Name Report for: Lola Moonflower
Lola Moonflower
January 30, 1954
Prepared on 03/24/2013 by the
Society of Kabalarians
1160 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6H 1J1
NR ID: 878834
Dear Lola
Thank you for ordering your
Name and Birth Date Report. What was it that brought you here? It may have been curiousity initially, but deep down, was it because you really want to understand yourself, to achieve something more worthwhile in life, to find contentment, happiness, and to experience a fulfilling, successful life? The understanding of the relationship of your name to your personality and what you have attracted into your life will start you on a path of self-discovery that will change your world.
Applying scientific principles of language and mathematics to analyze your name, your report includes a full evaluation of all the names you have used. All were instrumental in creating the person you are—your mind, personality traits, ideals, desires, and ambitions. As you read your report, you will discover that the conditions of your life are a direct reflection of your thinking, which is created by your name. As much as your name determines who you are, your birth date defines your innate purpose in life. It’s called your birthpath—the route nature intends for you to take to cultivate your natural abilities and to develop your inner potential to the fullest. You will discover what you were meant to be, what to expect during the three phases of your life, and what careers you are ideally suited for.
With this knowledge and by applying the principles of right living taught in the Kabalarian Philosophy, you can become a dynamic force for constructive and successful living, and at the same time, help to enrich the lives of others.
For over 80 years, this extra-ordinarily accurate and revealing Kabalarian methodology has helped countless people make changes to their names—and lives—with remarkable success. This Name Report represents a pivotal moment in which your life can change dramatically.
Your report has seven parts:
We would be happy to discuss your report and answer your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Office Team — Society of Kabalarians
Part 1: Analysis of Your Names
What is a
Name and Birth Date Report?
Name and Birth Date Report is a 25 – 30 page report all about you! Have you wondered why you think and act as you do, why you attract specific experiences time and time again, why your life shows a specific pattern of events—disastrous or successful, why a specific health weakness afflicts you? There has to be a reason or a cause. Human nature can be changed with the proper understanding of the Mathematical Principle applied to language, and specifically to name.
What part of you is the most important: your heart, lungs, legs, eyes, ears, or teeth? We could go on and list every function of the body with the resultant answer that they are all essential parts of the well-functioning body, especially the vital organs.
However, it is the invisible energy of mind that is the most important fact and is responsible for the balance and coordination of the body. Your personality, degree of stability, habits, desires, strengths, weaknesses, and state of health are all a result of your thinking or mind. Your mind determines your identity and personality. What then creates your mind? When asked, “Who are you?” do you not reply with your name? You do not answer when your friend’s name is called or your sister’s or brother’s. You only respond to your name.
Your name and your mind are one.
Why Names Matter
Name is directly linked to language, for it is only through language that human intelligence can be created. It does not matter what alphabet or means of communication is used. In order to create intelligence, a consistent pattern of symbols must be employed. If language was not taught to a child he or she would never develop intelligence, which illustrates how language is a basic principle or tool for the development of mind.
How is language measured? Through mathematics—the only tool of measurement. Mathematics is the universal measurement for all of life and has both quantitative and qualitative aspects. To illustrate, if you take two apples and three oranges you have five items in quantity, but qualitatively, you have to describe specific characteristics. So in human nature, mathematics determines the qualities of mind. However it is not quite as simple as the differences in fruits due to the many ramifications of mind. Qualities of human mind are tabulated and measured within a basic principle of 9. Each number from 1 to 9 determines specific qualities of human intelligence, and when applied to name, personality can be measured. The consistent use of the position of each letter in the alphabet determines the mathematical quality.
This profound yet simple principle can be understood in a step-by-step study. You will learn to understand mind and recognize that there is a pattern in human intelligence and definite reasons for the differences and similarities in human nature.
Human nature is complex, but one who understands the qualitative aspects of mathematics as applied to name can measure, understand, and change human characteristics.
Too many people today suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and materially—all due to lack of understanding and application of the physical and mental laws of life. Yes, proper foods and good physical habits are essential and are the building blocks to a strong, healthy body, but they are not the complete answer. Unfortunately suffering has almost become accepted as a natural part of life. Everyone searches for happiness, health, and understanding. The first step towards this goal is knowing the reasons for your thinking and how it creates your life pattern.
Through this personal Name Report you will come to appreciate that you are governed by mental laws which are as influential and immutable as the physical laws of gravity and propulsion. You have, at your fingertips, valuable knowledge that you can integrate into your life and into the environments in which you live to make a world of difference in the success of all your endeavours.
In your Name Report, your names are analyzed using the 26-letter English alphabet. However the effect of your names in English may be modified somewhat if, in addition, your names were created from a different alphabet. We would be pleased to discuss this matter with you.
Middle Names
Middle names do not determine your personality traits and are not analyzed unless you are called by your middle name. If your middle name is a part of your business signature, it would have an overall influence in your business affairs and would be described in the business signature section.
Correcting Mistakes in Your Names Below
If there are spelling mistakes or missing names in the analysis below, click the following link to redo your free Name Report to add additional names or to make corrections:
Add more names or make corrections
Your First Name(s)
Your most used first name(s) reveals your personality—your desires, ideals, goals, ambitions, as well as potential health weaknesses.
Your name,
Lola, creates a quiet, practical nature and a clever, studious, inventive mind. Scientific, technical, and mathematical subjects appeal to you. Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life and the universe. When you are interested in a subject, you tend be very thorough and meticulous, even exceedingly fussy over details. You are not versatile and adaptable, being instead somewhat fixed in your ideas and opinions.
