Sep 9, 2013
LolaMoonflower.com — WordPress moved to Blogger -- Super foods you should know about!
LolaMoonflower.com — WordPress -- Access Bars Class 2013
I am SO over the moon excited to be sending you this invitation to you But first I have a question for you... What would happen if you gave yourself the gift to take the pressure off yourself to do and be it all? The permission to stop being so hard on yourself? And the power to listen to and act on your inner wisdom? You'd be a lot happier, healthier and wealthier. Now add to that being surrounded by beauty and nature, soaking in the love of like-minded women, and doing deep transformational work while laughing and having a FUN! Time. Strengthen your Self Compassion, Self Trust, Self Care, Self Empowerment... and really learn to listen to and act on your Inner Wisdom. Have you signed yourself and your inner critic and inner wisdom up yet? If yes, awesome! See you there. Here’s a quick quiz to see if you do: Do you ever... Compare yourself to your friends, colleagues or even strangers? Find yourself measurably inferior - or superior? • Struggle to make decisions because you're so afraid of choosing the wrong thing? • Have a hard time saying, "no," and end up over-committed, exhausted, and overwhelmed? • Put everything and everyone first - and yourself last - and you feel burnt-out and desperately in need of a break (from work, from your kids, from life!)? • Sabotage your own best efforts, even when it comes to things you really want? • Criticize and judge others - and you don't stop there. One of your favorite people to criticize? Yourself. • Make mistakes and then obsess about it for hours, sometimes even days? • Go to sleep with and wake up to your To Do list running in your mind? • Strive for perfection or fall victim to procrastination and get stuck in the 'getting ready to get ready' mode, so nothing materializes as fast as you'd like? • Worry that you are screwing up your life, career, business, kids, relationship, etc? Feel anxious; try to control anything and everything? Find yourself obsessing? • Always busy, always DOING, and NEVER relaxing. Not even for a moment. You don't have TIME to relax? • Find yourself at the center of drama-filled relationships, whether they're romantic or otherwise? If your answer to any of these was YES, …You have nothing to lose…and only your sanity, peace of mind, and happiness to gain. What can you expect from the Day? Stop being so hard on yourself -rewire self-sabotaging patterns and negative beliefs; stop exhausting yourself and start enJOYing your life more. • Tell the difference between the voice of your inner critic & fear and your inner wisdom & intuition - so you can turn down the volume on your inner critic whenever you want and stop wasting time, energy and money stressing. • Talk to your intuition and use her to guide your life - so you always make choices that are GREAT for you. • Stop comparing yourself, judging yourself and setting unrealistic expectations - and START celebrating your gifts and accomplishments. • Find your center - quickly -- when you experience overwhelms, anxiety or stress so they don't overtake your attitude or your life. • Find compassion for yourself when things don't go perfectly - and really believe you are doing the best you can. • Give yourself a break and permission to relax and stop driving yourself so hard. • Get to the outcomes you desire by BEING, rather than always creating more to do's. • Tap into energy sources that fuel you vs. deplete you. The biggest thing that stands between you and your success and happiness is your inner critic - once you get her out of your head, everything flows and feels better. If you're ready to build your emotional and spiritual muscles so you can have the life you want -, as we show you how to break free of negative self-talk, give up self-sabotage and unlock more self-love and success and happiness Share the Good Karma>>> Take a stand for women you care about & make it a girl’s Day. Pass this invitation on to women who compare themselves way too much, or don't recognize enough how fabulous they are, or just seriously are way too hard on themselves. You can kick negative self-talk to the curb together! Oh yeah!! workshop
Sep 8, 2013
Here is another gift - by Doreen Virtue:
Here is another gift - by Doreen Virtue:
I choose to stay centered in the awareness of love, God, and my true self. In the center, like the eye of a hurricane,
all is tranquil, safe, and peaceful.
My power, wisdom, and peace come from staying in the center and I ask for spiritual support from God and the angels to keep my mind aligned with truth.
