have to become a slave to them. You do not have to fear them. You do not have to change your life because of them. You can take control. You can manage them. As you realize that you can control them, you will begin to forget about them, and then, eventually, you will stop having them.
To schedule a consultation and learn about more ways to manage your anxiety, click the Consultation Info. tab to the left.To purchase Herbal remedies, please click on the links above, or visit our Apothecary by clicking the appropriate tab on the left.
Coping Plan:•Carry with you at all times Tranquility Tincture and Valerian Tincture
•Program the telephone numbers of your support sytem into your phone (It can be difficult to remember important phone numbers when experiencing an attack.)
•Schedule daily exercise
•Reduce your carbohydrate and caffeine intake
Dr. Sinatra discussing "Earthing."
I was first introduced to Earthing in 2009 by a physician friend of mine who, at approximately 78 years of age, is constantly experimenting with various health-related things and gleefully phones me whenever he discovers something that really works. Earthing is one of those things...
It all started in 1998 when Clint Ober was sitting in a park people-watching. After a root canal procedure had left him with a serious abscess in his liver that had damaged eighty percent of the organ, as well as an infection that spread throughout his body causing multiple organ malfunctions, Clint was slowly reclaiming his health after undergoing experimental surgery. He observed that everyone was wearing shoes and insulating themselves from the ground. He realized that in other parts of the world, like Asia, Africa, and South America, rural people walk barefoot and often sleep on the ground. He wondered, were we insulating ourselves so much that it was affecting our health?
He began conducting experiments around his house using a volt meter to measure electrical charges being created on his body. When he walked towards an electric appliance, the voltage would increase. Stepping back, the voltage went down. The only things that didn't affect the electromagnetic voltage on his body were the refrigerator and the computer tower. Guess what? They didn't do this because they were grounded. He experimented in the bedroom - the most "electrically active" area in the house. The bed was against a wall full of electrical wires. He wondered if all the electromagnetic field (EMF) activity might be the reason he could never get to sleep at night. A quick trip to the hardware store for some metallized duct tape was the first step in a life-changing experiment...
Laying the duct tape out on the bed in a grid, he took an alligator clip and attached it to one end. Connecting a wire to it and running the wire out the window and fastening it to a ground rod similar to the one his volt meter was connected to, he was ready to lie down and put his theory to the test. Were EMF's affecting his sleep and his health? The voltmeter registered near zero, indicating that he was electrically equivalent to lying directly on the ground outside. He was physically grounded. The next morning he awoke after experiencing the most sound sleep he'd had in years...
Of course, he wanted to verify that other people would experience the same thing, so he began conducting trials. The first trial included sixty people that were divided into two groups, as you can probably guess, some slept on grounding pads that Clint had created using conductive fiber materials bonded to wool felt pads. A metallic snap was affixed and a wire connected that ran to a ground rod that was stuck in the earth outside the bedroom window. Some participants were led to believe they were sleeping on the grounding pad, but they weren't.
The results showed that in the grounded group 85% went to sleep more quickly, 93% reported better sleep quality, 82% experienced significant reduction in muscle stiffness, 74% reported elimination or reduction of chronic back and joint pain, 100% reported feeling more rested when they awoke, and 78% reported improved general health.
Improved quality of sleep only scratches the surface of the benefits of Earthing. Subsequent tests and trials have proven results which include: improved cortisol levels, pain relief, stress reduction, PMS symptom improvement, TMJ pain improvement, inflammation reduction, and accelerated healing. That is only a small sampling of benefits.
I have been sleeping on an Earthing sheet for almost three years now. (Check out the link below for the full line of products available from their company.) I noticed immediately that I fell asleep faster and slept more soundly. Clients that use Earthing sheets have reported to me that they felt significant reduction in chronic back pain, improved sleep, and overall mental clarity. I don't get the chance to go outdoors every day and come in contact with the ground. In my experience, Earthing produces the same calm, tranquil feelings that you get from spending time outdoors on a beautiful day barefoot in the grass... Earthing grounds you to the Earth and guides your body and spirit towards re-connecting with the Earth's gentle healing powers...
For more information, read Earthing - The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? written by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., and Martin Zucker. Earthing - The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
For Science Information visit: The Earthing Institute
For Products visit: The Earthing Store
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Case Study-Client with Hypertension & Hypercholesterolemia
Many people are hesitant to schedule an Herbal Consultation because they just don't know what to expect, or they're afraid their hopeful expectations may be too high. I plan to occasionally share actual case studies to demonstrate just what herbal remedies can do. This particular study is a favorite of mine because it deals with health concerns that many people experience. It's frightening, but it doesn't have to be. Like shining a light into the darkness, the more informed you are, the more capable you are of making decisions regarding your healthcare. Let's turn that light on!
Not too long ago, I had a client who came to me seeking help for his recent diagnosis of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia - fancy terms for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He did not want to go on statin drugs due to legitimate concerns regarding reported muscle pain and weakness, neuropathy, heart failure, dizziness, cognitive impairment, cancer, pancreatitis, and even depression. Who could blame him? Fortunately for him he has an understanding physician and his doctor agreed that he could try the natural route first and check back in about six months. If his numbers didn't improve, he would be given the dreaded prescription. Of course, it would still be up to him whether or not he got it filled. Sometimes they forget to tell you that...
