Jul 25, 2010

The Passion Test Profile ~ Results

The Passion Test Profile - Results

Here are the results of your Passion Test Profile. Read through the results carefully to see where you are aligned with your passions and where there is still room for growth.

Question 1:
I am excited about my life and turned on by the things I get to do each day.

Your Answer:
Most of the time

You have been waking up to the reality that only following your passions will bring you the fulfillment you deserve in your life. Now it's just a matter of having the courage to go full out.

Notice when you are making choices that do not support our heart's desires, and be gentle with yourself. Living your passions is a process. It's enough to notice and as you do, each new decision will become more aligned with your true passions.

You are well on your way. You may find The Passion Test process to be a valuable tool to help you take those final steps. It will help you identify those parts of your life that are very important, yet are still not 100% congruent.

Congratulations for coming this far.

Question 2:
Others comment on how happy I am and what fun it is to be around me.

Your Answer:

Consciously or unconsciously you have realized that the path to fulfillment is making the things that matter most to you a priority in your life.

Joy can't be contained. Whether you want it to or not, it just bubbles over and others are affected by it.That's why you get those comments. We're all connected and we all affect each other.

Now, just ask yourself, are there some times that you still do things because you think you're supposed to do them? Are there any areas of your life where you still hold yourself back?

Use The Passion Test to get clear about what you love, and Score Your Passions to see what things that matter to you have not been getting the attention they deserve.

Then continue the habit of choosing in favor of your passions whenever you're faced with choices, decisions, and opportunties, and you will find that it just keeps getting better all the time.

Question 3:
I get upset and thrown off track when unexpected situations and circumstances arise.

Your Answer:

You have an easiness and comfort with yourself and your environment that others only wish for. You have the wisdom to see that change can be good and that staying open allows you to discover that good.

On those rare occasions when you get thrown off track, notice the beliefs that are causing you to think that things should be other than the way they are. These are the things which cause your unhappiness, nothing on the outside.

Congratulations for already being so open to the gifts which are appearing in your life. You are on well along the path of living a passionate, fulfilled life.

Question 4:
I am very clear about the top five passions in my life, those things that matter most to me.

Your Answer:

You struggle through life, not knowing what direction will bring you the fulfillment you want. You have some idea of what matters to you, but you are inconsistent in prioritizing those things in your life. As a result, you spend a fair amount of time in regret, wishing you had done things you did not do. You feel guilty frequently. You know life could be richer, but you don't know how to make it so.

The Passion Test will give you the clarity that you presently lack. Take the Test frequently in the beginning until your top five don't change much each new time you take it.

Then begin using these top five passions as a filter to guide you in choices you make in your life. When you have a decision to make, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them?

As you make small choices, day by day, you will begin to see your life changing. It may be almost imperceptible at first, but with time, you will discover that you are living a passionate, purposeful life, without much trying.

Question 5:
I make decisions based on what will help me live my passions most fully.

Your Answer:

You've wanted to change your life, but it hasn't been easy. You still feel bound by responsibilities and other people's expectations.

This is your time. It's time to step into a new life of joy and fulfillment. It's no accident you love the things you love. It's no accident you care about the things you care about - they will lead you to fulfill your unique and special purpose. The first step is to clarify what it is you care most deeply about.

Take The Passion Test and discover your top five passions. Then use these as your basis for decision making. Whenever you are faced with a choice, ask yourself, "Will this help me be more aligned with my passions, or will it take me farther away from them?"

You are immensely powerful. You have the power to create the kind of life you have always wanted to live. This is the time.

Question 6:
I spend my days doing things I love, surrounded by people I love.

Your Answer:
Most of the time

There are just some parts of your life where you still lack clarity. As we say in the Passion Test book, "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear."

When we aren't completely clear, then we find ourselves going first one direction then another. There are those times when we find ourselves doing things we don't really love, or spending time with people that we don't really enjoy being around.

The entire Passion Test process is to help you get crystal clear about what is really important to you. Then, with this clarity, it becomes easy to make decisions that support you in living a full and rich life.

You are well on your way. As you take The Passion Test, you'll notice some areas of your life that are very important to you that you have not given much attention to. Now is your chance to begin giving them attention and living a life of joy, all the time.

Question 7:
Life is confusing for me. I don't have a clear sense of direction in my life.

Your Answer:
Pretty clear sense of direction

You feel happy with your life and where you're headed. You are motivated and your sense of direction gives you a feeling of purposefulness.