I now willingly detach from the material world knowing that by so doing, I can effectively help others.
I trust God to provide my every need and I allow God's omnipotent wisdom to direct me in all ways.
I accept a steady diet of love and joy, knowing that I deserve happiness and health.
I willingly and lovingly release all ego judgments about myself and other people, knowing that everything I want comes from my decision to experience the wonders of all life.
I know I am meant to be a healer and a teacher for God, and I now accept my mission fully without delay or reservation.
I surrender all behaviors that will block me from hearing my inner voice, and I happily trust my inner guide to lead me along this way where I joyfully serve as an instrument of love.
I release any doubts or fears I might have about fulfilling my divine mission, and I now commit to staying aware of my inner voice for God.
I know that this is the only tool I will ever need for my own healing and the healing of the world. Amen.
-Doreen Virtue-
all is tranquil, safe, and peaceful.
My power, wisdom, and peace come from staying in the center and I ask for spiritual support from God and the angels to keep my mind aligned with truth.
I now willingly detach from the material world knowing that by so doing, I can effectively help others.
I trust God to provide my every need and I allow God's omnipotent wisdom to direct me in all ways.
I accept a steady diet of love and joy, knowing that I deserve happiness and health.
I willingly and lovingly release all ego judgments about myself and other people, knowing that everything I want comes from my decision to experience the wonders of all life.
I know I am meant to be a healer and a teacher for God, and I now accept my mission fully without delay or reservation.
I surrender all behaviors that will block me from hearing my inner voice, and I happily trust my inner guide to lead me along this way where I joyfully serve as an instrument of love.
I release any doubts or fears I might have about fulfilling my divine mission, and I now commit to staying aware of my inner voice for God.
I know that this is the only tool I will ever need for my own healing and the healing of the world. Amen.
-Doreen Virtue-
Natural health: Relief from anxiety using EFT/ Tapping --- easiest yet!
Natural health: Relief from anxiety using EFT / Tapping
September 7, 2013
Have you ever had the experience where someone makes you mad, really angry and in that moment you either didn't know what to say, or you cuss, hurl insults, flip a certain finger, yell, scream, throw a fit, or act in some other seemingly uncontrollable manner?
Maybe in the moment of confrontation you go into a rage, attack, cry, pout, run away, or can't wait to go home so you can tell your spouse, tell this person off on Facebook, slide into emotional eating, pick up take-out or make gooey fattening comfort food and chow down into oblivion.
I have great news!! A healthy, non-calorie, FREE alternative you can use on yourself to calm your central nervous system! I've found relief from the anxiety experienced during those highly charged confrontations. Plus, I've learned WHY I never seem to know what to say in that hostile moment.
It's how we're wired, and it has everything to do with the fight or flight response! The amygdala in our brains is actually so busy trying to figure out if we should scream or flee from the offending person that the analytical part of our brain can't get a word in, or out! Seems funny to say that now but it really is what happens and that too, is frustrating - causing us even more irritation in the moment!
The confrontation ends and a few minutes later, or an hour, or a day, we think to ourselves, "why didn't I say...".
For me I'd like to walk away, laugh and shrug it all off. Instead, even if it's to myself, I get irritated and say "get a life", or something else without giving it any conscious thought. I don't like that. I'd like to always be in control of the words that come out of my mouth. Wouldn't you?
I'd like to say anything other than hurl an insult (which I admit is rare but has happened). I hear people say, "it is what it is", "life goes on", "God bless you", or simply laugh and shrug it off, never to give it any more thought. Me? Noooo...
I bring it all home and stew about it. Which leads to negativity. And if I carry it around long enough it could affect my health. Of course sometimes I win.
In fact now, I win more with myself everyday. I choose to let it all go, right then, right in the moment. Ahhh. Before, how I felt depended on whatever had influenced my day. Now, I really have a choice!
