Location: Where You Are
Organized By: Marlene Marion
Event Description:
Archangel Michael will be doing this Distant Healing for us and it is called vacuuming.
Worry, blame and taking on others energies, lightworkers concern over others. Many lightworkers are wonderful at giving aid, but not so good at receiving it. This method by Archangel Michael will counter balance this tendency.
What you will do at the time of event, or at another time, that is more convenient, you will make this statement before I send in Michael: “Archangel Michael I call upon you now to clear and vacuum away all fear” and I connect to this healing process through Marlene now, I am grateful to you Archangel Michael and your band of Mercy Angels.
You will then see a very large angel (Michael) and smaller angels appear with a hose, a vacuum tube and you will see the tube inter your crown chakra and every part of your body including your aura will be vacuumed and you may even see these negative particles going up the tube and out. When this process is done Michael will then reverse the switch, so that a white thick toothpaste like LIGHT, comes out of the tube and fills the spaces that the negative (psychic dirt) was holding. This is a very powerful technique, and you will definitely feel lighter afterwords.
(this is something you can do on your own and feel free to do that. However some seem to not be able to do it. So I will be assisting to make sure Archangel Michael comes to you with his band of mercy angels to do this very thoroughly, as I make sure that every inch of you gets treatment..
*Remember if this is at an inconvenient time, just go ahead and do the RSVP and whatever else is required in this event and then when you go to bed just ask for these energies, this event (state the event and say I am now allowing for this healing to take place and I am grateful.)
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