" Real love is not based on romance, candle light dinners, long talks and walks along the beach! In fact, it is based on Respect, Compromise, Care and Trust!!"-Unknown
Oct 31, 2012
Oct 30, 2012

Where do I begin to describe The sacred Twin Flame Reunion. It is truly beyond the limited words of the 3d paradigm of limitation.
The Sacred Twin flame reunion is certainly not a 3d romantic coupling of projected powerlessness patterns of the self-serving ego, expecting some-one else to complete and fulfill us in any way. Because the The Sacred
The Sacred Twin flame reunion is certainly not a 3d romantic coupling of projected powerlessness patterns of the self-serving ego, expecting some-one else to complete and fulfill us in any way. Because the The Sacred
Twin Flame reunion is purely Divine Love of the Soul it is reflection of that freedom, because when we know the Soul intimately, it is the absolute expression of peace, freedom, love and ecstasy.
When we speak about the relating between True Twin flames and discuss limited details like “if he says this” and “she says that” and “why did he do this” or “why didn't she do this” etc etc. it is not reflecting a higher consciousness of Divine Soul Love, it is still projecting from limited patterning seeking outside of the Self.
When you re-unite with your Twin Flame it is a beautiful opportunity to expand the Soul, to know the Soul in its wholeness and purity. And as you do that, you know your Twin Flame far and beyond limited romantic Love. You only see them as a beautiful Soul …Your Soul….
This is the deepest expanded Divine Expression on the Earth Plane.
This is the deepest expanded Divine Expression on the Earth Plane.
Even now I feel these words just are not enough to describe the sheer beauty of God’s perfection of the Sacred Twin flames in exact harmonic polarity of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.
Written with the deepest of Twin Flame Love by Liora
Written with the deepest of Twin Flame Love by Liora
If you would like to understand yourself beyond the limited mental concepts and know your individual soul IAM name and unique signature shared, I offer Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions www.twinflame1111.com
Oct 29, 2012
Soy update
Mainstream propaganda has been promoting soy as a health food for many years. Here is the TRUTH about soy.
1. Textured soy protein has 3 anti nutrients which are phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors, and isoflavones which are thyroid inhibitors.
2. Today the majority of soy beans are genetically modified.
3. Goiter and hypothyroidism were reported in infants receiving soy based formula. Soy is also high in copper.
Mainstream propaganda has been promoting soy as a health food for many years. Here is the TRUTH about soy.
1. Textured soy protein has 3 anti nutrients which are phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors, and isoflavones which are thyroid inhibitors.
2. Today the majority of soy beans are genetically modified.
3. Goiter and hypothyroidism were reported in infants receiving soy based formula. Soy is also high in copper.
4. Most soy products are highly processed and stripped of nutrients. This includes by-products of soy oil extracted with hexane and other harmful chemicals.
5. The Japanese use lots of whole organic soy in their diet. However, they ferment or sprout the soy which destroys the inhibitors. The fermented soy is called tempeh and miso which are very nutritious.
6. Some wonderful alternatives to soy are nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, whey protein, pea protein,brewers yeast, eggs, cheese, yogurt and of course organic meat and fish.
5. The Japanese use lots of whole organic soy in their diet. However, they ferment or sprout the soy which destroys the inhibitors. The fermented soy is called tempeh and miso which are very nutritious.
6. Some wonderful alternatives to soy are nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, whey protein, pea protein,brewers yeast, eggs, cheese, yogurt and of course organic meat and fish.
Oct 28, 2012
An Election Prayer
An Election Prayer
The election of the President and Vice President of the United States on November 6, 2012, presents an auspicious opportunity to increase momentum toward a world characterized by love and peace for all.
Each of us makes a difference. Each plays an important role in the evolution of humanity and consciousness. Together, our power to co-create a future distinct from the past amplifies exponentially, when we unite our awareness and focus.
Decades of research* validates the ancient wisdom that intentionally aligned hearts and minds are not limited by time and space. Through unified intention, we can actualize Oneness. We can co-create a planetary identity in which our differences are celebrated as indicators of the health and vitality of our inter-connected, inter-dependent being. This is an intention and focus that transcends political preferences.
For the past two Sundays, thousands of people have united for 5 minutes of prayer and intention for birthing the era of cooperation, collaboration and global community. This collective engagement continues on October 28 and November 4 at 11 a.m. ET.
With energized gratitude, we will...
* Be consciously aware of our source as unconditional love.
* Focus our feelings of love, kindness and peace toward our loved ones.
* Expand those feelings to our communities, and beyond.
This prayer of affirmation embodies our deep appreciation and joy for the emergent new humanity… today and every day through the election, particlarly at 10 AM ET Nov 6th.
I breathe in Peace and Optimism.
I awaken the Presence of Peace and Hope within me now.
I call forth the highest outcome for the U.S. Presidential Election in 2012.
I call forth the election of the President of the United States of America to serve the highest evolution of the U.S. and our world.
I am grateful that Truth, Integrity, and Peace are present and manifesting through the U.S. Presidential Election.
I call forth the reality of Peace, Collaboration, Sustainable Solutions, and the New Earth resonance.
I intend that the President and the Vice President will serve and create the Highest Good for all peoples of the U.S. and of the world, and all life on our precious planet.
I recognize that I play a role in manifesting Peace and Benevolence each day, each moment.
I dedicate this moment to consciously creating the election of a President and Vice President who serve the Highest Good of all people.
I am grateful that Truth prevails now, that Peace prevails now.
I am grateful that the highest outcome for the U.S. and the world in this Presidential Election is now manifested.
I create Peace now.
And so it is…
Prayer by Oly Schalow, based on Nikita Gearing's 2008 prayer
* For more information about consciousness research, see http://noosphere.princeton.edu/, http://icrl.org/, http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/ and http://www.noetic.org/
The Recalibration of GAIA > Kryon
The Recalibration of GAIA > Kryon
The Recalibration of GAIA
Sunday, 18 March, 2012 (posted 4 October, 2012)
5182 views, 3 comments - login or register to comment Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The family before me is known and I will say it yet again, that there is no mystery about who sits here and who may be listening or eventually who may be reading. It comes together in a timeless state, which is not the reality that you share at this moment. It's a reality that I have of a timeless place in a quantum state filled with the potentials of those I know who will hear and read this message. So, although it may seem for you in the room to be now, it is all now for me.
I wish I could take you back several thousand years. Slowly, as the time goes backwards, the buildings would disappear and everything would be reduced to dirt, and the indigenous would show themselves. If you took a look at what the indigenous were doing then, they had two things that they emphasized and two things that occupied all that was important to them. The first was the honoring of their ancestors, and the second was the honoring of Gaia.
The energies of the indigenous were focused on the land, but not just a land that would give them water or food, but the actual energy of the dirt of the earth. Many of you know of what I speak if you have studied their lives. It is no different from the indigenous all over Earth, for this was intuitive that Gaia is the energy of what you would call Mother Earth, and it was aligned with humanity in a society that was not nearly as complex as yours is now. Instead, they experienced the overwhelming energies of being in alliance with the planet and with those ancestors who had gone before.
I tell you this because the object of the lesson this day is how that alliance is still alive and changing. You may not see as they did, but the alliance is still there and it's there in ways that are mysterious to you. I'm going to help clear this up, and describe the system and how it all works. So do not be shocked or surprised if I start at the molecular level of the Human Being. I have to, for therein lie the mysteries.
Let us speak of DNA yet again. The DNA molecule sits there and is unique. It is unique to all things, for there is a complement of divinity in it that the animals do not have. There are certain animals that have so many things - there are even animals designed to reincarnate, specific ones that do so for you as Humans. Yet they do not have souls as you, and they do not have the divine spark that you do. Their cycle is a cycle of love to support you.