I learned about EFT years ago when I learned about acupuncture and the meridian system of the body. I even went to an EFT coach for one-on-one help with a couple of issues. Later I took some friends to the EFT coach. But this past year or so I've been practicing EFT / Tapping much more regularly for a host of things, and I love it! And now I am talking and writing about it.
On Sept. 5, 2013 I gave my first FREE public EFT / Tapping presentation!
I really enjoyed sharing this information with new friends at our RV park and plan to do it again SOON.
Seven people came out for the event, and I've already received heartwarming feedback. It's helped people feel better, and that's the whole point. Relief! Results!
The attendees were: a senior couple, three single ladies, a single guy, and my husband (8 including me)! Woot! The single gentleman was concerned for his doggie at home - who experiences storm anxiety so we even tapped about that! Great group! So open to learning, sharing, and tapping together! We tapped on anxiety, on the economy/government/politics, and all the stormy weather we've been having this lately in St. Pete.
If you don't have a clue about EFT / Tapping, I have several websites I can point you to and videos. I'll include several links below.
Here are the basics:
Talk about your problem, negative feelings, anything unwanted, sad emotion, depressing thing that's going on IN THE MOMENT while tapping on the side of one hand with two or three fingers from the other hand. Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much you're feeling the negative or unwanted emotion before you start and after you end. This will help you to know the Tapping provided relief.
Say this "problem" 3 times, beginning with "Even though" and ending with "I deeply and completely love and accept myself or something about myself that I believe is true about ME, like: my body, my soul, my feelings, my emotions, my name, etc.)". You will want the statement to be true, so you can use your own words, the ones that resonate your truth. Here are some examples of this:
The scenario: A clerk is short, brisk, rude or some such thing and it upsets me. I walk out in a huff vowing to myself never to go back to that store again! I feel the irritation and maybe even anger in my body. I do not want to carry that negative emotion to the next interaction I have with anyone, much less all day, much less all week, etc. So as I leave the store and enter my car I say out loud to myself while tapping the side of my hand:
For each point tap 5 to 7 times, not necessary to count them just tap and talk and go with the flow. Also these words are just an example, say whatever your feeling. I realize you may not know what word to associate with the feeling but with practice that will come easier and easier.
Repeat this process two or three more times, using different words. Hopefully you'll notice that you're choosing easier, lighter words because by the second or third round you're feeling better! I've found the second round goes something like this:
The Tapping Solution - Nick Ortner
How EFT works in the brain - Nick Ortner
EFT - Gary Craig
Anxiety tapping - Margaret Lynch
EFT for digestion - Julie Schiffman of Dr. Mercola Center
Special thanks to those who assisted me during our presentation evening:
Thanks to my wonderful soul-sister "test" tapping model - Lola!!!
Special thanks to Monica, our Bickley RV park activities director for setting it all up, making coffee, and making everyone feel at home!
Responses about EFT results I've received:
Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.
Maybe in the moment of confrontation you go into a rage, attack, cry, pout, run away, or can't wait to go home so you can tell your spouse, tell this person off on Facebook, slide into emotional eating, pick up take-out or make gooey fattening comfort food and chow down into oblivion.
I have great news!! A healthy, non-calorie, FREE alternative you can use on yourself to calm your central nervous system! I've found relief from the anxiety experienced during those highly charged confrontations. Plus, I've learned WHY I never seem to know what to say in that hostile moment.
It's how we're wired, and it has everything to do with the fight or flight response! The amygdala in our brains is actually so busy trying to figure out if we should scream or flee from the offending person that the analytical part of our brain can't get a word in, or out! Seems funny to say that now but it really is what happens and that too, is frustrating - causing us even more irritation in the moment!
The confrontation ends and a few minutes later, or an hour, or a day, we think to ourselves, "why didn't I say...".
For me I'd like to walk away, laugh and shrug it all off. Instead, even if it's to myself, I get irritated and say "get a life", or something else without giving it any conscious thought. I don't like that. I'd like to always be in control of the words that come out of my mouth. Wouldn't you?