You need to have an idea developed step by step because it is not easy for you to follow a line of thought when steps are left out. Your methodical mind requires consistency of thought for clarity of concept. Reading and research interest you. You could develop great powers of concentration and memory as you can become completely absorbed in a subject to the exclusion of all else. You like to finish what you start without interruptions, and also to have everything in its place and systematically organized. Being steadfast and trustworthy, you are recognized as a hard worker who experiences satisfaction from accomplishment.
Since you are not overly conversational and tend to be matter of fact and candid in your speech, you wish many times that you could be spontaneous, expressive, and happy-go-lucky. Because of your reserved nature and self-consciousness, you find it easier to express your thoughts through writing than verbally. Being well prepared, though, helps you to express verbally.
You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt. A misguided thought from someone can cause you to withdraw into your own thoughts for solace and comfort. At such times, you become moody and uncommunicative. You dislike crowds and prefer to limit social activities to a few close friends. While you long for the affection and understanding of close association, and enjoy home and family, you also require freedom, as you are independent and need a certain amount of time on your own. Although you do not often express your deeper feelings, you show your regard for others by what you do for them to create comfort and security. Practical creativity such as in craft work, cooking, or sewing appeals to you. You also enjoy the outdoors and activities such as gardening, hiking, and nature study.
Your desire for heavier foods, could bring weaknesses in health affecting the stomach or intestinal organs, and could cause, for example, either constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, or growths. You could also experience tension affecting the respiratory organs.
Your Surname(s)
The family name is the influence of your background, your home environment, the strengths and weaknesses, and the hereditary traits.
Those with the surname of
Moonflower are highly intense and dynamic, having tremendous drive and ambition but feeling thwarted in every attempt to accomplish. They feel as if they could go out and conquer the world, but find their scope is so narrow with their limitation of expression and pioneering existence that intense frustration is the inevitable result. The feeling can be likened to pouring an ocean through a keyhole. They become easily morose and thus difficult to live with, and can be caustic to the point of being cruel, particularly to those close to them. The name destroys the finer, more compassionate qualities which prevail in compatible association and which are necessary in order to produce happiness. There is little happiness to be found with this name; extreme frustration can result in serious accidents and operations as well as bitter experiences. These people will not tolerate restrictions of any kind and are so very independent they cannot merge their ideas with others; they must be individual and create their own lives. They can be very clever and intellectual. But the extreme tension and discord created by this surname offsets the beneficial attributes. Any weakness would show itself in the region of the head, through eyes, teeth, nose or sinus trouble, or perhaps a condition affecting the entire nervous system and solar plexus.
Your Combined Names(s) Create Your Destiny
Your combined names show your desires, long-term ambitions, and accomplishments.
Your full name of
Lola Moonflower gives you the desire for sociable conditions with a minimum of responsibility. Although you like variety and try to evade long-term commitments, the creative activities you attract often serve little gainful purpose. Many bitter experiences occur with people who let you down or draw you, against your better judgment, into undesirable circumstances. You do not have stable conditions because changes often interfere with reaching your original goals. Restlessness, lack of consistency and routine, and lack of sustained interest or effort hamper progress and the accomplishment of your goals. These names cause mood swings that, in turn, can affect your eating habits, even causing you at times to be over-indulgent.
Adding More Names or Making Corrections
If you have received this Name Report based on an analysis of your first and last names and birth date only, we recommend that you consider completing the full free Name Report order form which includes analyses of your nicknames, business signature, any previous names, and future name considerations. This will give you a better understanding of yourself. Click the following link to redo your free Name Report with additional names or to make corrections:
Add more names or make corrections
Part 2: Your Life Purpose/Birthpath
At birth, with the first breath, a spiritual essence and purpose became a part of you and gave you life, caused your heart to beat, and your systems to work, and activated your physical growth. Your particular date of birth determines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life, and pathway you should follow for ultimate happiness.
Whether your birthpath fully expresses depends upon your names, for the names create your personality and are the compelling forces that shape your life. The birthpath is only the potential to be understood and expressed through your mind harmonized to your purpose.
Making a Birth Date Correction
If there is an error in your birth date, click the following link:
Correcting your Birth Date
Birth Time Around Midnight
The calculation of your birthpath in the following section is based on the widely used Gregorian calendar, which is recognized internationally. For births around midnight, the day of birth is always determined according to standard time, and not daylight-saving time, if it is in effect. A birth occurring in the half-hour between midnight and 12:30 am (standard time) is treated as occurring on the previous day.
Please contact the office so that we can revise your Name Report if your time of birth was in either of the following periods:
- Midnight to 12:30 am standard time
- Midnight to 1:30 am daylight-saving time
Your Life Purpose/Birthpath for January 30, 1954
Your inner qualities have the potential to reflect boundless energy, zest, and enthusiasm for life, and an urge for change, travel, and new experiences. Opportunities to investigate new ideas and theories by using creative innovation could appeal to you particularly in art, music, drama, or motivational public presentations. The opportunity for freedom and adventure, and for versatility and action hold definite appeal. You could not be satisfied and content in any limited, monotonous, or restrictive situation.
Your purpose is to seek truth and to transform your inner feelings into intellectual development and accomplishment. By analyzing and searching for new meanings and theories to life, you could generate improvements for others. Sharing your concepts with the ideal of motivating constructive growth and happiness in others is part of the expression of your potential. Ingenuity, originality, and sincerity in expression could be developed to encourage the finest from people. The expression of generosity and justice for all is part of your potential.