Your biggest challenge is to stay open. Life will not show up the way you think it will. If you hold too tightly to the way you think it should be, you will find yourself beating your head against a brick wall.

When you are clear about the things that are most important to you, then change can come and go without destroying them. Your passions serve as the filter through which you make decisions and these move you inevitably on to fulfill your purpose.

This is why we call The Passion Test, "the effortless path to discovering your life purpose." Your purpose will naturally and easily unfold as you choose in favor of the things you love most in your life. After some time you will look back and say, "Wow! My life feels so purposeful and the direction is so clear, yet I hardly did anything."

Congratulations! You have completed your Passion Test Profile. What did you discover? It's interesting to examine your life and to see where you are on or off track, isn't it?

Watch for our emails in the coming days with links to free videos
in which we will share the secrets of a passionate life.

If You Made it This Far, You're Probably Serious
About Creating a Life That You Love. Right?

If so, then we invite you to read the rest of this page. Learn about our self-paced, online program called Passionate Life Secrets that will show you step-by-step how to do just that.

We've helped thousands of people answer these 3 key questions that you may be asking yourself right now...


How can I figure out what I'm passionate about
(especially if you don't have a clue)?

Q.2 When I know what I'm passionate about, how can I live my passions given my current situation and responsibilities?
Q.3 How can I make a comfortable income following my passions?

The answers are available to you below... starting today...

It's a Fact - Loving Your Life Comes From
Discovering and Following Your Passions

It's the solution to all your money worries.

And finding meaning and purpose in your life? It holds the key to that one too.

Loving your life is even the secret to a vital, healthy, energized body.

Of course, you don't need to be told that loving yourself is the secret to every fulfilling relationship.

My Story

Janet Iceland pic 175 x 220

My life today is a daily miracle, and it wasn't always that way. Before I started attracting brilliant mentors who taught ME how to open my heart and step fully into every experience in my life, I was on a roller coaster.

I went through relationships like laundry. I'd even joke that "three months is the perfect length for any relationship" because that's about how long it took before my insecurities would start showing up.

My body was the same. I'd get thin for a while, only to blow up by 30 or 40 pounds a while later.

When friends told me they had a perfect job for me and I'd make MILLIONS of dollars, I went for the money without a thought to what I loved or was passionate about.

I ended up hating my job. . . being miserable, having to drag myself out of bed every day.

Can you relate?

I Had This Dream

For me, I've always dreamed of being a great speaker and author, helping people discover their personal greatness. I also wanted to travel the world, support great causes and create connections between people and organizations that are helping make the world a better place.

Today, I have the great privilege to speak all over the world, doing just that. I've had the incredible good fortune to share the stage with people like His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Stephen Covey, Richard Branson, F. W. de Klerk, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, and many more.

I've started Passion Test programs for business, for kids and teens and trained over 500 Passion Test facilitators. We've created programs for the homeless and kids in lockdown detention centers. I was deeply honored to receive the highest award for volunteer service from the President of the United States for this work.

"Thank You for Saving My Life"

The other day someone who had taken The Passion Test asked me to sign a copy of our book. He told me what to write to the friend who had given him the book and this what he said . . . He told me that The Passion Test had literally saved his life and now he was going to share it with anyone who would listen.

All of this is why I do what I do. I now live a life that is filled with love. And that's what I want for you.

Your story will be different than mine. But it can be just as magical.

It starts with falling in love with yourself. That's the whole purpose of The Passion Test process.

It will help you wake up to what a phenomenally special and gifted person you really are.

Are you ready to step into a life where you are loved and in love, making a living doing what you love, serving people who love what you do?

Don't you just love headlines like this?

"Do it now or you'll miss out . . ."

Well, guess what, clarity requires making choices.

If you want to get to the point where you are free of worries, opening your heart to the fullness of life as you step completely into your purpose in life, you are going to have to make choices.

It's time to start listening to your heart's calling, to quiet the the chatter of the mind, and choose for love.

The Passion Test Process Really Works!!

Chris and I have given The Passion Test to thousands of people all over the world. We've watched their hearts open and miracles start to happen. The Passion Test is a simple, powerful way to get clear on what you really love. Here's what some people have said about what happened as a result:

Catherine Lanigan"Incredibly Valuable Tool"

“The Test itself is an incredibly valuable tool for clarifying what’s really important to you in your life. Equally valuable were the lessons Chris and Janet Attwood share for actually living your mission.”