I'd like to say anything other than hurl an insult (which I admit is rare but has happened). I hear people say, "it is what it is", "life goes on", "God bless you", or simply laugh and shrug it off, never to give it any more thought. Me? Noooo...
I bring it all home and stew about it. Which leads to negativity. And if I carry it around long enough it could affect my health. Of course sometimes I win.
In fact now, I win more with myself everyday. I choose to let it all go, right then, right in the moment. Ahhh. Before, how I felt depended on whatever had influenced my day. Now, I really have a choice!
I learned about EFT years ago when I learned about acupuncture and the meridian system of the body. I even went to an EFT coach for one-on-one help with a couple of issues. Later I took some friends to the EFT coach. But this past year or so I've been practicing EFT / Tapping much more regularly for a host of things, and I love it! And now I am talking and writing about it.
On Sept. 5, 2013 I gave my first FREE public EFT / Tapping presentation!
I really enjoyed sharing this information with new friends at our RV park and plan to do it again SOON.
Seven people came out for the event, and I've already received heartwarming feedback. It's helped people feel better, and that's the whole point. Relief! Results!
The attendees were: a senior couple, three single ladies, a single guy, and my husband (8 including me)! Woot! The single gentleman was concerned for his doggie at home - who experiences storm anxiety so we even tapped about that! Great group! So open to learning, sharing, and tapping together! We tapped on anxiety, on the economy/government/politics, and all the stormy weather we've been having this lately in St. Pete.
If you don't have a clue about EFT / Tapping, I have several websites I can point you to and videos. I'll include several links below.
Here are the basics:
Talk about your problem, negative feelings, anything unwanted, sad emotion, depressing thing that's going on IN THE MOMENT while tapping on the side of one hand with two or three fingers from the other hand. Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much you're feeling the negative or unwanted emotion before you start and after you end. This will help you to know the Tapping provided relief.
Say this "problem" 3 times, beginning with "Even though" and ending with "I deeply and completely love and accept myself or something about myself that I believe is true about ME, like: my body, my soul, my feelings, my emotions, my name, etc.)". You will want the statement to be true, so you can use your own words, the ones that resonate your truth. Here are some examples of this:
The scenario: A clerk is short, brisk, rude or some such thing and it upsets me. I walk out in a huff vowing to myself never to go back to that store again! I feel the irritation and maybe even anger in my body. I do not want to carry that negative emotion to the next interaction I have with anyone, much less all day, much less all week, etc. So as I leave the store and enter my car I say out loud to myself while tapping the side of my hand:
- Even though I'm so annoyed with that !@#$ clerk at the store, and my anger is warranted, I could have just (insert what you usually say here, punched, kicked, yelled, cussed) at or to her, I deeply and completely accept my feelings
- Even though that clerk was really rude to me, she totally ticked me off, I deeply and completely honor my soul
- Even though she was a stupid, ignorant, jerk, idiot, moron, you name it... and should have thought before she spoke, I deeply and completely love and respect myself
For each point tap 5 to 7 times, not necessary to count them just tap and talk and go with the flow. Also these words are just an example, say whatever your feeling. I realize you may not know what word to associate with the feeling but with practice that will come easier and easier.
- Inside beginning of the eyebrow (Say out loud): I'm so irritated
- Side of the eye: I say - I'm very frustrated
- Below the eye: Ugh, I'm Upset
- Below the nose and above the upper lip: Angry
- Below the bottom lip, in the crease of the chin: I feel bullied
- Collarbone point(s): Annoyed
- Under the arm*: I'm really Mad
- Top of the head: Flustered
- Take a nice big deep breath
Repeat this process two or three more times, using different words. Hopefully you'll notice that you're choosing easier, lighter words because by the second or third round you're feeling better! I've found the second round goes something like this:
- Even though I got upset during that confrontation at the store, and believe I'm justified to feel the way I do, I deeply and completely choose to somehow get over it
- Even though that clerk was a jerk, she probably didn't set out to ruin, or spoil my day, I deeply and completely love and accept my intentions
- Even though people should be nicer, I would like to practice what I preach, somehow forgive, and deeply and completely tune into some good feelings now
- Inside beginning of the eyebrow: (tap 5-7 times on each of these points) Say out loud: I'm still aggravated
- Side of the eye: I say - But somehow I want to let it go
- Below the eye: That silly clerk, what was she thinking?