The development of constructive thinking and expression would curb any tendency to be moody, sarcastic, intolerant, impatient, or contemptuous of others. Accomplishment day by day and step by step in areas of profound interest to you would build progress and eliminate feelings of frustration and repression. Inasmuch as new ideas and adventures could distract with their appeal, be aware of the need to finish what you have already started.
Find time for relaxation to create balance and thereby ensure health and mental stability. An inherent appreciation for outdoor activities where you can experience the harmony and beauty of nature would contribute to internal equanimity.
It is essential that your name is harmonized or balanced to your birthpath in order that you accomplish what you are meant to in life.
A name with opposite qualities to the birthpath does not allow the balanced, natural expression and unfoldment of your purpose. It creates many expressions of frustration, unhappiness, and lack of fulfilment which result from desiring one thing but attracting something else. When the name is not in harmony with one’s purpose, the result is turbulence, discontentment, and stress.
Whether your inner potential/birthpath described above can develop and express is dependent on the qualities and balance of your first and last names.
Your Life Phases
Your birth date is divided into three distinct phases. Your
first life phase is determined by the
calendar month of birth and covers the personal development period of life, beginning at birth and ending at 27 years of age. Childhood represents the foundation of life upon which should be built discipline, health, intelligence, love, ideals of service, and an appreciation for all humanity.
second life phase is determined by the
day of the month of birth and covers the most active period of time from 27 to 54 years of age and determines the basic group of each person. All people belong to one of three basic groups: practical, social, or inspirational.
year of birth is the
third and last life phase and covers the period of time from 54 to the close of life. It represents the fruition period of life when each person should give back of his or her knowledge of life so others may benefit from the shared experiences.
Each period gives an opportunity to unfold a quality which is a component of your birthpath potential as determined by the date of birth.
Your First Life Phase
birth to 27 is a time of independence for you to learn the lessons of self-reliance, self-responsibility, and individuality of mind. These qualities build confidence and strength of character preparing you for leadership opportunities. You would feel the urge for freedom to shoulder your own responsibilities, and to learn through your own experiences. You could find it difficult, at times, to merge your efforts with others. A name in harmony with your potential would allow you to develop originality, inventiveness, creativity, and resourcefulness in the practical arts and other fields that capture your interest. Your initiative and motivation for accomplishment provide a constructive example for others. Your loyalty to your friends would be shown more by what you do for them rather than through your self-expression.
By cultivating generosity, compassion, and understanding of people, you would control any tendencies to be self-centred and self-opinionated.
Your Second Life Phase
27 to 54 represents a time for expression in inspirational endeavours such as art, music, drama, composition, singing, and public speaking which can uplift and encourage others through creative, intelligent, humorous expression. Generosity is another attribute to be developed during this time in your life. You would be successful in any position in which you could express your cosmopolitan qualities personally, spontaneously, and creatively, free from monotony or limitations. By learning system and order, you would overcome any tendency to scatter your efforts and to leave projects incomplete. Your natural affection for, and caring of, others must find constructive outlets; otherwise, you could be drawn into frivolous emotional encounters and bitter experiences.
Your Third Life Phase
As your year of birth is the same mathematical quality as your month of birth, you should cultivate the same influence of potential from 54 to the close of life as from birth to 27. This is the time to expand upon the natural qualities of your purpose in order to experience the greater fulfilment of your potential.
Part 3: Relationships and Compatibility
All people belong to one of three basic groups: practical, social, or inspirational. In the Kabalarian Philosophy we call these groups: water (practical), fire (social), and air (inspirational) groups. You are in the
Air Group.
day of the month when one is born determines the group. Each group has a specific role in life and the group signifies the basic nature of the purpose within each person and, as well, indicates the conditions necessary for personal growth. The group is part of the birthpath quality. Whether this quality finds a natural expression depends upon the names used, for the names create the personality of each person and his or her destiny in life. Name is the predominant determining factor in each person’s growth and development.
Table of Groups |
Group | Day of Birth |
Water | 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, 16,19, 23, 25, 28 |
Fire | 2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 17,20, 22, 26, 29, 31 |
Air | 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,21, 24, 27, 30 |
Each group water, fire, or air express in specific ways.
water group expresses in a matter-of-fact, direct, independent way, and is responsible for establishing the practical understanding of life. Water group members learn through their own efforts in self-education and self-discipline to become leaders sharing with others the benefit of their experiences. They are self-sufficient and creative but have to guard against being self-centred. Those in the water group appreciate the outdoors and find harmony and peace in nature.
fire group has the lesson of responsibility, the lesson of association, working for and with others, coinciding viewpoints and educating and organizing others. Those in the fire group often learn through the fire of experience until they base their decisions on definite principles and are not swayed by others. They are not highly inspirational, as they seek proof through fact and logic.
air group is here to contribute through self-expression and creative, artistic achievement. Air group members have the potential to develop universal understanding to lead the minds of others into progressive, constructive channels of thought and creativity. Being idealistic and inspirational, they should express affection and generosity. Since they feel deeply about the welfare of humanity, they can be over-emotional, temperamental, and unrealistic if not living the higher side of their nature.
People born into the same group can experience a natural kinship, especially if their names have relative mathematical qualities. They tend to observe life from a similar perspective, think and feel in a similar way, and enjoy similar activities. However, discord in the name can distort the natural compatibility of people in the same group.