DNA must work together in the Human body for the intelligence of what we call the innate of the Human body to function. All of DNA must work as one. From the top of your head to your toes, these molecules must act as one set of instructions. This is unique information, and there is no other Human Being on the planet that has your DNA. Therefore, you must acknowledge that there is something that must happen within your body that connects all DNA together. Otherwise, you could not function.
There must be communication between DNA molecules. This is where the genes are produced, and this is where the information is that is your Higher-Self. This is the Akashic Record and it must all vibrate together as one, trillions of parts as one. So we say it to you, for physicists to see, and for them to understand finally that the Human Being has DNA that is in an entangled state*. That is to say it is locked into one state and the parts behave as one.
Now, if you were then to have not a magnetic field, but a quantum field around every molecule, I will tell you that you don't get sparks, you get a designer entangled state. Overlapping quantum fields are attributes that have not yet been studied, recognized, or measured. When they do, they will see the mechanics of an entangled state that then creates an overall field that is much larger around the Human Being. What might be in that field around the Human Being, which is measured at 8 meters wide? And, has it ever been seen? The answer is yes! You'll find it in your scriptures, the old ones in Second Kings [Holy Bible]. For again we say it was Elisha who saw the master Elijah ascend of his own will, and on the ground his field glowed. It illuminated and he left the planet in a bubble of light, a vehicle that took him. Elisha named the vehicle (in Hebrew), which means "to ride." It became the Merkabah. So now you have a name for it, and one that is recognized not only by the ancients in spiritual lands, but also to this day by those who see it with second sight. It is the quantum field of the Human Being - the Merkabah.
So the Merkabah is really a quantum field, and this field is filled with information. The information that it is filled with seems to be non-structured to you, but it actually is quite structured as we see it. It is the matrix of the templates of the Human Being himself, and it is ready and waiting to be altered by another quantum field, and that field is called consciousness. Now I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? All of this is leading up to tell you something that I have only hinted at before on how it works.
So there sits the Human Being with all of this intact, which you can't see, that we just tell you about. Intangible, unmeasurable things are laughed at by science. Fields around humans? Next time a scientist starts to walk away from you, ask him for his compassion meter or his anxiety meter or his love meter. What? He doesn't have one? Does that mean none of those chemistry-altering emotions exist? No. Not only do they exist, but yes, they also can be measured, but not yet. Perhaps in the near future, the "what can't be measured, can't exist" paradigm will change.
The innate of the Human Being is the bridge between the intelligence of your cellular structure (and your DNA) and your 3D Human consciousness. There are those in the room that practice something called kinesiology. Now, kinesiology is a way to talk to innate. The Human Being is smart, but oddly enough, still not smart enough to know what is going on in his own body. We have said it before, and it's a mystery, isn't it? You can have a disease growing in your body right now, yet you're just smiling and having no idea about it until it hurts. Isn't that odd? But innate knows it at the outset.
You might have to use muscle testing (kinesiology) in order to find out what you're allergic to or what's going on in your system - a yes or no process. Isn't it interesting that you have to go through that process to discover what is happening in your own body? So you might say to yourself, "Maybe something is missing? We should be able to know what is happening in our own cellular structure!" You'd be right. Indeed, there should be a bridge between all that information, which is quantum, and your consciousness. You'd be right. I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? And here's where it gets good.
DNA is designed to give the Human Being a very long life and is also designed for full rejuvenation and self-healing. DNA is designed so that the bridge between you and the innate is always there. Yet that's not the way it is, is it? You've heard of those Human Beings of old who lived a great distance of years? Was that a misprint in scripture? No. So what allowed some Human Beings to actually have more health years back then than now? Was that true about their ages? I will tell you: Yes, it was, and here's why. The field around you and others is so aligned with Gaia that you cooperate and shift according to one another. It's what the ancients knew, and it is why they were one with the planet. This is something that you are going to start discovering as well.
Gaia takes its cue from Human consciousness for the energy to create on the planet. We have told you that for 22 years. It also goes the other way, for your DNA as a whole responds to something called the Crystalline Grid of the planet. It's an esoteric "memory grid" and is the stored energy and events of humanity. We've given you teachings about the Crystalline Grid before, but you might say it is a shell around the dirt of the earth that is not seen but that holds all of the energies and history of anyone who has ever lived on the planet. When you are born, and at your first breath, the quantum field of your humanness looks at the Crystalline Grid and adjusts its efficiency for the energy of the planet. This energy is what humanity has been created in in the time it has been here.
Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
We have told you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can! For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA with compassion! We have said that from the beginning, so let me summarize this in simple words that are not scientific. Go slow, my partner. Make this succinct. [Kryon talking to Lee]
This is going to change more and more as time goes by. Eventually, there will be a much more efficient DNA that creates the missing bridge between the innate and the normal Human brain. That means that you will have more intuitive thoughts about what is wrong and right within your own cellular structure. Some of you will discover different eating habits for the first time, and you'll be tuned in to a cellular structure that says, "If I will change this and that, I'm going to live longer." The result will be instinctive eating changes that have no explanation. Innate is starting to communicate.
Habits that you've had for years will start to drop away because your cellular structure will start to help you eliminate them, knowing they don't suit you. Don't be surprised if one of them is overeating and metabolic adjustments to bring your body weight into line without the discomfort of extreme diets. Others are the dropping of substances that you are addicted to, and within that process, an allowance that lets you live much longer.
You will see regeneration of cellular structure that will surprise you. You'll heal faster and you'll know it. You'll start to see a situation where you're less sick than you've ever been in your life. The prevailing 3D wisdom will tell you, "Well, you're older now, so you're going to get sick more." But you won't, and you'll know that something is changing. So what we're saying to you, dear ones, is that you can have the same things that the youngsters have. You will now slowly awaken to a new energy on this planet, which will allow you to live longer. Your DNA is going to start cooperating in a more efficient way. 35 percent? Perhaps even 40 percent, old soul? It's on its way to something far higher.
The prophet Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent. All of them chose the way they wished to use it, and you could see it in them and feel it in them. The prophet Elijah chose to leave the planet through an ascended status of his own design and choosing. That's how powerful it is. Jesus the Christ decided to do the same thing in his own way, for the reasons that made sense for those around him, whose DNA was working poorly.
There are energies within the Human Being that are catalysts to enlightenment. One of them is compassion, and you felt it this day, did you not? [speaking of the earlier presentation of the 33 miners story in Chile] It touched your heart. So what would you say was the energy in the room, and what color was it, and how thick was it? Well, many of you would say there was no color at all. Some might ask, "What do you mean by thick, Kryon?"
As you sat there in the chairs, energy sat upon you and you felt your hearts squeezed a little bit. You had empathy for those who got their lives back, and you saw the hearts of relatives filled up to the point of weeping in joy. This is what I speak of - something invisible and yet "thick" with emotion. It is profound what you can create around you that will change lives in the room. Gaia knows you, and every compassionate moment is recorded.
Some of you have come for healing this weekend and I know this. So this would be a very good time to receive it. Those readings are no different, and perhaps you are in the chair for this reason also? There is an entourage here; there is compassion here; there is profundity of old souls here; this is a quantum soup of opportunity, dear one. Why don't you claim it right now - that you're going to rise from that chair of yours and have the seeds planted within you, by your own choice, for the health that you've asked for? Claim the beginning of the healing that you know has always been available, for you are starting to be in touch with the intelligence of your own Merkabah.
Spiritual organizations are filled with miracles. Hospitals are seeing documented results of that which is called spontaneous remission. This is where, suddenly, cellular structure does something that science cannot begin to explain. A total remission of disease occurs, sometimes almost overnight. But I'll tell you what it is: It's DNA temporarily going 100 percent for a moment and cleaning the body of disease. You've seen it, but you just didn't know what it was.