Catherine Lanigan, author of Jewel of the Nile and
Romancing the Stone

"Changed the Way I Lived My Life"

"When I did the work on discovering your passion with Chris and Janet in a workshop, I wasn't expecting that much to happen because I am already living my passion -- teaching others about how to become more successful. However, their powerful process took me to an even deeper place, where I realized I was not spending enough time with my true number one passion -- my family! That realization, and the other work they did with me, has changed the way I have lived the past year."

Jack Canfield, Co-creator of the #1 NY Times Bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

What About People Like You?

We can share testimonials from people like John Gray, Marci Shimoff, Lisa Nichols, Robert Allen, Rev. Michael Beckwith and many others until the cows come home. But here's the kind of things that 'regular people' say as they use The Passion Test to start to fall in love with themselves and their life:

PLS Tina Eddy"The Most Profound Experience
I've Ever Had"

"It is hard to express what taking The Passion Test did for my life in one sentence. The most profound experience I have ever had.

When I stopped worrying about the how, it all just started to happen. It was magic."

Tina Marie Eddy

"Now I'm Lit on All Burners"

PLS Alana Lea"The Passion Test helped me to make a profound shift, from work I was committed to doing for interfaith and political peace to my passion for beauty, nature and the environment. When I took the Passion Test it became clear that when I was honest, I wanted to return to my deep passion for illustrating and creating beautiful environments in homes, while working toward the restoration of forests in Brazil.

Now I'm lit on all burners, all of my energies are aligned and I'm drawing the most wonderful people to my team. Even the process of raising capital in this day and age is fulfilling!"

Alana Lea
Social entrepreneur, Eco-textile Designer & Founder of Rainforest ECO, San Francisco, CA

"The Passion Test is a Great Revelation"

Michael van Osch

"The Passion Test is a great revelation, especially in times like these when many are searching for answers for their lives. We're at a point like no other where the possibilities to do what you were born to do seem to grow with each passing day.

The key and the challenge is clarity, knowing what is right for you. That is the gift of The Passion Test."

Michael Van Osch, CEO, thinktankmen.com

"Empowered Me to Create a Life I Love"

"The Passion Test empowered me to create a life I love - one filled with the things that I have declared to be most important to me. The most powerful part - the insights and tools to recognize when I am not living that life AND how to turn that around - that's PRICELESS!"

Ratika Hansen
Market Development Manager, Intel Corporation

"More Clear and Confident Than Ever"

"The Passion Test affirmed my life choices in a powerful way. With so many pressures on us as boys and men to perform and succeed in the eyes of others we get confused about who we really are. I am now more clear and confident than ever that I am on my own unique path and that it's all good!"

Randy Crutcher
Transformational Life Coach & Organizational Consultant
Arnold, CA

As we said earlier, we've put together a program called Passionate Life Secrets that GUARANTEES to give you the answers to the 3 questions that we mentioned above.

What You'll Learn in the
Passionate Life Secrets Program

Here are just a few of things you'll learn, absorb and master...

Orange check in box Discover What You Love - Go through The Passion Test process to discover your top 5 passions (they might not be what you think!).
Orange check in box Doing What You Love - Master the 4 keys to making an income while following your passions and do the things for yourself, your family and friends that you've always wanted.
Orange check in box Loving What You Do - Apply the 7 principles of living a passionate life, and be prepared for avalanches of abundance in the areas you need most.
Orange check in box Loving What You Create - Learn the 3 keys to creating anything you choose to have in your life, even through the most difficult of times.
Orange check in box Loving Enough to Let Go - Systematically apply a simple, powerful 4-step freedom process to unravel imprisoning beliefs that have held you back until now.
Orange check in box Loving the Choices - Always know the right direction to take when you're faced with major decisions... and have the unstoppable confidence to make them.
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Loving When You Do It - Discover how to time major events in your life to achieve the greatest possible success that others will call miracles.

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Loving Through It - Take 7 powerful steps to return to joy whenever it disappears - this alone is worth 5x the price of the program.

Orange check in box Loving Your Life - Follow the effortless process of discovering and aligning with your life purpose, and wake up each morning pinching yourself.
Orange check in box Loving How You Do It - Create a realistic and rewarding action plan to bring your passions and true purpose to life.

PLS Enroll Now!

Your Passionate Life Secrets Program
Has 3 Components

. . .Then Apply in Your Life

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WATCH 24 Step-by-Step Video Lessons

Video first frameValue: $297.00

You'll receive coaching from us via online videos that take you step-by-step through the entire process of falling in love with your life as you systematically discover the things you love most, your passions.