Therefore, if you are married to or associating with someone born into a different group, an opportunity awaits you to gain an understanding of life from another perspective. Being in different groups need not spoil long-term happiness, especially when each person strives to appreciate and understand the viewpoints and the challenges that face the other person. As you can appreciate, there are many factors to consider in creating close compatibility. Creating co-operation and understanding between people is one of life’s many challenges, yet necessary in generating harmony and fulfilment.
You are in the: Air Group
In business associations, friendships, and marriage, you will find the most congeniality with those who are also in the air group. Air group members have an ability to reach people through the power of the word. They should develop vision and service to humanity. There is a naturally buoyant, enthusiastic zest for life in these people with a desire to lead and motivate others to a better way of life. In order to guard against impulsiveness and intolerance, they need to think more about the practical side of their ideas and plans.
Merging with the Other Groups
Air group members find it easier to merge with people in the fire group than with those in the water group. Because the keynote of people in the fire group is blending with others, they find it easier than do the members of the other two groups to set aside their own wishes and respond to the inclinations of others. Both the fire and air groups benefit from close friendships from which they draw support and motivation. Those in the air group tend to be idealistic and visionary, while those in the water group are realistic and practical, and thus they do not see things from the same perspective. Therefore, without clear understanding of the reasons that create the differences, friction may result in close association.
Part 4: Career Selections
The opportunity to choose and develop a career relative to the qualities of your inner nature is an important aspect to consider in the overall happiness and success of your life. If the wisdom of the Kabalarian Philosophy were known and understood, all children would be named in harmony with their birthpaths. Since the time of birth denotes the quality and potentialities of the power of life seeded within each person, the names given would contain qualities that allow the birthpath expression through the developing personality. Parents would know how to educate and guide their children with greater understanding.
The names used lead to particular vocations and avocations that may or may not be relative to the inner potential. It is the name that determines destiny through the quality of mind, the cause for one’s path in life. Comparison between the name and the birthpath will reveal the degree of harmony or discord that has resulted, as well as the degree of satisfaction and contentment experienced in work.
It may not be practical to change your occupation. You may have already invested years in education or accumulated experience in a specific field. If this is the case, we suggest that you consider pursuing personal projects, such as hobbies, natural to your intrinsic qualities. The freedom and personal satisfaction gained would help to lessen any unhappiness and frustration created by your present occupation, and may even change or enhance your work performance, because you will be happier and more relaxed.
You may also consider building upon your existing vocation to assume other responsibilities more in keeping with the natural expression of your birthpath.
If you decide to work toward a career change, consider the importance of a change of name and understand the mental qualities required to handle the new occupation. Investigate the particulars of the vocation under review and the education that may be required. Then plan the steps carefully. This is where our telephone support services can assist you.
The following are only a few suggestions of work environments in which you could find fulfilment and success for your birthpath purpose:
Career List
Look for opportunities in whatever occupation you are in to develop new ideas, to be free from monotony and limitations to develop your creative potential.
Business Owner, Entrepreneur
Advertising Agent/Manager
Sales Representative/Manager
Real Estate Appraiser
Insurance Adjuster
Creative Inventor
Commercial Photographer
Film set Designer
Jewellery Designer
Outdoor Occupations
Park Ranger
Recreation Director
Scientific Professions
Scientific Inventor
Animal Attendant
General Practitioner
Purser/Steward/Flight Attendant
Travel Agent
Part 5: Current Destiny Created by Your Combined Names
Your names have allowed a certain degree of accomplishment and success; however, there are definite drawbacks and conflicting influences that will spoil your long-term personal happiness and fulfillment, and business success.
Your combined names of
Lola Moonflower create the overall destiny of your life. These are the conditions that will continually occur (despite your best efforts) and will create limitations in the success you could achieve with a balanced name and destiny.
Your combined names of Lola Moonflower draw you into sudden changes that spoil your ability to stabilize your life. As a result, you are unable to create the permanence that brings financial accumulation due to your changing circumstances. This destiny attracts many unpredictable situations, disappointments with people, and missed opportunities, all resulting in personal and financial losses. Thus, your undertakings seldom complete to your satisfaction.
Part 6: Recommendations for Lola Moonflower
For Immediate Consideration
As this report has shown, although there are some positive ways your name shapes your personality, there are also substantive negative aspects to
Lola Moonflower that may be preventing you from achieving your full potential and the happiness that comes with it. While it's normal for most people's names to have a varying mix of positive and negative traits, this is not a situation anyone has to accept.
Not only is it possible to change your name to one that's virtually free of negative influences, but based on your birth date of
January 30, 1954 our
Balanced Name Recommendation service can develop dozens of ideally suitable first and last names you can "try on" and evaluate. The advantages of a Balanced Name are numerous…and life-changing.
Advantages of a Balanced Name
Stronger Mental Capacity
A Balanced Name strengthens the mind. It will preserve and enhance the positive qualities you already possess. At the same time, it will eliminate weaknesses we found in your name that may be frustrating you from developing fully your intellectual and creative powers, or achieving peak emotional contentment.
A More Focused Purpose in Life
Because your Balanced Name would be based on your birth date, it will channel you naturally toward the core purpose you were destined to pursue. Regardless of how old you are now, new opportunities will present themselves, and you'll suddenly see a clear path toward your goals and find you have the resolve to strike out in that direction. It's a remarkable phenomenon, testimony to the awesome power of one's name.
