Oct 28, 2010

animals and meditation

Enter the stillness with your animal companion and see how potent your connection can be. You will find the silence through through slow and regulated breathing, .Words and sound are not necessary for this; the goal is to feel the higher connection. Sit comfortably with your back straight and your eyes closed and try this exercise:

Breathe in slowly through your mouth to the count of four
Hold the breath for the count of four Imagine the breath circulating through your entire body, from the head, through the torso, through the toes.
Release to the count of eight, slowly through parted lips
Repeat this four or five times.
Focus on your heart center.
Feel the energy from your heart center spread through you, around you, and reach out to your animal friend's center. Feel the connection as you breathe together.
Sit in this silence as the connection strengthens. Continue breathing and sharing light for a few minutes.
It is in this peaceful state that all telepathic/spiritual communication occurs. You will find that as you meditate, your animals will begin to meditate. In fact, the deeper you go into an altered state, the longer it will take you to bring them out of it when you return to normal waking consciousness. To give your pets a treat, engage in this process daily; you will be astounded at the results for you both.

Tags: meditation

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