Each video is 10-15 minutes long and focuses on one specific topic. This means that you can fit it in around your busy schedule and you can go back to the videos any time you want to.

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LISTEN to "Discover Your Passions" Teleclasses

Value: $297.00

For the next 6 months you'll get access to the live, hour long sessions that will help you dive deep into your passions, open your heart to your own nature and begin to fall in love with who you really are. Every time you take The Passion Test you'll learn more about yourself, get more deeply connected to your true nature and on these calls you'll get to hear a volunteer go through the process.

You'll get to submit your questions before the call and you'll be able to ask any that come on the call as well. If you're stuck at all, you'll have direct access to Chris, Janet or one of our Master Trainers to get unstuck.

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READ/WRITE in Your Personal Passion Planner

Value: $47.00

This printable workbook will allow you to keep track of your notes and assignments. It will support you in using the tools to open your heart to your deepest loves, create your life to do what you love as you serve those who love what you do.

With each new module you'll get a link to download the next section of your Personal Passion Planner.

PLS Personal Passion Planner cover

PLS Enroll Now!

Additional Training Materials
To Help You Get Even More Connected to YOUR Passions
and Life Purpose We've Included These Gifts

Gift #1 - 24 Audio Interviews
"Passions of Real Life Legends"

Value: $479.28

You'll learn the secrets of some of the most successful people in the world including Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker,Lisa Nichols, Dr. John Gray, Mariel Hemingway, Barbara De Angelis, Robert Kiyosaki, Marci Shimoff, and 16 others.

Tony RobbinsDr. John GrayMariel Hemingway Paperback Book Bonus - Michael BeckwithPaula AbdulLisa Nichols

Gift #2 - Video
"Passion Test Workshop"

Janet video snapshotValue: $97.00

You'll have a front row seat as you go through The Passion Test process in this 3-hour workshop. You'll gain new insights into the principles that will support you in consciously creating your own passionate life.

Others have said that this is the best Passion Test Workshop we've ever done. We hope you'll agree.

Gift #3 - Audio
"7 Secrets to Living a Passionate Life"

PLS CD label yellow background

Value: $14.97

In this 70-minute online audio you'll learn the answers to the 7 questions that we receive most often...

  1. Why it's important to discover your passions
  2. How to find out what you're really passionate about
  3. How to put your passions into action
  4. What to do when others want you to do things that aren't your passions
  5. How to make an income while following your passions
  6. What to do if your life feels like it's stuck in a rut
  7. What to do when one passion conflicts with another

Get instant online access to this recording when you enroll today

Gift #4 - E-book
"Quotes from The Passion Test"

PT Paperback cover - small 98 x 149

Value: $9.97

In this inspiring 10 page e-book you'll enjoy more than 100 of the most profound quotes from our NY Times Bestselling Book, The Passion Test - The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose.

This little book will give you daily thought-starters on topics including "Creating what you choose to have in your life", "Destiny", "Life is a Gift" and "Intention - Attention - No Tension".

Special Bonus Gifts From Our Friends

If you were one of the 14,000 people you joined us at Janet's ONLINE BIRTHDAY BASH in June then you'll already know about the incredible gifts that her guests brought for YOU. You'll get all of these gifts when you enroll in Passionate Life Secrets today.

Marci Shimoff square


Happiness, abundance and Millions: Starting Now!
(90-minute mp3 download)

Max Simon


7 Steps to More Energy, Greater Clarity & Ultimate Success
(28-page e-Book)

Sean Stevenson square


Ripping the Victim out of Yourself: Learning to Live at "Cause" Instead of "Effect. An interview with Joe Polish.
(mp3 audio)

Mark Victor Hansen square


Richest Kids in America - How They Earn It, How They Spend It, How You can Too
(169-page e-Book)

Sonia Ricotti


An Inspirational Video - This phenomenal inspirational video has been viewed over two million times around the world on YouTube! Now you can have your own copy!

Paul Hoffman


The 7 Ways to Seize Your Day and Follow Your Passions
(Live teleseminar in the 2nd week of July 2010)

Chris Cade


Think Without The Box and Not Just Outside It - How to silence your inner critic
(mp3 audio)

Steve Farber


Extreme Leadership: In Pursuit of the OS!M.
(3.5-hour audio series)

Marcia Wieder


Finding Your Dream. Believing in Your Dreams. Becoming a Dreamer.
(3 e-Books)

John Gray


Free seminar valued at $297 when you purchase Dr. Gray's "stress-buster" health supplement package

Stephen Co


Meditation on Twin Hearts
(mp3 audio)

Hale Dwoskin


Wealth and Success

Robert Allen


Start Your day with Power
(mp3 audio and pdf)

PLS Enroll Now!
Get Clear on Your Top 5 Passions with a Private 1-on-1 Consultation
Only a few appointments remaining

We are limited by the number of Passion Test Facilitators available to provide these personal consultations. Enroll now in Passionate Life Secrets and we'll make sure you get this personal attention.