Complete Change in Perspective
When you assume a new Balanced Name, the way people see you—and the way you see yourself—will change dramatically. And it will happen almost instantaneously. Think how good you feel about yourself simply by putting on an outfit you really like. Now, imagine what a new name in perfect harmony with the person you are will do for your image and self-esteem—
all the time. It's incalculable. Your life can't help but become happier and more successful. We see it every day!
Yes, we realize that changing your name is a big step and may seem impractical to you at this time. But the more you revisit the idea, the more comfortable you'll become with it. That's why we encourage you to at least consider what your name could be with our Balanced Name Recommendation service, in which we…
 | Look at your current names to see if we can modify them to achieve a Balanced Name. Sometimes only a minor change can make a world of difference. |
 | Provide a diverse selection of Balanced Names, including unique and different names, conventional names, and spelling modifications of conventional names. |
 | Take into consideration any cultural or ethnic preferences you may have in creating Balanced Names based on those criteria. |
 | Work with you to establish consistency in your family—for example, ensuring that each family member can use the same last name. |
Should you change your name? It's time to find out!
Our Balanced Name Recommendation Service
Our Balanced Name Recommendation Service will provide the personalized name selections and tools you need to make an informed decision on whether or not to move forward.
Even if you decide not to change your name at this time, exploring this exciting possibility can be an illuminating experience, and an opportunity you can revisit at any time in the future.
And if you do decide to proceed with a name change, you'll find no better resource for accomplishing that goal than with the superior package of services we offer.
What is a Balanced Name?
It's a name in complete harmony with your birth date and thus channels you naturally toward your true purpose in life.
When you choose a new balanced name, the effects can be immediate and dramatic. The way you look at yourself, the way others perceive and treat you, your level of confidence, your energy, creativity and self-esteem, all can improve significantly.
Names that are more than beautiful, they're balanced.
For many, changing their name to a balanced one is an extraordinarily uplifting experience, having a far greater impact on their lives than they imagined. (See testimonials at right.)
That's because the first and last names we recommend to you have more than aesthetic and linguistic appeal. They are intrinsically tied to your birthpath, the original calling you were meant to pursue. They are fully in sync with the cycles and phases of your life, measured from the day you were born, so the path to realizing your full potential becomes clear and attainable.
No matter how old or young you are, it's never too late or too early to benefit from the life-enriching influences of a balanced name.
We've helped thousands change their names...and lives.
For generations, the Society of Kabalarians has been the exclusive source for balanced names based on the mathematical and language principles of the Kabalarian Philosophy. Our proven success in helping others achieve prosperity, health, and happiness through changing their names has been truly remarkable.
Balanced Name Recommendation Package is an essential initial step in the name-changing process. It gives you dozens of customized balanced name choices to "try on" and evaluate. Each recommended name is individually analyzed as to the specific attributes it brings to enhancing your life.
We also include expert live phone support with our Name Specialists, whose experience and knowledge in dealing with all aspects of changing a name will be invaluable to you in making this all-important decision.
What Will a Balanced Name Do?
- Overcome Limitations
Establishing a Balanced Name is the essential first step in overcoming the limitations and disharmony created by your current names. Then, as you strive to understand and live to the natural laws of life under a Balanced Name, your ideals and experiences will become relative to your true purpose.
- Enhance Strengths
A Balanced Name creates mental strengths. You will not lose any of your current positive characteristics, qualities, and abilities. In fact, a Balanced Name will enhance your already established strengths.
- Channel Your Purpose
Like grafting a beautiful rose stem on to a robust rootstock to produce a better rose, the new name will allow you to channel your purpose in life (measured from your birth date) into new outlets that will bring greater accomplishment, fulfillment, and contentment into your life.
- Create Greater Success
A Balanced Name will create greater stability and success in your financial affairs and projects.
- Diminish Weaknesses
Through the use of a Balanced Name weaknesses inherent in your current names will diminish. If your current names create lack of confidence, you will grow past this weakness as you become more confident by using your Balanced Name. If your present names create discontent, you will lose this weakness and become happier. If your names create an over-emotional nature, you will move past this weakness as you gain greater stability and self-discipline. You will become happier, healthier, and more successful.
Types of Names We Recommend
- In considering a Balanced Name Recommendation for you, we look at your current names to see if we can make a modification (if possible) as well as recommending other balanced name choices.
- In your Balanced Name Recommendation the name choices are a compilation of common names, spelling modifications of common names, and other unique and different names.
- Cultural Name Options
If you require a Balanced Name from a specific cultural background we will work with you to create your Balanced Name around this request.
- Family Last Names
For families ordering Balanced Name Recommendations we will work with you so that each family member can use the same last name.
Preparation Time
Balanced Name Recommendation is an individually prepared package where your birthdate, current and past names, gender, and age are taken into account to customize your recommendation. This process can take from
2 to 3 business days for us to complete your balanced name recommendations. It will be emailed to you as a PDF document.