- Below the nose and above the upper lip: Spoil my day
- Below the bottom lip, in the crease of the chin: I'm justified in how I feel
- Collarbone point(s): but I don't want this to ruin my day
- Under the arm*: I didn't do anything wrong
- Top of the head: I played no part in that
- Take a nice big deep breath
- Even though all my feelings about this situation seem warranted, I deeply and completely comfort myself
- Even though people may not always act their best, I deeply and completely honor all of my choices
- Even though people make mistakes, I want to forgive and live in a state of gratitude no matter what is going on around me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
- Inside beginning of the eyebrow: (tap 5-7 times on each of these points) Say out loud: I'm feeling a little less upset
- Side of the eye: I say - I'm still a bit annoyed
- Below the eye: Because I don't understand some people
- Below the nose and above the upper lip: But I don't want to carry this around like baggage all day
- Below the bottom lip, in the crease of the chin: So, somehow I choose to let it go
- Collarbone point(s): She's already forgotten about it I bet
- Under the arm*: I have no reason to continue to think about it either
- Top of the head: So I guess letting it go really does feel better
- Take a nice big deep breath
The Tapping Solution - Nick Ortner
How EFT works in the brain - Nick Ortner
EFT - Gary Craig
Anxiety tapping - Margaret Lynch
EFT for digestion - Julie Schiffman of Dr. Mercola Center
Special thanks to those who assisted me during our presentation evening:
Thanks to my wonderful soul-sister "test" tapping model - Lola!!!
Special thanks to Monica, our Bickley RV park activities director for setting it all up, making coffee, and making everyone feel at home!
Responses about EFT results I've received:
"You were terrific! Thanks for the wonderful presentation on EFT!! It works!!"
Class attendee
"Oh, you'll enjoy this! M. has her 3 year grand daughter tapping! Is that too cool?!?!Take it upon yourself to be healthy, joyful, vibrant, and beautiful. Be who you want to be.
You are amazing Sheila! Hope you have a wonderful day!
"I wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the knowledge you shared on your site. I clicked on the EFT tapping menu tab and have been doing the tapping for the last three days after watching the video, reading about it and printing out the instructions. I have been tapping about body pain and also for anxiety and so far, it is helping a great deal thus, I am MOST GRATEFUL to YOU for passing along this knowledge. I have forwarded the information to two others..."
Personal friend
Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.
View the list Suggested by the author
Sep 7, 2013
Mind Body Spirit Expo Sept 2013
Hi Sheila, Mind body Spirit was awesome, got there about 2.30 to cover for the girls giving the lecture, Jenn Possick and Susan Shatzar.. both Bars Facilitators...I ran some Bars then got the chance to hand out flyers, for our next event....got to talk to lots of venders...not a big expo but many interesting people to meet and connect on many level...
Talked about Pleiadians and the star seed quiz, crystal children, Pranic healing(master choa kok sui) Dan Schmutz and Dee Laliberte, my same age, are paths crossed several times, I may take this class for my ceu's 16 hrs hands on, very interesting....lets see Green dentistry Charles r Cuprill, dmd,dds, removes mercury filling, gave me the name of a dentist here in downtown St Pete, Ryan Leamon; ... inspirit yoga nad fitness with Ravenflower Dugandzic,, love her name and very beautiful young lady with the prettiest blue eyes... an interesting guy named Ricardo Vega, health and fitness trainer, we talked about starseeds and pleiadian. He said he saw a woman that looked like me, I told him she was pleiadian, he said he must be from the star Vega, we laughed when a guy came by with a shirt on that said Vegas...we agreed he must also be from Vega, not knowing where that is...
