Thank you for your interest in how the wisdom of your face can help your life unfold with more ease, love and joy. Here’s what you’ll find below:
- Reading Paul Ryan’s Face
- Why You Should NOT Get a Chin Implant
- Don’t Miss This Page!
- Catch Me While You Can
The US news is full of politics, and if you’re not yet feeling tired of all the posturing and manipulation, I admire your patience. While I’m not naturally interested in debating about the candidates, at election time I’m always inundated with requests to read their faces, and in fact, it can be pretty fascinating to see who they really are inside.
Since Paul Ryan has just been announced as Romney’s VP running mate, I’ll start with him and write about the other faces in the race soon. When I do a face reading for anyone in politics, I need to set any of my own views aside and approach the reading neutrally and objectively, to just communicate the facts of what I see.
So please know there is no veiled effort here to push any agenda or make negative or positive judgments. I am simply reading the information presented on his face.
What is Face Reading?
Just to make sure we’re on the same page here: Chinese face reading is an ancient branch of Chinese medicine, which is 3,000 years old. It’s based on a very sophisticated understanding of patterns inherent in all aspects of life on earth, including people.
Just to make sure we’re on the same page here: Chinese face reading is an ancient branch of Chinese medicine, which is 3,000 years old. It’s based on a very sophisticated understanding of patterns inherent in all aspects of life on earth, including people.
There are patterns in the characteristics of your face – things like the size and shape of your features, any wrinkles you develop, the form of your ears, slant of your forehead, etc – that can reveal your personal potential, strengths and challenges in life, who you really are and what you need to be happy.
OK, let’s take a look at Mr. Ryan’s face.
There is one very strong theme I immediately see, and that’s of what I call the “Warrior” – a man who’s incredibly driven. This is shown in his very large and highly-defined jaw, his eyebrows, indented temples, the wrinkles between his eyebrows, the rectangular shape of his face, and his complexion.
For one thing, that means he’s likely to be very physically active, highly competitive and probably interested in sports,. But of course this extremely driven and competitive nature is also the perfect personality for a politician – it means he likes to win, and he’ll do everything he can to come out on top.
However, these same patterns also show a person who genuinely wants to create positive change in the world, to make it a better place, and this probably is one of the reasons he chose politics as his career.
Only Working out of the Left Brain
This is a practical, pragmatic man who has a very logical, linear mind – he views everything through the filter of his left brain. He probably loves to analyze things, to solve problems, to think about things.
This is a practical, pragmatic man who has a very logical, linear mind – he views everything through the filter of his left brain. He probably loves to analyze things, to solve problems, to think about things.
In fact, I’d say he’s a world-class “thinker” – and by that I mean waaaay too much of a thinker. His very thin lips combined with certain wrinkles on his face and the fact that his upper eyelids cover part of his eye show that he’s not emotionally open, is weak in tuning in to other people’s feelings, and lacks an understanding of how important community and relationships are.
In a cynical way, he may well understand the value of community and relationships in terms of using them to help him achieve his goals, but he lacks the softness and receptivity of someone who truly makes himself available to connect with others in deep friendship.
Instead he values work, achievement, winning. So it’s not that I’m saying he won’t make friends but the danger is that any friends may all share his somewhat aggressive nature, or else just be used as stepping stones to get to the finish line first.
Reading Ryan’s Individual Features:
His impressive jaw especially signifies that he’s quite judgmental and may be quick to reject anyone who doesn’t agree with him. In his world, it’s “my way or the highway” – He’s not easily able to listen to all sides of an argument or to consider other people’s ideas or concerns, though he may give the impression he does so.
His impressive jaw especially signifies that he’s quite judgmental and may be quick to reject anyone who doesn’t agree with him. In his world, it’s “my way or the highway” – He’s not easily able to listen to all sides of an argument or to consider other people’s ideas or concerns, though he may give the impression he does so.
His indented temples also show us a tendency toward compulsiveness, which often is expressed as workaholism, as well as the potential for addictive tendencies. But this also means he can be extremely disciplined, so if he does struggle with addictions, he can keep them under control by sheer force of concentration.
His indented temples also show us a tendency toward compulsiveness, which often is expressed as workaholism, as well as the potential for addictive tendencies. But this also means he can be extremely disciplined, so if he does struggle with addictions, he can keep them under control by sheer force of concentration.
He has a cleft chin, and this is often a sign of someone who just naturally ends up in the spotlight in some way. It also means he does need to be “seen” and appreciated in life and wouldn’t be happy working behind the scenes in any situation.
He has a cleft chin, and this is often a sign of someone who just naturally ends up in the spotlight in some way. It also means he does need to be “seen” and appreciated in life and wouldn’t be happy working behind the scenes in any situation.
That chin along with the Joy Lines by his eyes (what we call Crows’ Feet) do show that he is friendly, has a good sense of humor and can be affectionate, which is a relief after such a strong message of drive and competitiveness from his other features!
Without these two aspects of his face, I doubt he’d be successful as a politician – people need to feel SOME personal warmth and connection. But in this case, his ability to express affection may be only skin-deep, more for superficial public interactions than available in more private friendships.
He has a “widow’s peak” – that little V in his hairline, and that’s an indication of a magnetic charm, and some natural intuition, again, another great feature for a politician to have!
He has a “widow’s peak” – that little V in his hairline, and that’s an indication of a magnetic charm, and some natural intuition, again, another great feature for a politician to have!
His ears stick out slightly, which is a sign of a willful and independent nature, someone who’s a bit of a nonconformist or does things in unusual ways. This can be good – I’d think we’d want a leader who thinks for himself.