So why don't you do it right now? If you can imagine it, then you can have it. See yourself with pure cellular health. It serves the earth, dear Human Being, for you to live longer than you think you're going to live. We need your light. So why not do it now?
Let all of those in the room join in compassionate consciousness right now in a quantum state that is entangled with all those here and reading, sending the compassion of healing to the ones who need it without even knowing their faces or their names. It's beautiful. Some day you'll see what the ceremony of Human Beings together can do when you all walk out healed! Why not? When you can go to a meeting for half a day and come out younger than you've been - why not? Then you'll start to see all of what I have said today is accurate and true. It is against all logic of prevailing scientific thought, but well within the purview of the love of god.
We leave this place and yet we don't. There'll never be a meeting like this again, with this exact number of souls, with the names that you have, with the Akash you have, so it's a unique meeting much like you are unique. Go from this place different than you came, and know that Kryon does not exist within the Human Being who is sitting on this stage.
Kryon exists in the quantum soup that is God and that walks out with you if you choose. If you choose.
And so it is.
I wish I could take you back several thousand years. Slowly, as the time goes backwards, the buildings would disappear and everything would be reduced to dirt, and the indigenous would show themselves. If you took a look at what the indigenous were doing then, they had two things that they emphasized and two things that occupied all that was important to them. The first was the honoring of their ancestors, and the second was the honoring of Gaia.
The energies of the indigenous were focused on the land, but not just a land that would give them water or food, but the actual energy of the dirt of the earth. Many of you know of what I speak if you have studied their lives. It is no different from the indigenous all over Earth, for this was intuitive that Gaia is the energy of what you would call Mother Earth, and it was aligned with humanity in a society that was not nearly as complex as yours is now. Instead, they experienced the overwhelming energies of being in alliance with the planet and with those ancestors who had gone before.
I tell you this because the object of the lesson this day is how that alliance is still alive and changing. You may not see as they did, but the alliance is still there and it's there in ways that are mysterious to you. I'm going to help clear this up, and describe the system and how it all works. So do not be shocked or surprised if I start at the molecular level of the Human Being. I have to, for therein lie the mysteries.
The Connection Between Gaia and the Human
Here is the premise, dear ones: "As goes consciousness, goes Gaia. As goes Gaia, goes DNA." There is a partnership involved that is more than you think. The indigenous did not pray for rain. They did not pray for good crops and did not worship any deity. In their reality, they felt the planet and they knew that it was part of them. It was all there was. So they were always one with the planet, and the appearance of rain and crops were an alliance with Gaia, and they used ceremonies of alignment, not prayers of asking. If they didn't get what they wanted, they knew they were out of alignment. You are missing that attribute today, but the process of this alignment is still alive and it still works.Let us speak of DNA yet again. The DNA molecule sits there and is unique. It is unique to all things, for there is a complement of divinity in it that the animals do not have. There are certain animals that have so many things - there are even animals designed to reincarnate, specific ones that do so for you as Humans. Yet they do not have souls as you, and they do not have the divine spark that you do. Their cycle is a cycle of love to support you.
The Reincarnation of Pets - A Gaia System
I speak now of something that I rarely speak of and you should know this: All of the systems of the planet revolve around you. This is a support system for Human Beings to make their lives easier and better as Gaia responds to what they give it. If you love an animal, you probably are aware that the animal's life is short - too short. Let me give you some information, and if you believe that this channelling is real, then believe this: Those animals that you fall in love with will come back to you. The very soul continues the love affair and, if you want to, it is there for you to find again - and that is a compassionate support system that honors that divinity inside a Human. Did you know that in your DNA is a quantum attribute that we have discussed for many years? My partner spoke of it just yesterday.DNA Has a Quantum Field
Science is starting to see that it is it possible that the DNA molecule has attributes that actually give information to the spin of quantum structure in the Universe. So this means that DNA is a quantum engine. But now I wish to expand that picture for you, for DNA does not sit alone. It is a family, and in the Human body that family is more than 100 trillion strong in one Human Being. But you have the puzzle before you that science has never even looked at: How does DNA all "know" together? At the moment, science does not even see the need to study communication between DNA molecules. They haven't seen the field yet; they haven't seen the structure yet; and they haven't seen the shadows yet. [From Lee: The "shadows of the atom" were discovered one month after this channelling.]DNA must work together in the Human body for the intelligence of what we call the innate of the Human body to function. All of DNA must work as one. From the top of your head to your toes, these molecules must act as one set of instructions. This is unique information, and there is no other Human Being on the planet that has your DNA. Therefore, you must acknowledge that there is something that must happen within your body that connects all DNA together. Otherwise, you could not function.
There must be communication between DNA molecules. This is where the genes are produced, and this is where the information is that is your Higher-Self. This is the Akashic Record and it must all vibrate together as one, trillions of parts as one. So we say it to you, for physicists to see, and for them to understand finally that the Human Being has DNA that is in an entangled state*. That is to say it is locked into one state and the parts behave as one.
The Entangled DNA of the Human Body
There is an attribute of physics that has not been seen or discussed yet and I give it here for the first time so you will understand a little bit more about how it works. But more than that, when it is discovered you will remember where you heard it. If you have multiple quantum fields around molecules, that means that they must overlap. So the fields overlap one another and you already have the science that shows you what happens - multiple overlapping magnetic fields occur. Magnetics is a quantum energy, so the results of the DNA are similar. There's magic that takes place, which even science does not understand, called inductance. In your everyday life, you see this when you look at the magnetic field of the sun, which is called the heliosphere (solar wind), interfering with the magnetic field of the earth, which is the magnetic grid. You get sparks! The Aurora Borealis. That is what happens when magnetic fields overlap. In this state, information is transmitted, and in electronics this attribute is well known and used every day.Now, if you were then to have not a magnetic field, but a quantum field around every molecule, I will tell you that you don't get sparks, you get a designer entangled state. Overlapping quantum fields are attributes that have not yet been studied, recognized, or measured. When they do, they will see the mechanics of an entangled state that then creates an overall field that is much larger around the Human Being. What might be in that field around the Human Being, which is measured at 8 meters wide? And, has it ever been seen? The answer is yes! You'll find it in your scriptures, the old ones in Second Kings [Holy Bible]. For again we say it was Elisha who saw the master Elijah ascend of his own will, and on the ground his field glowed. It illuminated and he left the planet in a bubble of light, a vehicle that took him. Elisha named the vehicle (in Hebrew), which means "to ride." It became the Merkabah. So now you have a name for it, and one that is recognized not only by the ancients in spiritual lands, but also to this day by those who see it with second sight. It is the quantum field of the Human Being - the Merkabah.
So the Merkabah is really a quantum field, and this field is filled with information. The information that it is filled with seems to be non-structured to you, but it actually is quite structured as we see it. It is the matrix of the templates of the Human Being himself, and it is ready and waiting to be altered by another quantum field, and that field is called consciousness. Now I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? All of this is leading up to tell you something that I have only hinted at before on how it works.
So there sits the Human Being with all of this intact, which you can't see, that we just tell you about. Intangible, unmeasurable things are laughed at by science. Fields around humans? Next time a scientist starts to walk away from you, ask him for his compassion meter or his anxiety meter or his love meter. What? He doesn't have one? Does that mean none of those chemistry-altering emotions exist? No. Not only do they exist, but yes, they also can be measured, but not yet. Perhaps in the near future, the "what can't be measured, can't exist" paradigm will change.
