Ivie Powell
A favorite song of children teaches the importance
realizing that God sees everything we do,
hears everything we say.
Parents and friends look
with great joy
as the little folks enthusiastically sing:
Oh be careful little eyes what you see.
Oh be careful little ears what you hear.
Oh be careful little mouth what you say.
Oh be careful little hands what you do.
Oh be careful little feet where you go.
There's a God up above looking down in tender
love so be careful. ..
In all my years of preaching, I don't recall that s
one ever being sung during a regular worship
assembly. Why?
Could it be we have the idea this is
a song only for
Do we as adults need to
take heed to the lyrics
of that particular song as well?
The Bible addresses all needs of man (2 Pet. 1:3)
including the use of the tongue.
As a matter of
fact, the Holy Spirit had James to write eighteen
soul-penetrating passages concerning the tongue
(James 3).
When is the last time you read those verses?
Since sins of the tongue are so easily
committed, all of us need to be reminded of
taking heed to:
What we say!
What we hear!
What we repeat!
Sins of the tongue are numerous, and have far, far,
reaching consequences both in this life, and
eternity! Solomon wrote, "Death and life are in the
power of the
One of the ways
Satan has of
disrupting and destroying a congregation as well as
the brotherhood is through the improper
use of the tongue!
Concerning this matter James writes:
"And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity;
so is the tongue among our members, that
it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire
the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
.(James 3:6)
Because of a deadly tongue, friendships have been
destroyed, marriages ended, reputations
tarnished, businesses shut down, jobs lost, fights,
killings, wars, law
suits, church splits and civil wars
have erupted within the brotherhood!
The following
should cause all to take a
serious look at the use of the
When it curses (James 3:10)
When it speaks evil (Eph.4:31)
When its speech is crooked (Prov.4:24)
When it harshly criticizes (Matt.5:22)
When it is backbiting (Rom.1:30)
When it is deceitful (Rom.3:13)
When it talks foolishly (Eph.5:4)
When it teaches falsely (Titus 1:10-1)
When it speaks idle words (Mat. 12:36)
When it sows discord (Prov.6:19)
When it flatters (Psa. 12:3)
When it lies (Rev.21:8)