His ears stick out slightly, which is a sign of a willful and independent nature, someone who’s a bit of a nonconformist or does things in unusual ways. This can be good – I’d think we’d want a leader who thinks for himself.
His very large nose means that he’s a perfectionist, highly self-critical, and probably very controlling in both his personal and professional lives. This is definitely a man who needs to have things HIS way.
His very large nose means that he’s a perfectionist, highly self-critical, and probably very controlling in both his personal and professional lives. This is definitely a man who needs to have things HIS way.
It also means he’s far more sensitive than people realize, and especially sensitive to being criticized. Being thrust in the spotlight now will be a greater challenge for him than people think. He hates to feel judged by others, and is distressed by any signs of criticism. To cope, he may have to avoid reading or viewing any press reports about him or he’ll just get far too stressed.
The vertical lines in his lower cheeks are called “Lack Lines’ and are not a good sign. These basically indicate a pattern of deprivation that can be expressed in various ways. They can just mean that he’s working too hard, that he lacks getting enough downtime and rest. It can also show someone who breathes too shallowly when stressed (deprived of enough oxygen).
The vertical lines in his lower cheeks are called “Lack Lines’ and are not a good sign. These basically indicate a pattern of deprivation that can be expressed in various ways. They can just mean that he’s working too hard, that he lacks getting enough downtime and rest. It can also show someone who breathes too shallowly when stressed (deprived of enough oxygen).
Or it can be someone who’s stingy with money, a real penny-pincher. Additionally it can mean that he lacks a natural sense of warmth and generosity, which is probably true here because it’s reinforced by his thin lips.
Overall, it usually means someone who struggles with anxiety about “enough.” They worry about having enough money, about being good enough, or having done well enough. This usually includes an unconscious sense in life that since there’s not enough for them, how can they possibly be giving or generous with others?
For someone with his nature, these Lack Lines are a major warning sign of an imbalance in his system, and these circumstances are only going to get worse with this stressful campaign!
Additionally in many of the photos I’ve viewed of him online, he has what’s called “Three White-Sided Eyes” where the whites under his eyes are visible. This is another strong danger sign that his system is overly-stressed.
Additionally in many of the photos I’ve viewed of him online, he has what’s called “Three White-Sided Eyes” where the whites under his eyes are visible. This is another strong danger sign that his system is overly-stressed.
To top this off, a third detail of his face reveals that he’s severely stressed – his eyebrows look somewhat “splintered” – instead of looking like solid lines, the hairs are breaking up. This is a man who’s been doing too much for too long and it’s to the point where I’m really concerned about his ability to cope. And this is only the beginning of the campaign!
To top this off, a third detail of his face reveals that he’s severely stressed – his eyebrows look somewhat “splintered” – instead of looking like solid lines, the hairs are breaking up. This is a man who’s been doing too much for too long and it’s to the point where I’m really concerned about his ability to cope. And this is only the beginning of the campaign!
Anger or Depression
The weak link in the chain for him emotionally will be how easily he becomes frustrated, and even angry. When he’s stressed, he falls into that state, and he can be impatient, easily irritated, and it’s easier for him to blurt things out without considering how it sounds, or to behave impulsively, without thinking through the consequences.
The weak link in the chain for him emotionally will be how easily he becomes frustrated, and even angry. When he’s stressed, he falls into that state, and he can be impatient, easily irritated, and it’s easier for him to blurt things out without considering how it sounds, or to behave impulsively, without thinking through the consequences.
This quality will also incline him to be very self-judgmental, beating himself up for every little thing, and that kind of inner tension can easily throw his entire system off balance. One way to release that kind of stress is through regular and intense exercise, so I hope he does indeed fit that into his schedule.
Lastly, there is a strong likelihood of a personal struggle with depression and exercise is also of great benefit to counteract that.
Two Sides
But what also disturbs me about his face is the different messages you see in the left half of his face when you compare it to the right half.
But what also disturbs me about his face is the different messages you see in the left half of his face when you compare it to the right half.
The right half of someone’s face is said to be the “public” side – the messages that person is willing to share with the outside world. The left half of the face is the “private” side – where you can read their inner feelings, their private suffering, what they’re really going through inside.
When we look at the right half of Ryan’s face, it looks relatively stable, normal, open, and friendly. But the left side of his face gives entirely different messages.
His left eye turns down, which means a pessimistic nature, and someone who easily gets depressed. There’s also a sign of what’s called “Unshed Tears” by this eye, which means he has suppressed his feelings when he should be dealing with them.
His Lack Line is stronger on this side as well, indicating that he’s more deeply affected by stress and anxiety that we might think.
No one has a perfectly symmetrical face; there are always differences between left and right sides. But if they’re very different, as they are here, it shows a major disparity between the inner self and the outer self – the person he’s trying to convince us he is and the man who’s really inside. There is far too much dissonance here. (This has nothing to do with dishonesty, please understand.)
When I look at where Ryan is in the cycles of time, I see that 2012 is a time of growth, change and new possibilities for him, so it’s no surprise this opportunity has landed in his lap at this very time.
When I look at where Ryan is in the cycles of time, I see that 2012 is a time of growth, change and new possibilities for him, so it’s no surprise this opportunity has landed in his lap at this very time.
It’s also apparent that his early 40’s brings a significant boost to his power and prestige, that only continues to increase in the next few years. Whether or not that means he ends up as VP is not something that face reading tells us but what we do see certainly shows some positive support for that goal. Whether that’s good or bad news depends on your own values and perceptions!
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