The Human Quantum Field and the Innate System
Around every single Human Being is a beautiful field that some have even called magic, for in this field is your Akashic Record, and even the attributes of your Higher-Self (soul). It echoes what's inside the DNA molecule itself, and if you had quantum eyes you could look at a Human and read who they were, and who they used to be, and what their issues are. You would see what we would call the innate of the Human Being, the very intelligence of cellular structure. There are those in the room who have that sight, and they are what you would call medical intuitives, past life readers, and more. Healers in this room depend upon this second sight, and they see it around the Human Being. It is no mystery. It's not magic; it's science. I still haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? I'm getting there.The innate of the Human Being is the bridge between the intelligence of your cellular structure (and your DNA) and your 3D Human consciousness. There are those in the room that practice something called kinesiology. Now, kinesiology is a way to talk to innate. The Human Being is smart, but oddly enough, still not smart enough to know what is going on in his own body. We have said it before, and it's a mystery, isn't it? You can have a disease growing in your body right now, yet you're just smiling and having no idea about it until it hurts. Isn't that odd? But innate knows it at the outset.
You might have to use muscle testing (kinesiology) in order to find out what you're allergic to or what's going on in your system - a yes or no process. Isn't it interesting that you have to go through that process to discover what is happening in your own body? So you might say to yourself, "Maybe something is missing? We should be able to know what is happening in our own cellular structure!" You'd be right. Indeed, there should be a bridge between all that information, which is quantum, and your consciousness. You'd be right. I haven't mentioned Gaia yet, have I? And here's where it gets good.
Gaia Energy is Driven by Humanity
Gaia cooperates with humanity. Gaia is always measuring the attributes of group humanity. When there were only a few Human Beings on the planet and when they were in touch with Gaia, Gaia responded. So did your DNA. It took its cue from Gaia in how well it worked. DNA, which is the blueprint of a Human, is designed to work with Gaia, and Gaia is designed to be reactive to Human consciousness. They are a closed system, and one always affects the other.DNA is designed to give the Human Being a very long life and is also designed for full rejuvenation and self-healing. DNA is designed so that the bridge between you and the innate is always there. Yet that's not the way it is, is it? You've heard of those Human Beings of old who lived a great distance of years? Was that a misprint in scripture? No. So what allowed some Human Beings to actually have more health years back then than now? Was that true about their ages? I will tell you: Yes, it was, and here's why. The field around you and others is so aligned with Gaia that you cooperate and shift according to one another. It's what the ancients knew, and it is why they were one with the planet. This is something that you are going to start discovering as well.
Gaia takes its cue from Human consciousness for the energy to create on the planet. We have told you that for 22 years. It also goes the other way, for your DNA as a whole responds to something called the Crystalline Grid of the planet. It's an esoteric "memory grid" and is the stored energy and events of humanity. We've given you teachings about the Crystalline Grid before, but you might say it is a shell around the dirt of the earth that is not seen but that holds all of the energies and history of anyone who has ever lived on the planet. When you are born, and at your first breath, the quantum field of your humanness looks at the Crystalline Grid and adjusts its efficiency for the energy of the planet. This energy is what humanity has been created in in the time it has been here.
Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
We have told you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can! For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA with compassion! We have said that from the beginning, so let me summarize this in simple words that are not scientific. Go slow, my partner. Make this succinct. [Kryon talking to Lee]
New DNA Adjustment to New Gaia Energy
You're DNA adjusts itself for what has happened on the earth when you're born. It has created a reality for you that you call Human Nature. The earth changes, the Crystalline Grid is actually lifting the veil slightly, and your DNA is starting to respond. The first response will be seen within your children, and they are already coming in with a different conceptual Human attribute. They don't think in the same linear fashion you do. Have you noticed?This is going to change more and more as time goes by. Eventually, there will be a much more efficient DNA that creates the missing bridge between the innate and the normal Human brain. That means that you will have more intuitive thoughts about what is wrong and right within your own cellular structure. Some of you will discover different eating habits for the first time, and you'll be tuned in to a cellular structure that says, "If I will change this and that, I'm going to live longer." The result will be instinctive eating changes that have no explanation. Innate is starting to communicate.
Habits that you've had for years will start to drop away because your cellular structure will start to help you eliminate them, knowing they don't suit you. Don't be surprised if one of them is overeating and metabolic adjustments to bring your body weight into line without the discomfort of extreme diets. Others are the dropping of substances that you are addicted to, and within that process, an allowance that lets you live much longer.
You will see regeneration of cellular structure that will surprise you. You'll heal faster and you'll know it. You'll start to see a situation where you're less sick than you've ever been in your life. The prevailing 3D wisdom will tell you, "Well, you're older now, so you're going to get sick more." But you won't, and you'll know that something is changing. So what we're saying to you, dear ones, is that you can have the same things that the youngsters have. You will now slowly awaken to a new energy on this planet, which will allow you to live longer. Your DNA is going to start cooperating in a more efficient way. 35 percent? Perhaps even 40 percent, old soul? It's on its way to something far higher.
The prophet Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent. All of them chose the way they wished to use it, and you could see it in them and feel it in them. The prophet Elijah chose to leave the planet through an ascended status of his own design and choosing. That's how powerful it is. Jesus the Christ decided to do the same thing in his own way, for the reasons that made sense for those around him, whose DNA was working poorly.
There are energies within the Human Being that are catalysts to enlightenment. One of them is compassion, and you felt it this day, did you not? [speaking of the earlier presentation of the 33 miners story in Chile] It touched your heart. So what would you say was the energy in the room, and what color was it, and how thick was it? Well, many of you would say there was no color at all. Some might ask, "What do you mean by thick, Kryon?"
As you sat there in the chairs, energy sat upon you and you felt your hearts squeezed a little bit. You had empathy for those who got their lives back, and you saw the hearts of relatives filled up to the point of weeping in joy. This is what I speak of - something invisible and yet "thick" with emotion. It is profound what you can create around you that will change lives in the room. Gaia knows you, and every compassionate moment is recorded.
Some of you have come for healing this weekend and I know this. So this would be a very good time to receive it. Those readings are no different, and perhaps you are in the chair for this reason also? There is an entourage here; there is compassion here; there is profundity of old souls here; this is a quantum soup of opportunity, dear one. Why don't you claim it right now - that you're going to rise from that chair of yours and have the seeds planted within you, by your own choice, for the health that you've asked for? Claim the beginning of the healing that you know has always been available, for you are starting to be in touch with the intelligence of your own Merkabah.
Spiritual organizations are filled with miracles. Hospitals are seeing documented results of that which is called spontaneous remission. This is where, suddenly, cellular structure does something that science cannot begin to explain. A total remission of disease occurs, sometimes almost overnight. But I'll tell you what it is: It's DNA temporarily going 100 percent for a moment and cleaning the body of disease. You've seen it, but you just didn't know what it was.
So why don't you do it right now? If you can imagine it, then you can have it. See yourself with pure cellular health. It serves the earth, dear Human Being, for you to live longer than you think you're going to live. We need your light. So why not do it now?
Let all of those in the room join in compassionate consciousness right now in a quantum state that is entangled with all those here and reading, sending the compassion of healing to the ones who need it without even knowing their faces or their names. It's beautiful. Some day you'll see what the ceremony of Human Beings together can do when you all walk out healed! Why not? When you can go to a meeting for half a day and come out younger than you've been - why not? Then you'll start to see all of what I have said today is accurate and true. It is against all logic of prevailing scientific thought, but well within the purview of the love of god.
We leave this place and yet we don't. There'll never be a meeting like this again, with this exact number of souls, with the names that you have, with the Akash you have, so it's a unique meeting much like you are unique. Go from this place different than you came, and know that Kryon does not exist within the Human Being who is sitting on this stage.
Kryon exists in the quantum soup that is God and that walks out with you if you choose. If you choose.
And so it is.
The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.