Balanced Name Recommendation Package Includes:
 | Balanced Name recommendations - choice of 30 to 50 first names
- choice of 30 to 50 last names
- includes unique and different names, conventional names and spelling modifications of conventional names
- evaluation of your current names to see if we can modify them to achieve a Balanced Name
- incorporate any cultural and ethnic preferences you have and work to establish name consistency within your family
- spelling modifications and alterations of current names where possible
 | Signature recommendations - best business signatures to ensure stability and success in your business projects and affairs
- best personal signatures
 | Analysis of the Balanced Names recommended for you |
 | Steps in changing your names - advice on how best to establish your new names
- changing identity cards
- presenting your name change
 | Balanced Name Certificate issued from our office after you have confirmed your selection of first and last names and signatures |
 | 2 months of on-going consultation support to help you through the process of changing your name - helping in choosing names from the recommended lists
- working with you until you find the name that suits you
 | Special Bonus: 3-month Cycle Chart (based on your date of birth). Know the nature of your personal cycle to plan, act, and make decisions with confidence at the right time to ensure success in your activities. |
A friend of mine had been having some difficulty with one of her young children. This daughter was very bright; she was also very stubborn and refused to do as she was directed by her parents and teachers. My friend had heard of the Society of Kabalarians and decided to contact them. Together they came up with a spelling change for her daughter and, seemingly overnight, the girl shifted into being kinder and more responsible. This got my attention!
I have always had great respect of the indigenous people of this planet. As a child I remember hearing that as children grew into adulthood they were given a new name, one that would show their accomplishments or abilities to all the people. I also have a memory of a tribal elder holding a new born up to the heavens and declaring this child as ...whatever name they chose. It seemed so important to them and the whole tribe was celebrating the new member of their family. That really touched me then and has stayed with me all of these years. Remembering this, it was pretty easy for me to give the Kabalarian Philosophy a call. When I read the Name Report they sent me, I was amazed by the accuracy. I spent a few days reading it over and over and I made the choice to take the leap and change my own name. I was about to turn 50 and felt that it was a good time to make some positive changes in my life. That was in December of 2008, the legal papers were signed February 2009, wow, and it's only been 2 years. I say that because I feel like a different person. It's hard to remember how 'heavy' life had felt before the new name changed all of that for me.
I know this is the part that you want to hear if you are considering changing your own name...What feels so "different?" you ask. The way I experience the world feels different, that's all. I used to feel that life was quite serious, that I had to be my impeccable self at each moment especially in my career and raising my kids. I was very focused and good at what I was doing, but not a lot of fun. People depended on me to do things that they should have been doing and I was always willing to give up my time to assist others (at the expense of my family and my social life). Now, I am very clear on what is important to me and I have no issue saying 'no' when appropriate. My family and friends will attest that I am a lot more fun and much more available to them. The insecurity that I used to live with is no longer even present in my life. That is an awesome statement, yes? It is true completely. I can do my morning exercises barefoot in the park and not even think to look around to see is I am being watched. This is a very different experience from the way I used to be. Also, I am an artist and it matters not to me what anyone says about my talent or ability, I just sculpt because I love it. And I love doing what I love doing these days. I am joyful most of the time.
Also, I look different, my face is softer, my neck is relaxed and I no longer have swollen ankles and feet in the evenings. Also very cool.
I am working with the Society in naming my business as well. It has been a fun process and you will not meet a more dedicated, kind and helpful group of people.
Best wishes on your journey.
Adryanna B. Ciera
Braven Blackwell
Edmonton, Canada
What's my name got to do with it?
In 1993, the internet and e-mail were still being invented. I was searching for answers out of a dead lock, catch-22 life. So a friend recommended I look at what my name has to do with it through Society of Kabalarians of Canada. They sent my request for a name change report through snail mail. I read it in the midst of an overwhelming life, looked at the funny names they suggested, thought I might have fancied a couple of them, and filed the report in my giant filing cabinet.
Last May (2010), while I was cleaning out that large filing cabinet that now held mountains of paper trails covering two decades of tedious work, the Name Report resurfaced. Once again my life was at a cross-roads. I felt stuck and wondered what the word "happy" really meant. So this time, I poured a hot cup of tea, closed the door, and re-read the Balanced Name Recommendation from 1993. I was already determined not to live the final twenty years of my life the way I lived them the previous twenty and more. I needed something to change. Not
where I lived, not
who I loved, not just
what I ate or
how much or
what kind of exercise, but something on the inside needed to change. I wanted to
feel what I
thought "happy" was supposed to be.
I was shocked to see that over the past almost twenty years, about 80% of the Name Report had transpired, truly. There were things in Kabalarian's report that only my soul could know about how I thought. I called them.
Croft Rolind (one of the staff at the office) was a dear man on that first call and told me, "We can send you more balanced names until you find one you like."
Really? I'm in. I want a new name, a new life. I'm 60 and if I'm supposed to give my life in service to others, I sure would like to enjoy it. The surname was easy to find. I wanted to keep my initials the same. It was my way of honoring my given name and after 40 years my body had memorized the movement of my hand so I needed a name where I wouldn't have to change my signature or my email account.
I asked to understand about the names they were choosing. Thinking I knew something about numerology, I wanted to participate in creating my new name, my new life. Clearly, I knew little. So I studied the Kabalarian Philosophy's Life Analysis Training course. As a teacher, if I had to grade a student like me they would have been generous giving me a D- on the home study package. I needed to see the whites of the eyes of these people with balanced names. I'm going to Vancouver. The weekend seminar was confirming in many ways. I realized the names of the people close to me explained much of what I saw in them and how their lives were reflected by their name. The best part was that people called me by my new name.
Do I notice a difference with the new name?
The new name makes me smile. Someone looks at me, says my name, and I feel the corners of my mouth lift. It is the most defined experience of the name change that I can relay. In general I feel lighter, more peaceful, better able to deal with the drama of life. I have a 9 birthpath, and "they say" 9s are dramatic. Now that I know I'm dramatic, I live it consciously. I just tell people my passion appears as drama... deal with it... and my responsibility with the intensity of my expression will be to own the drama and not put it upon you. Life is more fun with this awareness. And I know there are many more days of smiling.
