Jan 29, 2013

Flamingo Medicine

*~* Flamingo medicine*~*
Flamingos can teach you how to filter out things from your life, and discard the ones that you do not benefit from and keep those that help and heal your heart. This ability is aided by the Malachim, a group of healing Angels who work under the guidance of the archangel Raphael. Flamingo people sometimes have Raphael as their guardian angel.Flamingo is often the totem to people who use psychometry –the ability to sense things through the touching of objects.
Flamingo people do not like to be alone and are usually in company of others. Those with Flamingo medicine are flirtatious. Flamingo signals a time of cleansing and filtering to find out what nourishes and heals the heart. Flamingo shows you how to follow your heart in your life. The Flamingo is a bird with many faces. They live in large flocks and are hardly ever seen solitary. Living in large groups gives them a sense of
security and protection. Those with this medicine feel comfortable and safe in groups. They have difficulty being alone or on their own. Mostly they are followers and not leaders and need to pay attention to what they are following and make sure that it honors their personal truth. Their pink
Color is caused by a food they eat which contains carotene. Without this food in their diet their feathers turn white. The ability to change colors
Gives them the magical properties that are associated with illusion and shape shifting. Those who hold this medicine have the ability to appear to be what they are not. This ability serves as a disguise when appropriate and allows them to slide in and out of situations gracefully. The word Flamingo comes from the Latin word flame. The Egyptians revered the flamingo as a living embodiment of the sun God Ra. Due to the fact that the eye of the flamingo is larger than its brain they are associated with clear sightedness. Flamingos see exceptionally great but because of the smallness of their brain they are not always able to interpret the things they see accurately. This is one reason why they live in groups, relying on one another and work with group consciousness rather individual awareness.
Although people with flamingo medicine have psychic abilities they need to strengthen the reasoning powers of the mind using their logic and intuition before making decisions and remember to weigh all sides of a situation before taking action. Flamingos have a long life span. They are social birds and are very vocal. They are extremely sensitive to loud noises and chaotic
Situations and will flee from them instantaneously. They teach us how to follow suit and not engage in situations that are detrimental to us on any level. They breed for life and are faithful partners. They have the longest migration of other birds. Those with this totem are dedicated to their choices, loyal to their causes and have a tendency to go further than most others to accomplish their goals.
Photo: *~* Flamingo medicine*~*
Flamingos can teach you how to filter out things from your life, and discard the ones that you do not benefit from and keep those that help and heal your heart. This ability is aided by the Malachim, a group of healing Angels who work under the guidance of the archangel Raphael. Flamingo people sometimes have Raphael as their guardian angel.Flamingo is  often the totem to people who use psychometry –the ability to sense things through the touching of objects.
Flamingo people do not like to be alone and are usually in company of others. Those with  Flamingo medicine are flirtatious. Flamingo signals a time of cleansing and filtering to find out what nourishes and heals the heart. Flamingo shows you how to follow your heart in your life. The Flamingo is a bird with many faces. They live in large flocks and are hardly ever seen solitary. Living in large groups gives them a sense of
security and protection. Those with this medicine feel comfortable and safe in groups. They have difficulty being alone or on their own. Mostly they are followers and not leaders and need to pay attention to what they are following and make sure that it honors their personal truth. Their pink
Color is caused by a food they eat which contains carotene. Without this food in their diet their feathers turn white. The ability to change colors
Gives them the magical properties that are associated with illusion and shape shifting. Those who hold this medicine have the ability to appear to be what they are not. This ability serves as a disguise when appropriate and allows them to slide in and out of situations gracefully. The word Flamingo comes from the Latin word flame. The Egyptians revered the flamingo as a living embodiment of the sun God Ra. Due to the fact that the eye of the flamingo is  larger than its brain they are associated with clear sightedness. Flamingos see exceptionally great but because of the smallness of their brain they are not always able to interpret the things they see accurately. This is one reason why they live in groups, relying  on one another and work with group consciousness rather individual awareness.
Although people with flamingo medicine have psychic abilities they need to strengthen the reasoning powers of the mind using their logic and intuition  before making decisions and remember to weigh all sides of a situation before taking action. Flamingos have a long life span. They are social birds and are very vocal. They are extremely sensitive to loud noises and chaotic
Situations and will flee from them instantaneously. They teach us how to follow suit and not engage in situations that are detrimental to us on any level. They breed for life and are faithful  partners. They have the longest migration of  other birds. Those with this totem are dedicated to their choices, loyal to their causes and have a tendency to go further than most others to accomplish their goals.

Jan 21, 2013


The Healing Power of Love

WE COME to help you to attune yourselves to the infinite power of love. Love is the worker of miracles, divine love will meet every need of your lift. The material world and your imprisonment in the physical body may seem to you very hard, and you have become accustomed to thinking in terms of pain and inconvenience and ills of the flesh which seem so obstinate and will not be removed. Of course they will not, if you think about them; but as soon as you dwell in spirit, attuned to the love of your Father-Mother God and Christ the Son, you will feel the inflow of a magic power of healing. But don’t be in too much of a hurry. Be patient.
If you will train yourselves to think in terms of love every moment of life you will find that unconsciously and almost imperceptibly a beautiful healing will take place in your live.

There are many methods of healing but only one true source from which all healing flows, and this source is divine love – the foundation of all life. The Master Jesus as at the head of the healing ray, and it is his special work to help humanity to make contact with the Source of life. He comes to you whenever you truly call. No prayer goes unanswered because true prayer sets up a vibration in your soul which goes right to the Source. True prayer is the complete surrender of the soul to God’s will. ‘Thy will be done on earth. Thy will be done in my physical body. Thy will be done in me’. God’s will is good, and his will is that your body should be healthy, holy and able to enjoy the beauty of life. May the wisdom that will guide you to this end fill your heart and mind.