Lee Carroll
Lee Carroll
Oct 23, 2012
Urban Dictionary: lola
Urban Dictionary: lola
Food Combining Chart – Official Reference Chart For Smooth Digestion « Alkaline Foods & Alkaline Diet
for a smooth digestion
Important: Only combine where circles touch directly!
Asparagus | Kale | Artichokes | Meat | Amaranth |
Bell Pepper | Leek | Beets | Fish | Buckwheat |
Broccoli | Lettuce | Beans | Foul | Quinoa |
Brussels Sprouts | Onions | Carrots | Avocado | Millet |
Cabbage | Parsley | Corn | Beans | Oats |
Celery | Radish | Jicama | Cerals | Rice |
Chard | Rhubarb | Peas | Nuts | Spelt |
Chicory | Spinach | Potatoes | Flax Seeds | Wheat and Flours |
Chives | Summer Squash | Pumpkin | Pumpkin Seeds | |
Collards | Swiss Chard | Hubbard Squash | Unhulled Sesame Seeds | |
Raw Corn | Tomatoes | Winter Squash | ||
Cucumber | Turnip | Banana Squash | ||
Endive | Turnip Greens | Yams | ||
Escarole | Watercress | |||
Garlic | Zucchini | |||
Green beans |
Important: Only combine where circles touch directly!
Banana | Sweet Cherries | Grapefruit | Cantaloupe |
Dates & Figs | Sweet Apple | Orange | Crenshaw |
All Dried Fruit | Sweet Berries | Lemon | Honeydew |
Persimmon | Apricot | Lime | Muskmelon |
Prunes | Papaya | Pineapple | Watermelon |
Sweet Grapes | Pear | Pomegranate | |
Mango | Sour Grapes | ||
Sweet Peach | Cranberries | ||
Sweet Plum | Sour Peach & Plum | ||
Sour Apple | |||
Sour Cherries | |||
Strawberries |
Water | 0-15 minutes |
Juice | 15-30 minutes |
Fruit | 30-60 minutes |
Melons | 30-60 minutes |
Sprouts | 60 minutes |
Wheatgrass Juice | 60-90 minutes |
Most Vegetables | 1-2 Hours |
Grains and Beans | 1-2 Hours |
Meat and Fish | 3-4 Hours+ |
Shell Fish | 8 Hours+ |
1. Protein and carbohydrate concentrated foods
Breakdown of protein requires an acid medium, and digestion of protein dense animal products requires high levels of hydrochloric acid. Since digestion of carbohydrate dense foods requires an alkaline medium in order to be broken down, high carbohydrate foods that have been mixed with high protein foods will not digest but will sit there fermenting, producing indigestion, bloating and gas. And since this fermentation of carbohydrates will inhibit the digestion of the protein, more gas, bloating and discomfort will be produced. This makes the typical American meal, composed of a large hunk of meat along with potatoes and bread, a recipe for digestive disaster.Most protein foods are best digested when accompanied by a fresh green salad. Other concentrated protein foods like nuts and seeds combine well with acid fruits such as oranges, pineapples blackberries, or strawberries. They also work fairly well with sub-acid fruits such as apples, cherries, mangos, or peaches. The vitamin C in these fruits aids digestion of the mixture.
2. Eating two concentrated proteins together
Each type of protein requires a specific character, strength and timing of digestive juice secretions. This means that no two types of concentrated proteinshould be consumed together at a meal. Nuts, meat, eggs, cheese, or other protein foods should not be eaten together. And no two types of animal protein
should be eaten together, a rule that may be hard to swallow by the surf and turf crowd.
3. Protein and fats
Fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juices needed to digest meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, and eggs by as much as fifty percent. When fat concentrated foodsare eaten with protein concentrated foods, the digestive breakdown of the fats is delayed until gastric juices complete their work on the complex proteins. This
means fats will remain undigested in the stomach for a long period of time. Although some high protein foods also contain high amounts of fat, these fats will be
held in suspension awaiting breakdown without impeding gastric action. However, free fats such as oil, butter and milk fat will coat the gastric mucosa,
inhibiting gastric juice. This is why fried chicken is so hard to digest.
4. Acid fruits with carbohydrates
The enzyme in saliva that begins the breakdown of starch concentrated foods in the mouth does the important job of converting complex starch moleculesinto more simple sugars. In order to work, the enzyme requires a neutral or slightly alkaline medium, the natural condition found in the mouth. When acid foods
are eaten, the action of the enzyme needed to break down starch is halted because the medium needed has been altered. Thus acid fruits should not be
eaten at the same meal as sweet fruits or other starches. This combination is what makes spaghetti and other dishes combining tomatoes with starch so
5. Acid fruits with protein
Oranges, tomatoes, lemons, pineapples and other acid fruits can be easily digested and produce no distress when eaten away from starchy and proteinfoods. However, when included in a meal that contains a protein concentrated food, the acid fruits seriously hamper protein digestion. This is in part what
makes the typical American breakfast of orange juice, bacon, eggs and toast such a digestive nightmare
6. Starch and sugar
Eating starches that have been disguised as sweets is not a good way to eat starch. Although the “treat” produces an abundance of saliva, the saliva containsnone of the enzyme needed to digest the starch because the sugar has turned the environment acidic. This is why such items as fruit filled Danish settle on the
digestive tract like a sack of bricks. The carbohydrates are fermenting in the body, producing noxious gases.
7. Consuming melons
Melons should not be consumed with any other foods. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and the more exotic melons should always be eaten away frommealtime and alone. Melons are meant to decompose quickly in the digestive system, which is what they will do if there is no interfering with the process.
8. Consuming milk
Milk is best left to babies who traditionally consume it alone, away from other foods. Milk does not digest in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the presenceof milk in the stomach does not promote secretion of gastric juice. The use of acid fruits with milk does not cause any digestive difficulty, although the benefits of
the antioxidant potential of the fruits may be lost due to the affinity they have for the protein in milk.
- Thanks for the valuable information.
- ariana - Where do dairy products fall into this chart? Personally, I discovered that eating whipped cream or ice cream after dinner will invariably trigger gastric reflux.
Thank you for your consideration.
- Lyn Falkowski - This is so, so great, thank you very much. Much needed. Will share with many.
- Tendai Fudail - I like the idea of your charts, but you have me confused. The charts have protein and starchy vegetables overlapping, yet meat and potatoes are a bad combination. It would seem that the protein should only overlap low and non-starchy vegetables.
- Barbara Evans - In you chart, how do you differentiate cereals from grains? Eggs are not in the chart.
- Greg - thanks so much for all teh awesome graphics and info!
why is Quinoa in the grains category? I was under the impression it was more high protein and more like a legume..???
- Marcelle - You do great charts but you don’t provide a printer friendly version. It would be easier for me to compile info if you did. Hopefully this condition is not intentional. The information is so necessary for people to see not being able to print the body of the information is inhibiting.
Thank you for your time
- Woody - @Woody – See near the beginning of the page for a printable version of the chart.
- admin - very useful infromation-very interesting.
- Claudia Bartelt - Thank you for the chart. I have a high level of acidity and so appreciate this help.
- nuala mulleady - Thank you for making the food combining and acid/alkaline food chart so clear to understand. This is invaluable and should be brought into our schools and well as advertized in the produce department of stores.
- Kim - Thank you for preparing easy to understand information on food combining. It is most helpful in that it answers many questions about reasons for bloating,gas and indigestion.
You have done a great service in preparing this valuable information. Thanks again.
- Vi - Thanks for the great food combing tips
- jeff - Thank you so much for all this valuable information,Maybe now I will be able to get rid of my bloating,and pain.
Kindest reguards Sonny.
- Sonny - This is just great.
- MAUREEN - This has been a wonderful help. thank you thank you. Ingenious!