While I was living the new name, before it had become legal, I played with it. For a while, I didn't know who I was or where I lived because I was traveling and using the new name in the new places. My family thinks I'm odd anyway. I tell them the name makes me smile. It is interesting to see the ones that want to give me the gift of my name and the people who claim I have made their life more difficult. I've never insisted they use my name, I just tell them it makes me smile. As the name becomes legal in all the parts of a long life, much of it public, I find the resolve and acceptance and wonder what the big deal was all about.
The people at the Society Kabalarians of Canada have been extremely supportive. Not just with information. I found this capsule of beings who live with balanced names carried an infectious atmosphere that I describe as "lightness of being." In my mind, it was refreshing to see this much light in a group of people when darkness is so easy to find.
With gratitude,
Julianaa Satie
Having my name change was the best thing that ever could happen to me in my entire life. I always felt that something was wrong with my name, and I never understood what it was. I never liked it, until the point that I decided to change my name myself and started to look in the internet to a different web site that could help me choose the right one.
I was going by meanings because to me every name has its meaning; I think it is very important in people's future and life. (I just knew that, but at that time I had no clue that I was a kind of right.) That was when I found you guys (the Society of Kabalarians), and I clicked to view the small video you play. And everything made sense for me. Even more when I started to read the testimonials of the other people and their successes. Something inside of me told me that this was what I was looking for. And gave me the strength and courage to do it.
Well, what happened to me was really incredible, I can't even believe it! I could swear that once I did it, the same moment the judge said I could use my new name; I felt that something in my mind changed instantly. I felt that something opened it up, and I could understand a lot of things that I never could before. I couldn't explain what happened, and ever since then my life started to improve in all the areas. My fears disappeared and I became somebody with more confidence and self-esteem than before. I now have courage to do things that I have always wanted to do and become a better person. And I don't regret ever. I thank God first and then you guys for the great work that you do and how you help other people with this.
Aden K. Calderon
My name is Ravey Johl and I have been a Kabalarian student for the past 5+ years. It was then when I was searching an interesting name for my second daughter. I was introduced to the Kabalarian Society and the interesting idea of how a name creates the mind of a person. I started reading some articles from the Kabalarian web site and tried out brief name analysis of my family members and friends, I was amazingly surprised by the accuracy of the analysis.
This is when I met Dhorea Delain (one of the staff at the office) and she helped me find a beautiful balanced name for my newborn daughter. I named her Denisah.
I was given two options the primary and secondary recommendations. I wanted to make the best choice for my daughter which meant I had to change my family name as well. Changing my family name was not easy but it was not too hard either. I convinced my community and family members that I have chosen to change the traditional family name from Jolapara to Johl. There was some resistance but I was able to explain the bigger reason. Eventually my family agreed with my decision.
In the process it interested me to get a balanced name for myself. I got my name report and chose my new name as Ravey that was close to the pronunciation of my original name Ravi. It has been close to 4 years since I officially changed my name from Ravi Jolapara to Ravey Johl.
The name change has brought in some clear changes in my thought process. My decisions which used to be very impulsive have now become more conscious. I enjoy a stable state of mind as compared to being restless and nervous. I used to be over worrying and highly emotional. Nowadays I have a holistic view of things and my emotions are controlled. I think I am clear of what I want to do and I focus my ideas to completion with better planning.
I have always been a home-loving person and I love to play a mediator in maintaining a healthy family environment. Again part of it I realize is because of my 2 birthpath. Earlier I used to do the same but it was a very taxing and used to drain me out. Nowadays I enjoy playing a peace maker and try to handle things with better understanding of people and their thought process. I don't get too involved nor worry much. Earlier my expectations were more demanding from my family and friends and when I didn't see them agreeing to my point of view, I used to pursue my ideals on them appearing too interfering. I think this has changed, thanks to the Life Analysis Training and the knowledge of cycles. Now my understanding of people and situations have improved. I have been following the Cycle Charts for over 4 years which I have found immensely helpful. It has again changed my entire outlook of life and has helped me better understand my family members, their feelings and emotions.
Earlier my spending was spontaneous, you like something go for it, whether it was a necessity or not. These days I am a conscious spender and I am able to better manage my finances.
My key takeaway is the philosophy that every individual has a purpose in life that is determined by their first breath and how having a balanced name makes this purpose so interesting and fulfilling. I also appreciate the ideal of Karma - "Reap as you Sow".
I would like to conclude stating that I truly am a different person by my thoughts, there is something that has caused this change; I don't think it's just maturity over time; I attribute these changes to the little knowledge I have gained so far from my learning of the Kabalarian Philosophy. There is more to life and I quest to learn more.
Ravey Johl
Nearly a year ago, I downloaded the necessary forms for filing a petition to become a citizen of the United States. I have been living here as a permanent resident since 2001 when I moved from Canada to marry my husband.
On the first page of the petition it asks you to identify yourself, when I got to the bottom of the page my breath was taken aback as I read this question, "Do you want to change your name?"
I sat with it for what seemed like hours though it was only minutes when the words came again, "Do you want to change your name?" Here it was again, this question that has floated in and out of my life so many times. "I don't know." I held my response "Okay, I will think about it," and then I put the forms away.
Three months later, an answer came welling up from inside, YES!
