May 14, 2012

Access Consciousness


Access Consciousness™ is about creating oneness, which includes everything without judgment. It is about total allowance. People are infinite beings capable of total consciousness, yet most people do not recognize themselves as such.
The mission of Access Consciousness™ is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It is our target to get you to the point where you receive from Access Consciousness™ the awareness of everything, with no judgment of anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is.
Company Overview
Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine. What if you were willing to nurture and care for you? What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?

In truth, you are one of the only things that makes it possible for the earth to survive. Consciousness is the ultimate source of change.

1 comment:

Lola Moonflower said...

The purpose of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It is our target to get you to the point where you receive from Access the awareness of everything, with no judgment of anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is.
Access Consciousness
Dr. Dain Heer
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