- MG HENRY - It is a wonderful help for everybody !It is a very valuable information .Thank You
- Niazi - i find your information a great help in my quest for alkline body. please keep up the great work
- WILLIE - Thank you very much for such great knowledge on the combination of foods it will help me to correct my eating habits , again many thanks .
blessings to you
- zelina - So, it appears one should never eat fruit with anything. Melons I knew needed to be separate – learned that in a Mediterranean cooking class.
- Karen - I can’t thank you enough for this food combining chart. I have the hardest time choosing what I should eat, sometimes I just don’t eat anything.
I need to eat though because I lose weight easily.
Again, thank you this is very helpful.
Student for life
- Shelly - I’ve just recently discovered this site and I’m very interested in learning much more.
Thank you.
- Sonia - ThankQ very much for your kind help to save the human beings health…
- TRICIA - its amazing and really beneficial thank you so much
- Aliya Shahid - I believe this could be the reason i have not been able to lose weight even with the help of a personal trainer and nutritionist each week!!!
- joanne clark - Thanks so much for your valuable info.
Very helpful!!
- phyllis cherault - I can’t wait to get started in transforming my body into a whole new me using all that I have learnt here. So thankful. So naive before I visited this site.
- Sue Heal - I have tried food-combining before (another company) with pretty good results. Lost 10 lbs but can’t seem to lose another pound. I do admit to eating too many sweets. However, I have read that lemons are alkaline not acidic. Can you clarify on that?
- Carol Bright - I find it hard to put foods together to lose weight..When you are young, they work, when you are older, what works…breakfast and dinner foods are what we need to know to create energy and not put on weight…Exercise is different than when you are young and have to move to complete a day…when you are older, exercise is getting up and ready for breakfast and then for dinner…only exercise is moving from chair to chair to bed. Thanks for your help
- Toot - THANK YOU! I’ve been aware of this knowledge for many years. I’ve gotten away from it and was excited to come across your website to assist my journey to get back on track. I sure did feel clear headed and energetic when I did!
You have presented this concept in a VERY SIMPLE and clear way to process and follow.
I really appreciate your link to download the PDF also!! Great to post on the frig ;o)
- Jeanette - Thanks, The recommended combination charts simplify a lot a healthy menu selection.
- Thomas Harting - Thank you so much for availing this information. Will definitely trial it and see how it will assist my health.
- Frances Moore - thank you for this information. hope it will improve my life its worth the try
- richard wiscomb - Seriously! an excellent amount of info. Thank you.
- Wendy - Thanks very much for all these information.It could help me a lot in my work as a Nutritionist/Dietitian.
- LEONE SORIANO - This is so interesting and I hope that I can learn to follow it. I have had problems with my digestion since a teen ager and so am anxious to try and combine the items correctly and hope it will help me. I take vitamins that help me but not enought, Thank you for your generosity in sharing the charts with those of us who have severe problems with eating. I am 91 and find it very difficult to eat properly. So good luck to me. Thanks.
- cecilia jernigan - hi thank you for posting this its has really been helpful , I am have been struggling with being over weight all my life so I am hoping with with your help I will be able to reach my goal I loosing 120lbs, I am present weight is 250lbs
- Aria
Alkaline Food Chart – The Official List Of Alkaline Foods & Acidic Foods « Alkaline Foods & Alkaline Diet
Alkaline Food Chart – The Official List Of Alkaline Foods & Acidic Foods « Alkaline Foods & Alkaline Diet
Complete List of Alkaline Foods

The Alkaline Food Chart
Complete List of Alkaline Foods
& Acidic Food pH Ratings
How The List of Alkaline Foods Works
To learn how to make alkaline foods truly effective for overcoming health conditions, shedding excess fat, and be on the way to gaining super-health, simply enter your email in the form on this page to be sent the rules you need to follow for alkalizing yourself fast. Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better over-all health, and a lean trim body. Enter your email on the right to get the easy to follow information that will fully explain how to use this chart and how it all works. Share this page with others: |
Bread | |||
Corn Tortillas | Rye Bread | Sourdough Bread | White Biscuit |
White Bread | Whole-grain Bread | Whole-meal Bread | Sprouted Breads |
Condiments | |||
Ketchup | Mayonnaise | Miso | Mustard |
Soy Sauce | |||
Dairy | |||
Buttermilk | Cheese (All) | Cream | Egg Whites |
Eggs (Whole) | Homogenized Milk | Milk (Not Pasteurized) | Milk (Pasteurized) |
Paneer (Cheese) | Quark | Yoghurt (Sweetened) | Yoghurt (Unsweetened) |
Beverages & Drinks | |||
Beer | Coffee | Coffee Substitute Drinks | Fruit Juice (Natural) |
Fruit Juice (Sweetened) | Liquor | Soda / Pop | Tea (Black) |
Tea (Herbal, Green) | Water (Fiji, Hawaiian, Evian) | Water (Sparkling) | Water (Spring) |
Wine | |||
Fats & Oils | |||
Borage Oil | Butter | Coconut Oil (Raw) | Cod Liver Oil |
Corn Oil | Evening Primrose Oil | Flax Seed Oil | Margarine |
Marine Lipids | Olive Oil | Sesame Oil | Sunflower Oil |
Acidic Fruits & Alkaline Fruits | |||
Acai Berry | Apples | Apricot | Apricots |
Apricots (Dried) | Avocado (Protein) | Banana (Ripe) | Banana (Unripe) |
Black Currant | Blackberries | Blueberry | Cantaloupe |
Cherry (Sour) | Cherry (Sweet) | Clementines | Coconut (Fresh) |
Cranberry | Currant | Dates | Dates (Dried) |
Fig Juice Powder | Figs (Dried) | Figs (Raw) | Fresh Lemon |
Goji Berries | Gooseberry (Ripe) | Grapefruit | Grapes (Ripe) |
Italian Plum | Limes | Mandarin Orange | Mango |
Nectarine | Orange | Papaya | Peach |
Pear | Pineapple | Pomegranate | Rasberry |
Red Currant | Rose Hips | Strawberries | Strawberry |
Tangerine | Tomato | Watermelon | Yellow Plum |
Grains & Legumes | |||
Basmati Rice | Brown Rice | Buckwheat | Bulgar Rice |
Couscous | Granulated Soy (Cooked, Ground) | Kamut | Lentils |
Lima Beans | Oats | Rye Bread | Soy Flour |
Soy Lecithin (Pure) | Soy Nuts (Soaked Soy Beans, Then Dried) | Soybeans (Fresh) | Spelt |
Tofu | Wheat | White (Navy) Beans | Millet |
Meat, Poultry & Fish | |||
Beef | Buffalo | Chicken | Duck |
Fresh Water Fish | Liver | Ocean Fish | Organ Meats |
Oysters | Pork | Sardines (Canned) | Tuna (Canned) |
Veal | Wild Salmon | ||
Miscellaneous | |||
Apple Cider Vinegar | Baking Soda | Bee Pollen | Canned Foods |
Cereals (Like Kelloggs) | Hummus | Microwaved Foods | Popcorn |
Rice Milk | Royal Jelly | Soy Protein Power | Tempeh |
Whey Protein Powder | Almond Milk | Soy Milk | |
Nuts | |||
Almonds | Almond Butter (Raw) | Brazil Nuts | Cashews |
Filberts | Hazelnut | Macadamia Nuts (Raw) | Peanut Butter (Raw, Organic) |
Peanuts | Pine Nuts (Raw) | Pistachios | Walnuts |
Roots | |||
Carrot | Fresh Red Beet | Kohirabi | Potatoes |
Red Radish | Rutabaga | Summer Black Radish | Sweet Potatoes |
Turnip | White Radish (Spring) | Yams | |
Seeds | |||
Barley | Caraway Seeds | Cumin Seeds | Fennel Seeds |
Flax Seeds | Pumpkin Seeds | Sesame Seeds | Sunflower Seeds |
Wheat Kernel | |||
Sweets & Sweeteners | |||
Agave Nectar | Alcohol Sugars | Artificial Sweeteners | Barley Malt Syrup |
