Oct 22, 2010

11 Ways to Virtually Seduce a Man

October 21, 2010 at 5:00 am By Taryn Galewind

In our world of reality TV and social networking sites, couples carry on cyber love affairs via chat rooms, gaming sites, and smart phones. Electronic sex is everywhere, and you’ve probably encountered an opportunity for virtual love, or at least given the notion a passing thought. Here’s how cyber vixens virtually set the scene for seduction.

1. Be certain that this game is for you. Virtual friends may or may not be what they seem. He could be married, even if he says not. Successful cyber love is often limited to virtual reality, and couples set boundaries that prohibit taking the game into the real world. Determine your level of comfort and safety before you leap.

2. It’s tough to convey voice tone and quality electronically – be an actress, and emote. No, not silly little smiley faces. Choose warm, happy, sexy or flattering words. Humor can be sexy; sarcasm usually isn’t. If you’re teasing, say so. If you’re joking, tell him so.

3. Begin as you would in real life: As friends. Express interest and respond positively when he talks about himself. Devote time to learning about each other. Cyber time is compressed. Things happen quickly. Couples form and detach in days. Keep your perspective.

4. No whining, carping, complaining or jealousy. It’s a total turn off, and the guy can make you disappear with the touch of the delete button. If you want to play at this, act like a woman, a femme fatale. Neediness is not fun, and not compelling.

5. Be sultry, and more sexual than you might be in real time. Push your envelope and make sexy, come-hither remarks that compel the man to respond. Unleash your creativity.

6. When chat turns personal and sexy, set boundaries, and then release inhibitions. Cybersex has to be vivid. You only have a keyboard to translate physical action into irresistibly enticing prose. Describe what you’d do if you were together. Share what makes you warm, or even hot. Type about sounds, images, scents, feelings. Think about your last real-time sexual encounter, and write it in first-person for your cyber lover.

7. Tell him what you’re wearing. Make it erotic, exotic, and designer quality, even if you’re actually wearing a skanky tee-shirt and fuzzy flip-flops. For him, you are in silk and feathers.

8. Describe yourself, mixing truth with a bit of polish and glamor. He won’t believe you’re Megan Fox’s twin – thousands of other virtual vixens claim the same thing. Emphasize your finest attributes, minimize your flaws, and rely on your communication talent to make too-large hips into curvaceous femininity.

9. Response is everything. Men like to know they turn their woman on. Be confident and sensual. Type something like “mmmmm” when his message sets up your libido. Type the words you would say, in the throes of passion, to a lover. Get into it, girl – you have to be Academy Award quality to get the message across.

10. At a point, you may want to get closer to reality, if not all the way into real time. Decide whether to carefully, prudently share your real name and personal information. Most women choose an anonymous email address to expand the relationship with seductive pictures, poetry, and virtual cards. Agree on boundaries.

11. Use your imagination. Tantalize him with a virtual backrub. Convey, in hot detail, an afternoon tryst. Send him song lyrics that feel just the way you want him to feel. Make him experience you so clearly that his mind shimmers with sensation.

Cyber seduction isn’t for everyone. It can be a risky game, or sometimes result in a real relationship. But women of all ages find that virtual romance can spark up their free time. The secret lies in maintaining the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

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