I have to say, I had no idea how I was going to choose a new name. If you are reading my story you might have been guided here as well. It was August of 2010 when I stumbled onto the Society of Kabalarians and ordered the free name analysis. It didn't take me long to know that my next step was to order the Balanced Name recommendation with the Life Analysis Training home study course.
In private, I read everything in the report, and I started to try on a few combinations of the recommended names. Almost immediately, a name clicked and I experienced my entire being filled with incredible joy. Even now this smile deep inside that reaches my face remains active.
Over the next few months, as I determined the chosen name, changes were unmasking. I was surprised at hearing words which came out of my mouth that were so clear and my sentences comprehendible. I noticed I was losing weight and I wasn't trying. In disbelief, I would pick up the scales and shake them, hold my breath and get on again… well it still reads 17 pounds gone!
On November 17th, 2010, I started using the fully balanced name of Jocelan Delmars. I continue to have more energy for getting things accomplished, with less time thinking about it. When I changed my resume, I received calls to interview right away. I wanted to write other's biographies. I now have my first client. On occasion, I'll realize I had not responded the same way to things, as old ideas and inner dialogues are fading away!
Since August I have been following my cycle reports. Today, I had a business appointment and they called to reschedule. After the call, I checked my cycle chart - wow - they asked to change to a date that was better for doing business. I love it!
My expression continues to reveal how harmonious and balanced life is, within myself, and my relationship with others. While I am seeking less, it seems things and people show up before I even realize I have a need.
Something surprised me recently, as I saw my reflection in the mirror - I didn't associate my image with the old name, the feeling is indescribable.
I am grateful for this enriching experience of my balanced name and the generous and loving support of everyone at the Society of Kabalarians!
Jocelan Delmars
Call Us with Your Questions
We are pleased to be of assistance to help you understand even more about your names and birth date and the conditions in your life. We would be happy to talk with you about any aspect of your Name Report.
Regular office hours are from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific Time.
- 866-489-1188 toll-free from anywhere in North America
- 604-263-9551 for international locations or in the local Vancouver, BC area.
The Office Team — Society of Kabalarians
Part 7: Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking
The Kabalarian Philosophy was founded in 1930 by
Mr. Alfred J. Parker. His life's ideal was to bring an understanding of the basic universal principles of life down to a practical theory, applicable and of benefit to all people. This Name Report is dedicated to that ideal. May your Name Report assist you in making positive, progressive changes in your life.
The Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking, reproduced below, stress the importance of language and the power and energy behind the word. Its powerful influence creates and moulds, not only your life, but the lives of everyone. Language is a tool for good if we understand its power and far-reaching effects in our lives and in the creation of what we hope and strive for.
The ethics represents guidelines for personal growth and achievement.
Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying another's statement, or destroying the reputation of others.
Strive to govern moods and habits so as to create peace and happiness within your own mind and to share that peace and happiness with others through happy, constructive thoughts, through little acts of generosity and service, and through seeing good and God in others. Acts of giving never go unrewarded.
Always endeavor to develop an open mind, giving credit to others for mental effort even though they may not as yet have discovered the true light of wisdom.
Stand in awe at the threshold of wisdom in humbleness and in deep respect. Remember that wisdom expressed through you is not of your creation but always was. Your endeavor to fit and balance your mind to your higher consciousness of wisdom is your sacred duty and not optional.
Only through constant striving to eliminate bad or negative thoughts and habits can your mind feel justly proud to be a sacred part of Divine Consciousness. Mistakes sometimes occur - a mistake is not evil - it may occur through wrong evaluation or sometimes through over-anxiousness, or comparison, or undue optimism. A first mistake may be classified as an error in judgment if a lesson is learned from the experience; if not, then it is a conscious mistake upon a negative plane of mind, and serious and punishable through the law of reaction and your conscious realization that you deliberately created your own test and must now find the solution.
Kill out ego and false pride. Never take the know-it-all attitude, for to do so is to kill out natural incentive and progress.
Remember that your mind is the greatest instrument in the universe. As you think, so are you, because the nature of your thoughts indicates the plane of mind to which you are tuned; thus, your thinking and you are one. If you did but realize the power of your own mind for good or for destructiveness, you would check every thought and utterance. Do not say wrong or hurtful things for fun or to build up your own importance. Remember false pride comes before a fall. Never negate your thoughts and ideas; never say "can't" or depreciate your ability to equal or better the performances of others. What others have done, you can do, and do better, but do not say so; prove it in greater application than others, for only by effort and application shall your works be known. Never make idle and boastful statements; say only that which is logical and truthful. Learn to know when to speak, and always express your thoughts in a refined and dignified way so as to leave the best impression.
Be systematic, proceed step by step, and learn to finish the things you start. Never make a promise that you cannot, or do not, intend to carry out; thus will you always speak truth. Align yourself always upon the side of justice, truth, and honesty. Do not meet others upon the plane of anger, wrongdoing, or thoughtlessness. Always use the power of analysis, particularly when in doubt. Never attempt to alibi that which you know is wrong. Keep your mind always upon a constructive plane of thinking. Remember, your sins will always find you out.
Always seek an ideal, an objective, and the proper method of application. Create a refined and individual personality, a happy and generous one. Develop clean and tidy habits, body cleanliness, and a clean mind. Be conservative, yet creative, in your dress. Avoid showiness in dress and loudness in speech. Make others want to pattern themselves after you: that is a well deserved compliment, and indicates adherence to Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking.
Alfred J. Parker
Founder, Kabalarian Philosophy