Beet Sugar | Brown Rice Syrup | Chocolates | Dr. Bronner’s Barley Malt Sweetener |
Dried Sugar Cane Juice | Fructose | Halva (Ground Sesame Seed Sweet) | Honey |
Maple Syrup | Milk Sugar | Molasses | Sugar (White) |
Sugarcane | Turbinado Sugar | Xylitol | Stevia |
Vegetables | |||
Alfalfa | Alfalfa Grass | Artichokes | Asparagus |
Aubergine / Egg Plant | Barley grass | Basil | Bell Peppers / Capsicums |
Blue-Green Algae | Bok Choy | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage Lettuce (Fresh) |
Canned Vegetables | Cauliflower | Cayenne Pepper | Celery |
Chives | Cliantro | Comfrey | Cooked Vegetables (All) |
Cucumber (Fresh) | Dandelion | Dog Grass | Endive (Fresh) |
French Cut (Green) Beans | Frozen Vegetables | Garlic | Ginger |
Ginseng | Green Cabbage (December Harvest) | Green Cabbage (March Harvest) | Horse Radish |
Jicama | Kale | Kamut Grass | Lamb’s Lettuce |
Leeks (Bulbs) | Lettuce | Mushrooms | Mustard Greens |
Onion | Oregano | Parsnips | Peas (Fresh) |
Peas (Ripe) | Peppers | Pickled Vegetables | Pumpkins (Raw) |
Raw Onions | Red Cabbage | Rhubarb Stalks | Savoy Cabbage |
Sea Vegetables | Seaweed (Dulse, Kelp etc.) | Shave Grass | Sorrel |
Sourkraut | Soy Sprouts | Spinach (March Harvest) | Spinach (Other than March) |
Sprouted Seeds (All) | Squash (All, Raw) | Straw Grass | Thyme |
Tomatoes (Puree) | Tomatoes (Raw) | Tomatoes (Sundried) | Watercress |
Wheat Grass | White Cabbage | Yeast | Zucchini |
Broccoli |
ATTENTION: Start The Alkaline Diet in Eating the correct acidic and alkaline foods is one part of balancing your body, but there is more to it than just that. |
How To Use This Chart Effectively + Free Alkaline Recipes
- Extremely informative, very very usefull.
Thank you.
- Al - THANK YOU!!! this an excellent guide and I greatly appreciate any info that will assist in increasing my ph to a level that will create an intolerable living environment for the cancer cells.
Thank you again and have a very merry Christmas. Dave Wheelwright
- Dave Wheelwright - Michael I really like your style and generosity!
I have followed your suggestions for quite some time now.
When I wake in the morning and I feel stiff I go straight back to scanning my diet from the day before and find acid food in abundance among the intake.
Thank you.
- liesl - This is what my mother taught me bless her heart. She was so right!
- Madi Creekmore - thanks this will really help me.
- peggy white - Thank you for the beautiful akaline acid chart. I wish it was something I could down load and put in my kitchen. The way it would print out would be about 15 pages so that is the only negative thing I would have to say about it. I will try to put it into a file but it would be great to be able to print it out in a shorter version.
Sincerely appreciative though, Susanna
- Susanna McGrath - Wow, I didn’t see the printable version. Thanks I can now download it. Wheee.
- Susanna McGrath - Certainly an easy color coded system and excellent to share with others who want to steer away from an acidic diet.
- dee - This chart is wonderful. My doctor had told me to avoid tomato with my acid reflux, but if they are alkaline I don’t think that is necessary. Thank you for a good start in trying to avoid acidic choices and perhaps I will sign up after the holidays.
- Marilyn Lofaro - I would like for my friends to try the alkaline foods & alkaline diet – the complete resource I think this will be the best diet guide they will ever try.
you will be happy you did sharon
- sharon renfro - This is wonderfull. I am framing it and putting it on my kitchen wall to remind me the importance of what I put in my body
- Andrea - Very nice. I love the color guide! Makes it so much easier to remember. Thank you!
- Deborah - Thank you for this comprehensive chart. We appreciate the time and energy you put forth to educate us about healthy life styles. Love and Gratitude, Jan.
- Jan Henderson - Very useful information, thank you very much
- abdullah - Thank you very much indeed for sending the alkaline diet chart which is very helpful.Sure I will share it to many friends of mine cause I do highly appreciate, living in a family which has a three generations traditions in the production of homeopathic drugs for some diseases and especially for chronic hepatitis, liver & gallbladder cleansing and burnings as well.
God Bless you
- ylli - Aloha. Thanks for the info. Wouldn’t this be neat if made available to elementary and secondary schools as part of health education.
A hui hou – Stuart
- Stuart - Thanks, This list is fabulous. being so acidic, i will really make use of it.
- lydiah - Bless you Michael and colleagues for this chart. Before with all the different versions of which food is acid or alkaline on the web, it was simply crazy. Now all is still and simple!!
Best wishes and A Joyful Xmas to yourselves
- UDAYAN BHATTACHARYA - Wonderful resource for visual learners especially. Mahalo!
- Sally - I didn’t realize lots of the “health” foods I was eating wasn’t very alkaline…I appreciate the color chart of the alkaline foods and now I know what I need to concentrate on more of eating to be more alkaline balanced and healthier…Thanks much from Hawaii!
- Leah - Thank you for putting so much effort into producing the chart – you have certainly simplified a quite complicated subject and I am most appreciative.
- Valerie - Thank you soooo much. This is sooooo useful.
- Safet - The only thing I can say is Fantastic. I have been looking for thomthing like this a long time.
Thanks to you.
- Leonardo Marino - Thank you for the wonderful help most appreciated, body at a all time low please put out more adverts
- neville - once agian thanks for THANKS …i need info to live by… keep it up your the piepiperi dance to…tiboi out…peace…(0)(-)…lov ya..
- Tim John Kulikowski - Thank you, this is great and details in programme excellent. Best I have seen. Leona
- Leona - Wanted to say thank you for the hopeful motivation to help me want to eat alkaline foods more. Your kindness in sharing this important knowledge is very much appreciated.
- Raquel - Thanks SOOOO much!!! This is absolutely wonderful, huge help!!
- Emese - I think this is the only way to eat.. I am just getting started. But I find it so much better for my body.. My sugar levels are lower, my blood pressure is lower and I find myself not craving sweet that much any longer.. So thanks for the help and I am looking forward to learning more if I can.
Nita Thornton
Mansfield, Ohio.
- Juanita Thornton - Wow, I see why I gained weight again. I tried the alkaline diet regime a couple of years ago and the weight just peeled off. As the new year approaches I am going to get back on tract.
- Barbara Webb - I am sure you have had this question posed before. Why does each site I visit have conflicting Alkaline list. Some state that it is the end product after digestion that counts. How do you respond to this?
- Jaye - @Jaye Often there are conflicts on alkaline lists because of the resulting “alkaline ash” after digestion is what counts. An example: lemons are obviously acidic, but after digestion they are actually alkalizing to the body.
- admin - It’s free! Thank you for your generosity, anyone else would have charged $$$ for it.
This is very very helpful. Thank you again.
- Jocelyn - Thank you soooo much! Iv’e been looking for something like this for a long time! Excellant. Can’t wait to get started.
- Linda - So amazing thankyou so much
- Bernard browne. - Thank you so much for making possible decisions of what to eat for osteopenia so much easier. Comparing this list with the migraine triggers will make it safe to eat again.