And last but by far not least, probably the most interesting being there, he was doing what he called Holonomic Healing, in a pyramid formed from copper pipe, with massage table inside, underneath was a crystal grid, with many large Amethyst and crystal, jade skulls from Egypt... using multidimensional healing, working with energy on many levels. he also mentioned many meetings with angels and ascended masters , healing mother earth, he had a meditation that i caught the end of... he was so off the charts believable, one of his students scanned me and said i didn't have any blocks, that I was clear...I certainly felt i was in the right place at the right time, his name is Yotolon, Ministry of Melchizedek (surprise to see that word in my dictionary) he had dreadlocks to his ass...very humble, amazing energy, balancing and clearing chakras and meridians, he had a final meditation with crystal bowls flute drums and a rain stick, talked about why we were here and what was our place in the world, and that we were all needed to be here at this time to heal and care for mother earth..
Teketa Shine from Casa Daga near Daytona author and on etsy; and a witch that gifted me with a mugwort and lemongrass soap!
Wow what a day. Talked to my friend Susi that is going to Siesta key Oct 4 weekend to the Return to Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis...
i am so looking forward to this weekend and akashic records, and soul family's, so much to learn.
Susi called and got me on a telecall with women uplifting women, she added me as one of her 3 names to lift, it was fun to hear how these woman could sense the energy of other woman ... made the drive back quite enjoyable...
also talked about the healing code.com as a success meter ... Im thinking of bringing it up on linkedin discussion...it really fascinates me...
Oh and yes Ive taken a workshop out on the beach with Melanie Smith and Pauline, both amazing, maybe 3 years back before I went to school... you are quite the detective...in search of the highest and best of choices...
I hope my story has helped you live vicariously thru me, I'm glad to share it with you and to get my thoughts down in print...
Lets talk soon...will see you Thurs, with Sue, Critter oil... cant wait to see how best to use it...
Talked about Pleiadians and the star seed quiz, crystal children, Pranic healing(master choa kok sui) Dan Schmutz and Dee Laliberte, my same age, are paths crossed several times, I may take this class for my ceu's 16 hrs hands on, very interesting....lets see Green dentistry Charles r Cuprill, dmd,dds, removes mercury filling, gave me the name of a dentist here in downtown St Pete, Ryan Leamon; ... inspirit yoga nad fitness with Ravenflower Dugandzic,, love her name and very beautiful young lady with the prettiest blue eyes... an interesting guy named Ricardo Vega, health and fitness trainer, we talked about starseeds and pleiadian. He said he saw a woman that looked like me, I told him she was pleiadian, he said he must be from the star Vega, we laughed when a guy came by with a shirt on that said Vegas...we agreed he must also be from Vega, not knowing where that is...
And last but by far not least, probably the most interesting being there, he was doing what he called Holonomic Healing, in a pyramid formed from copper pipe, with massage table inside, underneath was a crystal grid, with many large Amethyst and crystal, jade skulls from Egypt... using multidimensional healing, working with energy on many levels. he also mentioned many meetings with angels and ascended masters , healing mother earth, he had a meditation that i caught the end of... he was so off the charts believable, one of his students scanned me and said i didn't have any blocks, that I was clear...I certainly felt i was in the right place at the right time, his name is Yotolon, Ministry of Melchizedek (surprise to see that word in my dictionary) he had dreadlocks to his ass...very humble, amazing energy, balancing and clearing chakras and meridians, he had a final meditation with crystal bowls flute drums and a rain stick, talked about why we were here and what was our place in the world, and that we were all needed to be here at this time to heal and care for mother earth..
Teketa Shine from Casa Daga near Daytona author and on etsy; and a witch that gifted me with a mugwort and lemongrass soap!