After he filled out my intake forms, I began to thoroughly examine them. First item to check was to see what his last blood pressure reading was. I also checked his cholesterol numbers, in addition to his triglycerides. I also needed to know exactly what medications he was currently taking because herbs can react favorably and not-so-favorably with prescription medications as well as over-the-counter drugs. I needed to know if he consumed caffeine, and just how much, because caffeine elevates blood pressure. I examined the rest of his diet, his lifestyle to see if he was mostly sedentary or active, and his stress level. I needed to know if diabetes was present, or if their were possibly liver concerns. Lastly, familial disease patterns were scrutinized to check for familial hypercholesterolemia. All of this information is critical towards guiding clents to healthy outcomes. My last request was to have his physician's contact information, due to the seriousness of the situation. We were now ready to form a partnership in health!
At our initial meeting, I advised my client to notify his doctor of any and all recommendations made that he decided to undertake. I don't prescribe anything. I offer information and advice, and it's up to the client to decide whether or not they want to try it. Empowering, isn't it?
I also explain to all my clients that they must not assume that because they are now taking herbal remedies they can forego their prescription medications. In this particular case, it was imperative that my client know that although natural therapies have helped many people discontinue their prescription medications, especially in this scenario, it is crucial that this be done only with a doctor's supervision. Blood pressure must be maintained at a rate that is neither too high nor too low, and anything altering this delicate balance has the potential to cause serious harm.
Now, on to my advice for my client...
First, I advised him to purchase a blood pressure monitor and check his pressure as often as his doctor recommended.
Next, we discussed incorporating more vegetables into his diet. High cholesterol is often the result of poor dietary habits. Many vegetables have compounds that help to lower blood pressure, including celery, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots (in limited amounts) , fennel, oregano, black pepper, and basil. Fiber supplements have also been shown to reduce total cholesterol, and vegetables provide plenty of fiber and not a lot of carbohydrate. Fish Oil is a supplement I strongly recommend for its demonstrated ability to reduce blood pressure. Nordic Naturals is a brand I use and trust, and I advised him to take one capsule three times daily. I also recommended Nordic Naturals Omega 3's for this situation, and supplementation with magnesium, calcium, vitamin c, and coenzyme q-10. These can be obtained via the Puritan's Pride website. Puritan's Pride's products, like Nordic Naturals, go through stringent purity testing, and I feel safe in using and recommending them.
Garlic is a wonderful addition for addressing these concerns. It has repeatedly been proven to lower blood pressure, as well as effectively lowering LDL and triglyceride levels, while raising HDL levels. Because my client was not taking any blood-thinning medications, he could safely incorporate a 4,000mg capsule daily, as recommended by Germany's Commission E, and/or add a minimum of half an ounce weekly to his diet. This amount is recommended by Varro Tyler, PhD, dean and professor of Purdue University.
Recent testing indicated that diabetes was not an issue, so I discussed supplementing with Niacin due to the fact that it has demonstrated better results at lowering cholesterol than conventional medications! It lowers LDL, raises HDL, and lowers triglycerides. I informed my client that a discussion regarding this was crucial to have with his doctor because of the rare potential for causing liver damage, especially with the use of the timed-release version.
We also talked about adding Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) to aid liver function in a dose of 200-400mg daily. This recommendation was based on findings in his intake forms. He was advised to check his cholesterol levels every three months, because his initial numbers were over 300, and I next informed him that this could be discontinued when his numbers were back in ideal range- LDL below 130 and HDL above 35.
I also related that triglyceride levels have been successfully reduced with the addition of Pantethine, the stable form of B5 which has reduced levels by up to 32% in trials. The recommended dose is 300mg three times daily, and should not be confused with pantothenic acid or B5, as they don't offer the same results.
Hawthorn Tincture is also a valuable treatment option, but due to interactions with cardiac drugs it is contraindicated for those already on cardiac treatments. Information such as this is important because clients, and everyone else, often visit the local drugstore looking into remedies on their own, and if you've read through my site, you know that the labels never give all the critical details...
Stress reduction was our final discussion of the session. It is very important for everyone, and especially for my hypertensive clients! Regular physical exercise can be a fantastic stress-reliever and is easily achieved through gentle means. I highly recommend yoga, tai chi, or a simple daily walk. I also discussed Earthing, a simple act of reconnecting with the gentle healing power of the Earth. (I'll go into detail regarding this in a future blog post.) It's vitally important to take time each day and just set everything aside...
My consultations last from about an hour to an hour and a half. This allows plenty of time to discuss concerns in great depth, time to review all my advice, and enable my clients to depart feeling in control and empowered.
I am pleased to be able to report that at our follow-up appointment, my client was happy to inform me that he had implemented much of my advice, and remained statin-free.
Check out Wonderland Herbal's Heart Health Tinctures
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope it was of help to you! Let me know what you think...
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