
May 28, 2013 Puzzle Piece
Testing for Heavy Metals
Test each patient first for a XYMOGEN Homeopathic heavy metal after you make sure they are testable by using MaX Adrenal or MaX Adrenal Herbal and the multipolar magnet. Now, test a strong muscle and further test to see if any of the homeopathic metals make the patient weak when placed in the patient's energy field.
If a homeopathic metal is needed, you will give them one to three drops under the tongue of that homeopathic heavy metal that challenged at this time. The patient will now be testable, even if locked up before. They will not be switched on challenge if they were before. Now therapy localize (TL) EACH LOBE of the brain, starting with the right and left cerebellum. The brain will not usually TL in the clear or before a homeopathic metal or halogen is administered. It will always show specific weaknesses after the homeopathic.
Each lobe that causes weakness to a previous strong muscle when touched (therapy localized), now needs to be lasered 30 to 60 seconds OR UNTIL THE WEAK MUSCLE STRENGTHENS. We most commonly use the Quantum laser with its 40 mw's of red laser diode power and 40 mw's of infra red laser diode wavelength and its 20 five mw violet LED's. This gives us THREE WAVELENGTHS OF INFORMATION. Therefore it sends THREE DISTINCT MESSAGES AND EACH WAVE LENGTH PENETRATES DIFFERENT DEPTHS as well. Go to www.brimhall.com or call 866-338-4883 if you have any questions or need clarifications on the Quantum laser. Training DVD's are available.
We very commonly also use the LZR7 4.5 WATT, CLASS IV LASER. This works very rapidly and 3-4 seconds is usually sufficient. To repeat, 4, 5000 mw from the LZR7 works very rapidly. 3-4 seconds is usually sufficient. Do not over treat, as it may cause a headache.
If you stopped at this point, you have created major improvements in the patient most of the time, including increased ranges of motion, balancing leg checks, strengthening previous weak muscles etc. If this is the first visit you want to test for nutrition or the monthly check-up, this is the time to do a MaX Scan. After the scan is completed, we challenge the patient by putting iodine on the tongue or body and test to see if this makes a previously strong muscle weak. IF THE PATIENT WEAKENS, WE SEE WHICH OF THE HALOGEN HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES STRENGTHENS THAT WEAKNESS (or you could remove the iodine and one of the halogen homeopathic remedies would now weaken them from the choices of MaX Fluorine, Chlorine or Bromine).
Most often the patient will weaken to one of the halogen homeopathic remedies. Most patients have BIO-ACCUMULATED ALL THREE. Therefore we send them home with all three remedies. WE HAVE THEM TAKE ONE TO THREE DROPS EACH MORNING (of one remedy only) before they take ONE MAX IODINE. We have them rotate one halogen remedy each day through each of the three homeopathic remedies. We have them take the three remedies long term do to the continual high exposure rate of CHLORINE, FLUORINE and BROMINE in our environment. If they can self-test, they can see which remedy the body chooses for that day. If not, we have them rotate them at one remedy per day as stated.
It is best if an iodine-Challenge Test could be accomplished through, for example, LABRIX LABORATORIES at this point, if iodine weakened them on muscle testing. CURRENT LAB FINDINGS ARE THAT OVER 90% OF AMERICANS DEMONSTRATE IODINE DEFICIENCY. The patient should excrete 90 % of the 50 mg's administered over the next 24 hour period. Rarely is that accomplished according to Jay Mead, MD of Labrix Labs and David Brownstein, MD and Guy Abraham, MD in the book Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It.
The brain will now show areas that need to be lasered after the administration of the halogen homeopathic remedy that tested. Treat as you did with the first heavy metal procedure.
If you choose to move rapidly with the patient, a SECOND METAL can be identified with muscle response testing and balance their brain with laser as before. Different areas of the brain demonstrate the need for treatment with each halogen and heavy metal. You must test to see which area of the brain needs balancing with each remedy, starting with the cerebellum.
When toxins are released in the body, they deposit frequently in the fatty tissue, including the nervous system, since it is made up primarily of fatty tissue. We have found it effective to use specific nutrition to help remove the toxins from the body such as Chelex, and possibly XenoProtX from Xymogen. We always recommend adding a good quality fatty acid such as fish, flax or Creel oil. My favorite is LipiChol, which is very high grade creel oil.
Since we teach there are Six Interferences and six corrections to create optimal function in the body, we then evaluate and correct structural, visceral, craniosacral and neuromuscular imbalances. In our office we use the VibroCussor and the ArthroStim for structural and fascial correction, as well as visceral manipulation. Please go to www.brimhall.com for answers to any questions concerning the equipment or techniques mentioned.
We send the patient home with the homeopathic metal that first challenged and have them take one to three drops each time, up to a maximum of three times per day, according to muscle response testing. To restate our position, we also have each patient take one to three of the nutrient CheleX to help the body release the heavy metal from the body that tested and the other metals that release do to unlocking of this heavy metal cascade. We have them take the essential fatty acid that tested, which is usually LipiChol, at two to three per day.
You may uncover hidden weakness after exposing the toxic metal/s and or halogens. Depending on your practice, you can do this procedure and the muscle response testing scan on the first to third visit for a new patient. We do a muscle response testing Health Scan and send them home with the appropriate XYMOGEN nutrition on the first to second visit because we have a reputation for doing nutrition. Your procedure may vary with your circumstances. We retest each patient every thirty days and adjust their nutrition according to this new evaluation.
If needed, we do a comprehensive blood profile and often a hair analysis at the same time we do the muscle response testing and compare this to our physical findings. Often we do a salivary test through Labrix Lab for our patients as well looking at adrenal function and hormone levels.
Concerning the Heavy Metals and Halogen Homeopathics: What has given us the most dramatic results is to test each patient, each time they come in and give them that day, one to three drops of the homeopathic metal that tests positive. This evaluation continues to demonstrate hidden weaknesses and amplifies our treatment results. We do not send them home with a different homeopathic metal each visit. They continue on their previous nutritional support, along with only one heavy metal homeopathic until their 30 day re-test. This is usually the one metal that tested on the original exam.
It is important to do all of the things you normally do for detoxification such as nutrition, lymphatic drainage, liver detox (MaX Liver Detox), foot baths, far infra-red saunas, Epsom salt and baking soda baths etc.
Another consideration is do we begin this technique of heavy metal/toxic halogen challenge and treatment on really sick people, especially with a leaky gut, before I get them strong enough to detox? Should I get the gut healed first with MaX GI, MedCaps GI, L-Glutamine, ProbioMax DF, and XymoZyme before I release the heavy metals? Our experience, on the worst of cases, shows us the homeopathic heavy metals and halogens; with the above nutrition is the place to start altogether. The gut is the second brain and you need to heal both the brain and gut simultaneously. I personally think that is the key to discover and release the heavy metals and toxic halogens to create the wellness the patient needs to overcome many limiting dis-eases and their symptomatic expressions.
Yours in Health and Wellness,
John W. Brimhall, BA, BS, DC, FIAMA, DIBAK
(To Be Announced)
2013 ICAK USA Meeting
Los Angeles, CA |
June 6-9
2 Day 6 Steps To Wellness
Phoenix, AZ |
Sept 7-8

Dr. Brimhall's Health Puzzle Piece is a weekly email newsletter distribution that has been brought to you by the collaborative efforts of the Brimhall Wellness Team. All newsletters are published and available at www.Brimhall.com a division of Health Path Products, LLC.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The nutritional information, suggestions, and research provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease and should not be used as a substitute for sound medical advice. Please see your health care professional in all matters pertaining to your physical health.
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