During this 30-minute private telephone session with a Certified Passion Test Facilitator you will:

PLS small blue check

Discover your top 5 passions

PLS small blue check

Have the opportunity to share what's been holding you back until now

PLS small blue check

Get advice from an experienced facilitator on how to get the most from your Passionate Life Secrets course

This consultation would usually cost $75.00. There is no extra charge to you when you enroll now in Passionate Life Secrets.

"All I can say is, WOW!"

"Since taking the Passion Test, and applying to my life the principle of everything I do being within my true passion, my life has completely changed. First of all, I was able to let go of a 20 year relationship in a very friendly and loving way (we're the best of friends and co-parents). As if that wasn't HUGE enough, I decided to follow my passion of being an empowering voice for our world's children and quit my J.O.B., opening my practice as a Transformational Parenting Coach.

PLS Juli DubiosI also wrote my first Children's Book (in 8 hours, cover to cover), had the perfect illustrator "fall into my lap", sold the book to the first publishing house I sent it to, and had incredible sales the first month of it's launch! Now I'm now co-authoring a series of Children's Novels. All of this incredible change in less then 10 full months.

All I can say is, "WOW, what a delicious difference to live my Passion!" Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your wonderful work and being two of my greatest teachers!"

-Juli DuBois

Register For YOUR Passionate Life Secrets
Online Course Today

You'll Receive... Value
Orange check in box 24 step-by step online Video Lessons with Chris and Janet
Orange check in box Discover Your Passions teleclasses $297.00
Orange check in box Personal Passion Planner Workbook that follows the video lessons (.pdf)

The value of this life-changing knowledge is $641.00...
PLUS you'll also get the special gifts below...

Blue check in box Gift #1 - 24 Audio Interviews with Real Life Legends $479.28
Blue check in box Gift #2 - Video: Passion Test Workshop (Over 3 hours) $97.00
Blue check in box Gift #3 - Audio: "7 Secrets to Living a Passionate Life" (70-min) $14.97
Blue check in box Gift # 4 - E-book: "Quotes from The Passion Test" $9.97
Green check in box A 30-minute 1-on-1 Passion Test Consultation with a Certified Passion Test Facilitator $75.00
Green check in box A collection of special bonus gifts from our friends - all renowned transformational teachers.
Total value of this program is over $2,300.00!

And it's YOURS today for ONLY $397.00 $97.00

Enter coupon code PLS-OTO on the next page to claim your $300 discount

Enroll today

Since you are just getting to know us, we want to reward you
for taking action today.
This special ONE-TIME OFFER is our way of
welcoming you if you are willing to make this choice for yourself.

PLEASE NOTE: This really is a one-time offer. Once you leave
this page you will never see this program at this price again.

Enter Coupon Code PLS-OTO

"Now it is my passion to share
this process with others"

Lorraine Riordan"I just cannot say enough how amazing it is to have in my life things that make me giddy.I cannot believe I am even using the word "giddy" to describe it, but that is exactly what I feel when I am living out my passions and doing what is most important to me. And now it is my passion to share this process with others".

Lorraine Riordan
Trainer & Lifestyle Management Mentor
Dumont, NJ

Let us show you how to create a life that you love.

Choose love, and love will choose you.

When you are clear on what your gifts are and you give thsose gifts, you will receive what your would like to have, and you will receive it in abundance.

It will be our joy and honor to share the journey with you.

With love and appreciation,

Janet signature with transparent backgroundChris Signature w/ Ampersand

P.S. It is through choosing that you gain clarity. This is the power behind The Passion Test. It's for this reason we say, "Make this choice now, because after you leave this page the choice will no longer be available to you at this price."

Clarity is the first step to living life in love. Make your choice now and start creating your life as you would choose to live it.

P.P.S. When you register for Passionate Life Secrets, you will also be helping at-risk (or at-hope) youth all over the world. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase will go to support the incredible work being done by the David Lynch Foundation, founded by the award-winning director.

PLS Enroll Now!

The Passion Test®
P.O. Box 511

Fairfield, IA 52556



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