Wow what a day. Talked to my friend Susi that is going to Siesta key Oct 4 weekend to the Return to Atlantis with Andrew Bartzis...
i am so looking forward to this weekend and akashic records, and soul family's, so much to learn.
Susi called and got me on a telecall with women uplifting women, she added me as one of her 3 names to lift, it was fun to hear how these woman could sense the energy of other woman ... made the drive back quite enjoyable...
also talked about the healing code.com as a success meter ... Im thinking of bringing it up on linkedin discussion...it really fascinates me...
Oh and yes Ive taken a workshop out on the beach with Melanie Smith and Pauline, both amazing, maybe 3 years back before I went to school... you are quite the detective...in search of the highest and best of choices...
I hope my story has helped you live vicariously thru me, I'm glad to share it with you and to get my thoughts down in print...
Lets talk soon...will see you Thurs, with Sue, Critter oil... cant wait to see how best to use it...
Sep 3, 2013
Every day, God sends you one person for whom you hold a gift in your hand. You will not know what it is until that person greets you, but you will then know it immediately.
On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you have something important to contribute
to your world today.
Every day, God sends you one person for whom
you hold a gift in your hand. You will not know
what it is until that person greets you, but you
will then know it immediately.
The only questions remaining will be: Will you give
your gift? Right then and there? Fully and completely?
By the end of this day you will know why you
received this message just now.
Love, Your Friend....
I met my gift today and I knew it the minute I laid eyes on her, she was just sitting there near my friends and I just had to go up and tell her what a beautiful spirit I saw in her...
Renee said to me this is a special day today and that she had broken her foot and she could now dance, she was quite a bit older than me, she said she wanted to dance today... she hadn't in a very long time.... I said I would dance with you as she gave me her hand and held on with her cane...
she asked if I knew disco...i laughed....of course i knew disco.... she moved her hips and we both laughed... I asked her if she knew how to belly dance...as i struck my pose with my hand over my head and my knees bent. ...I showed her how to hold her hand just right with her middle fingers set slightly in... I started to dance and we all laughed...as I turned in circles...she was delighted to dance
after a bit she said she had to sit down as her foot began to hurt...she said she had the best time... her foot began to swell a bit... she showed me it was bigger than the other...i had the opportunity to do some reiki on her ...as I propped her foot upon my leg... she assured me it was nothing...I held her leg stroking it like a kitten... She said I had made her day very special and I am sure she was my special gift!
Thank you so much, Lola, for sharing that absolutely amazing story with us. I am so glad this day turned out this way for both of you. Blessings to you lovely ladies!!!
Thank you Brenda, You just never know how someone will bless your day, thank you for the post, had I not read it I may have had that wonderful experience slip away unnoticed...
I don't know about you, but I have had the most wonderful shift in things happening to me lately in the last week, i feel truly Blessed!
...that you have something important to contribute
to your world today.
Every day, God sends you one person for whom
you hold a gift in your hand. You will not know
what it is until that person greets you, but you
will then know it immediately.
The only questions remaining will be: Will you give
your gift? Right then and there? Fully and completely?
By the end of this day you will know why you
received this message just now.
Love, Your Friend....
I met my gift today and I knew it the minute I laid eyes on her, she was just sitting there near my friends and I just had to go up and tell her what a beautiful spirit I saw in her...
Renee said to me this is a special day today and that she had broken her foot and she could now dance, she was quite a bit older than me, she said she wanted to dance today... she hadn't in a very long time.... I said I would dance with you as she gave me her hand and held on with her cane...
she asked if I knew disco...i laughed....of course i knew disco.... she moved her hips and we both laughed... I asked her if she knew how to belly dance...as i struck my pose with my hand over my head and my knees bent. ...I showed her how to hold her hand just right with her middle fingers set slightly in... I started to dance and we all laughed...as I turned in circles...she was delighted to dance
after a bit she said she had to sit down as her foot began to hurt...she said she had the best time... her foot began to swell a bit... she showed me it was bigger than the other...i had the opportunity to do some reiki on her ...as I propped her foot upon my leg... she assured me it was nothing...I held her leg stroking it like a kitten... She said I had made her day very special and I am sure she was my special gift!
