The Passion Test Profile - Results
Here are the results of your Passion Test Profile. Read through the results carefully to see where you are aligned with your passions and where there is still room for growth.
Question 1:I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.
Your Answer:
Most of the time
You have been waking up to the reality that only following your passions will bring you the fulfillment you deserve in your life. Now it's just a matter of having the courage to go full out. Notice when you are making choices that do not support our heart's desires, and be gentle with yourself. Living your passions is a process. It's enough to notice and as you do, each new decision will become more aligned with your true passions. You are well on your way. You may find The Passion Test process to be a valuable tool to help you take those final steps. It will help you identify those parts of your life that are very important, yet are still not 100% congruent. Congratulations for coming this far. |
Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.
Your Answer:
Consciously or unconsciously you have realized that the path to fulfillment is making the things that matter most to you a priority in your life. Joy can't be contained. Whether you want it to or not, it just bubbles over and others are affected by it.That's why you get those comments. We're all connected and we all affect each other. Now, just ask yourself, are there some times that you still do things because you think you're supposed to do them? Are there any areas of your life where you still hold yourself back? Use The Passion Test to get clear about what you love, and Score Your Passions to see what things that matter to you have not been getting the attention they deserve. Then continue the habit of choosing in favor of your passions whenever you're faced with choices, decisions, and opportunties, and you will find that it just keeps getting better all the time. |
I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.
Your Answer:
You have an easiness and comfort with yourself and your environment that others only wish for. You have the wisdom to see that change can be good and that staying open allows you to discover that good. On those rare occasions when you get thrown off track, notice the beliefs that are causing you to think that things should be other than the way they are. These are the things which cause your unhappiness, nothing on the outside. Congratulations for already being so open to the gifts which are appearing in your life. You are on well along the path of living a passionate, fulfilled life. |
I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.
Your Answer:
You struggle through life, not knowing what direction will bring you the fulfillment you want. You have some idea of what matters to you, but you are inconsistent in prioritizing those things in your life. As a result, you spend a fair amount of time in regret, wishing you had done things you did not do. You feel guilty frequently. You know life could be richer, but you don't know how to make it so. The Passion Test will give you the clarity that you presently lack. Take the Test frequently in the beginning until your top five don't change much each new time you take it. Then begin using these top five passions as a filter to guide you in choices you make in your life. When you have a decision to make, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them? As you make small choices, day by day, you will begin to see your life changing. It may be almost imperceptible at first, but with time, you will discover that you are living a passionate, purposeful life, without much trying. |
I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.
Your Answer:
You've wanted to change your life, but it hasn't been easy. You still feel bound by responsibilities and other people's expectations. This is your time. It's time to step into a new life of joy and fulfillment. It's no accident you love the things you love. It's no accident you care about the things you care about - they will lead you to fulfill your unique and special purpose. The first step is to clarify what it is you care most deeply about. Take The Passion Test and discover your top five passions. Then use these as your basis for decision making. Whenever you are faced with a choice, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them?" You are immensely powerful. You have the power to create the kind of life you have always wanted to live. This is the time. |
I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.
Your Answer:
Most of the time
There are just some parts of your life where you still lack clarity. As we say in the Passion Test book, "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear." When we aren't completely clear, then we find ourselves going first one direction then another. There are those times when we find ourselves doing things we don't really love, or spending time with people that we don't really enjoy being around. The entire Passion Test process is to help you get crystal clear about what is really important to you. Then, with this clarity, it becomes easy to make decisions that support you in living a full and rich life. You are well on your way. As you take The Passion Test, you'll notice some areas of your life that are very important to you that you have not given much attention to. Now is your chance to begin giving them attention and living a life of joy, all the time. |
Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.
Your Answer:
Pretty clear sense of direction
You feel happy with your life and where you're headed. You are motivated and your sense of direction gives you a feeling of purposefulness. Your biggest challenge is to stay open. Life will not show up the way you think it will. If you hold too tightly to the way you think it should be, you will find yourself beating your head against a brick wall. When you are clear about the things that are most important to you, then change can come and go without destroying them. Your passions serve as the filter through which you make decisions and these move you inevitably on to fulfill your purpose. This is why we call The Passion Test, "the effortless path to discovering your life purpose." Your purpose will naturally and easily unfold as you choose in favor of the things you love most in your life. After some time you will look back and say, "Wow! My life feels so purposeful and the direction is so clear, yet I hardly did anything." |
Congratulations! You have completed your Passion Test Profile. What did you discover? It's interesting to examine your life and to see where you are on or off track, isn't it?
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