- Mary - Are you saying that my diet should be 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic foods?
- Portia Whale - @Portia Yes, 70% alkaline to 30% acidic foods is ideal.
- admin - Uhhh…could you please move coffee to the more-alkaline side of the spectrum?
I’d like not to cut it out of my diet, and I’d feel better if you lied to me about it.
Much appreciated. Thank you.
- HillRunner - Thanks!! This is awesome information. Great Job
- Deepak Kumar BS - A timely gift! I’m predominately visual/kinesethic so ‘photo carts’ speak to me. I know these images will be a great ally when shopping and choosing food.
Wall charts would be an asset. Advertising promotions work because after repeated exposure we buy products ‘automatically.’
I trust your vision is to have this information presented in schools, hospitals and age care homes.
Are you making a ‘fun’ doco promotion? It would be good material for in-house TV programmes used in doctor/dentist/day surgery and outpatient rooms.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are a man who understands the wisdom of knowledge and abundance.
walk gently
- christine - Great site. can you please send me some receipes please? Thanks
- barbara fontana - Thank you so much.This will help me to make better choises what to eat and what not.
- Eva - yaa!! ur all the diet food which u’ve snt me r da bst and ill definately follow it..to gt more healthy,more fine.,more better,
bt plz send me some dietry chart for the deabitc person
- kiran - Thank you for th informative chart. I am supposed to get and stay more alkaline because I have a newly diagnosed heart murmer, which I wish to correct without drugs or surgery. This will help tremendously.
- stephanie - Fantastic way to renew your life with a very healthy approach and system, so far is doing wonders in my life, I feel more energized, sleep better, I’ll recommend it to anybody
- Ruben - Thank you so much for this food chart , I would use this as a gulid to keep an alkaline body . Kenny
- Kenny yuen - What are the x for in the colored food chart? Thank you.
- carol - I use a dehydrator to dry excess vegetables to use for soups like onion, celery, carrot, greenbeans, spinach and butternut squash. I also dry fruits for use in winter. Are these better for you in the way of alkalinity than if I were to can them?
- Donalyn - I have just been diagnosed with acid reflux, and while doing some research I heard about alkaline foods. I’m hoping it will help me feel better. Thank you for the chart, I will print it and put it to good use.
- Ray M - Thanks a lot !
I was interested for alkaline food because I read that is so important for gender selection.
Most important in this world is to be healthy.
When you are healthy you have everything!
But I am interesting to have healthy and both gender of children .
I love them so much.
All the best ,
- Vjollca - I wish I had heard about this about 50 years ago! But, it’s never too late to give it a try…even at 82! Thanks for the very valuable info.
- phyllis cherault - 55 year old male severe sleep apnea 6’3″ 230lbs wish to lose 30lbs to see if I can get rid of the sleep apnea
- Bob - need to shed excess weight….n looking forward for a baby boy
- natasha - I want to know how to effectively alkalize my diet( I.e. Make my diet alkaline)
- Khushbu - Mind-boggling. You deserve all praise. Thank you very much.
- P Veera Reddy - I have already been eating most of these foods. I was just curious to see if there were some I am missing. The book Fit For Life has some of these same recipes. I am curious about grape fruit as I eat a lot of it. Also does drinking lemon water aid in removing some acidity. I appreciate your input and thank-you for the chart.
- Luise Thompson - I found your website chart very useful.I am a very lean person and want to put on weight. I am suffering from chronic osteoporosis and acute migraine problem. Can you suggest a dietary chart to overcome these problems. Thanks once again.
- monica - Hi-Your website was very informative and interesting. Would you recommend to have fruits like apple, grapes, oranges,bananas before OR after meals? Thanks so much
- Oscar - Thank you for allowing me to have this Alkaline Food Chart for free. It is lovely to know that there are still generous people around who want everyone to feel as healthy as possible without it costing them big bucks.
- Glenys Little - Thank you for the food chart. And will keep it real
- johnny mason - About 2 years ago, I had gout and really suffered with it and found that my diet was too acidic and I really need to try this diet. I am on a diet now to help my blood pressure to come down and it sounds like this would help that also!
- Jackie - I would have never guessed that Lemon and Lime are Alkaline. Thanks for the chart.
- Dave - In January I was on anti-biotics, now tummy aches and trying to heal through food, alkaline, hopefully this chart will help me choose the right foods, like what do I eat for breakfast? Thank you.
- Diane Shaw - Thank you so very much,have so many problems w/ joint and muscle pain and migrains since childhood and very much tired of Drs. wanting to give pills for everything or sending you to other Drs. Believe me, could rant and rave right along with you about doctors…
Have a wonderful day
- Faye Collier - I’m looking forward to starting this “new way” of healthy energizing; I’ll give it a chance when I get your chart. Thanks so much for sharing your gift! Jane
- jane - I’m excited to get my old body back. I started exercising- lost about 35 pounds- went thru my most stressful year of my life and have developed extremely DRY DRY DRY skin and hair, painful consistent rashes and endlessly recurrent eczema. It’s been 3 years of hell- trying everything under the sun! high Acid definitely explains the timing and why the rashes keep coming back after “eliminating the potential allergens” etc. Has anyone else had dryness, rashes or eczema as a result of being too acidic? how long did it take to recover?
Hopeful in Indy!
- Cat - Many thanks for th excellent chart I am most appreciative! God bless you
- Mercedes - Thanks for this easy to use chart (7 page colored printable version too). Watching your acid/alkaline balance is pretty simple and a powerful way to impact ones health. I had an experience with gout(ow!) and self corrected it with this method and proper water consumption.
There are ion water machines available that produce alkaline water (used as medical devices in Japan) for those who have serious health problems or just want to avoid them.
I visited a kibbutz in Israel years ago and they fed us cucumbers 3 meals a day (for breakfast?), but it took me years to realize just how smart they were. Dr Tim
- Dr Timothy Heaps - The Alkaline diet appears to be something I can benefit from following. I need to lose 30 pounds and want to increase my energy level.
- Cornelius - I found your chart very interesting. I start using it the same day I found it which is about a week ago. I can actually feel the difference already. I guess this might be mind over matter as a week is too soon to see any result, but I sure hope to use it to the fullest. I wan wondering, what about some of the food that is not listed; Should I assume they are OK?
- Winston - OMG! No wonder i suffer from GERD and IBS. Not only is my refrigerator filled with acidic foods, I eat them everyday all day. This chart is not only resourceful and very helpful, it will help me to choose my foods more wisely and make a diet change. It’s gonna be hard with all the temptation of fast food and fast cooking processed foods. What has this world come to, there killing us thru our food.
- Clueless - I’m confused. Tomatoes are not alkaline. They are actually very acidic. And I thought lemons were acidic as well.
- M13 - Thanks a lot for such useful information.if I’m allowed to ask questions,I would like to know that is it good to use amaranth flakes for making flat bread?.I bought it last night & used it with whole wheat flour.
- alia - Thank you for such a comprehensive list.
Thanks a million.
- naz - Hi,
Im 21, and I want to have a drink the alkaline fresh greens.. I just don`t know what to green powder i should buy?? So if anyone knows witch one i should buy, please let me know
Thank you
- breezy - I have PN and everything I eat makes me each trying to find some things to help me relief some discomfort and thought I would try this and I also need to lose weight.
Thank you
- Sheerese Boyd - When they mention chocolates do they also mean cocoa powder that is unsweetened? Most chocolates have milk and sugars in them. Just wondering
- Linda Osterman - Thank you!!! I’m so glad you care enough to share
this information with us all- highly beneficial and
Very informative!
- Claudette - Hoping this will improve my well being been sick for 18a years with ovarian cancer and complications from the cancer. I never feel good.
- Gayle
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