Thank you so much, Lola, for sharing that absolutely amazing story with us. I am so glad this day turned out this way for both of you. Blessings to you lovely ladies!!!
Thank you Brenda, You just never know how someone will bless your day, thank you for the post, had I not read it I may have had that wonderful experience slip away unnoticed...
I don't know about you, but I have had the most wonderful shift in things happening to me lately in the last week, i feel truly Blessed!
Sep 2, 2013
(94) Heavenletter #4665 The Miracle of the Sun,... - Brenda Tenerelli-Sacred Rose Energies
(94) Heavenletter #4665 The Miracle of the Sun,... - Brenda Tenerelli-Sacred Rose Energies
Heavenletter #4665 The Miracle of the Sun, September 2, 2013
Heavenletter #4665 The Miracle of the Sun, September 2, 2013
God said:
The answers you seek are within you. Everything is within you. All the glory and the power is within you, and the greatest of these is love. You are love incarnate, yet you know it not. Sometimes you feel as though you are anti-love or a love-repellent. You who are love think you are less than love.
Certainly, you have met up with less than love, and yet love carried you through even when you didn’t know what did.
You found the world old and worn when it was the Miracle of the Sun right before you. You feel you stumbled onto Earth, and that you continue to stumble. That’s from only one viewpoint. I say, “So, you stumbled, so what?”
You stumbled upon the right place, beloveds. You stumbled at the right time, and you triumphed. You made it through. You doubt that you have? You are right here right now, letting My words leap into your heart. What more do you want? Money? Fame? You have all the gold right here before you. You have all the gold right here within you. You are the gold you seek. You have it all within you. You always did.
Consider that I am a Mighty Magnet. I have been pulling you to Me, and here We are.
Are We not on a great adventure? Sometimes We face the rapids. Sometimes it is as if we sink only to rise up higher. O yes, beloveds, We ride the waves, and We are the waves and We are the Ocean Deep. We are everything, and We are nothing at all. We are nothing at all but the Wonder of the Universe. We live in a miracle except it is all the time in the world as it is a moment in Eternity.
I have to ask you – what is not a miracle? The fingernail of your little left finger is a miracle balanced with a miracle of the fingernail of your little right finger. You have toes! Imagine that, you have toes! And within you and everyone in the conglomerate you call the world is a heart that thrums and drums, and it is My heart immersed in yours. You sit on top of the world, and somehow you may think you are sunk, that you are here for nothing when you are here – seemingly here – for everything, the known and the Unknown.
You gravitate to the Magnet even as you are the Magnet.
You are the Energy of Heaven, and you are the Energy of Earth, and, all the while, you are My heartbeat churning the delight and beauty of All That Is.
You are the Rainbow. You have come to make the whole Sky Rainbow. The Sun lights the Earth, and you, like the Moon, reflect the Sun. You take the sunlight to darker places, and you cast daylight into the darkness. You eclipse the darkness. You disperse it. You come as a Ray of the Sun mirrored in the Moon of your Self. This is how you are the Light of the World.
Everything in the world is a metaphor. Everything. You are a metaphor. You are the metaphor taken literally, and you are the metaphor taken to new heights. You are the Cosmos, and you are the unseen Infinite Hand of God. Didn’t you know that? How come you didn’t know that? How come you thought you were mere, only mere, when you are Greatness walking around in a myriad of body.
If light can be called mere, which it cannot, you are mere light, sheer light, packaged. You are Infinity packaged. But, of course, Infinity knows no bounds. The Infinite You has believed in wrappings. It’s the contents, beloveds, that are to be believed in. What I made, I made. Heretofore, you haven’t been able to know what’s a Miracle. You don’t know a miracle by its cover.
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