“Now will you be still, very still, and visualize the presence of the Christ, a radiant personality with love shining from Him ……He stands in a pure white pulsating light and from Him the rays are now penetrating your heart…..

In love, my child, there is no separation…..All are together one in God, in the consciousness of eternal life. There is no past, no future, all is in the eternal Now.

I live and have my being in the eternal life, in God.”


Sent to me by Pam Mansfield
Love, Light, and Blessings, Brenda 

Given to me by Pam Mansfield/Inner Visions

 'Beloved friends, when we sit in the silence and commune with the invisible, we become aware of the praise and thanksgiving following from the heart of God. It may seem strange to you to think of God giving thanks, but we ask you to consider this idea of God pouring forth thankfulness. God created the world, the heavens and all things. And God gave thanks when he beheld his creation. We want to put into your heart this thought of a continual outpouring of thanksgiving for everything – for life, for food, for the joy of living, even for those experiences which may appear to be better, for even these hold blessing for the child of God. We ponder on this idea of giving thanks for all that we have received, all that we have been able to give; we give thanks to God, to life, to the universe. As soon as we enter into the innermost sanctuary to worship God in spirit and in truth, we must always feel the opening of the gates of praise and thanksgiving. If a soul has reached that point on his spiritual journey when he can rise from earth into heaven and dwell there for a time, one of the grand themes of which he is conscious is that of praise and thanksgiving. And we too, on earth, can join in this grand symphony. 

We have to reach beyond the visible to the invisible. Many souls are continually thanking God who do not appear to be very religious. They seem to be very ordinary people, but when we look more closely we notice that they are enjoying life, that they have the ability always to touch something in life which is beautiful. They enjoy the food which comes to them from God’s bounty. They listen to music and are raised into an ecstasy of thanks giving; they behold the flowers and see not merely the flower, but also God in that flower. They may not label him by name they may not say that God is speaking through the flower, but their souls gaze upon the woodlands and the bright flowers and from them receive happiness; they are forever touching the invisible and intangible, although they may not call it God. 

Such souls may not sing hymns or fall on their knees in prayer but theirs is an ever-present worship, they live in the presence of God. Thankfulness is one form of prayer. And, brethren, close to thanksgiving is acceptance. Acceptance comes from within, a quiet inner knowing that what comes to us today is the fruit of what we have sown with our own hands; seeds which we have planted either in this present life, or perhaps centuries ago. But whatever comes today is the harvest of our own sowing, therefore we accept this harvest with humility and thankfulness, knowing that it comes to teach and to help us become simple and to know the Creator in a way that we would not otherwise have attained……” 

White Eagle – excerpt from Prayer in the New Age 

Love, Light, and Blessings, Brenda

Subject: THE ROSE OF LOVE - White Eagle
Given to me by Pam Mansfield/Inner Visions

WE love each one of you, and we are working to help you to grow the light within your heart. We look right into the heart and we know that every man and woman has within them the love of God. Look, my brethren, for that spark of light of God, within your fellows and approach that - if not verbally then in your heart. The light in the heart is pure spirit. Learn to be guided by the spirit, which is the love within you.

And remember, you do not walk the path alone. We know, more than you can yet understand, the difficulties and problems of your human relationships.

We know that problems arise and mistake are made, for there is also that in every human being which is weak. When another slips up, and does or says something you think is wrong, remember, you do not know the whole truth, you only see a tiny aspect of the picture. You know neither the karma nor the weakness and temptation of another and therefore you cannot judge. We cannot judge, but we can all love, and all have to learn the meaning of love. Love is service to God. To love is to serve the God in your brother. Be true to God.

White Eagle

Love, Light, and Blessings, Brenda

We are still in thought, in body and in spirit; and in the quietness of our soul we meet the great shining Light, the source of all life, the great Father Mother God. Silently from our heart we thank thee, we praise thee, we worship thee; we surrender ourselves to thy will; and in the glorious presence of this shining light we find peace. We feel the power of this love, this protection.

For the blessing of the love which we now feel in our hearts, we give thanks.

White Eagle
White Eagle : Dispassion
The Master has said that one of the essentials for a
disciple is to reach a state of dispassion, a tranquil state
of being. Nothing delays the progress of a soul on the
path so much as lack of dispassion. It is perhaps easy
to enter into this state while you are living in prepared
and harmonious conditions. But it is not so easy when
you return to a world of turmoil, because although you
may try to retain inward peace, you are still subject to
the violent vibrations of humanity in the outer world.
Nevertheless, dispassion is something to which every
disciple must attain, for without it he or she cannot
maintain close communion with the Master. On this
is built
all true and devotional work. So, while you seek
Still . 11 1
to meditate, let
all outer things fd from you: surrender
your mind, your soul and your body to the joys of the
spiritual life, and in time you
will be able to remain
dispassionate even in the turmoil?
What do we mean? You probably know already
Dispassion means meeting every event of human life
with tranquility knowing that all things result from
one's own failure or achievement, and every event
therefore comes along for good. We may not like it.
We may exclaim, 'This sorrow will break my heart..
How can God be a God of love when He sends such
things?'. But God's love is so much greater than our
human conception of love, and God sends these things
into human life in order to give the soul an opportunity
to strengthen itself and to meet events with tranquility
of 'spirit, never doubting that whatever happens is for
the soul's good.
Throughout your Bible, there are stories of people
who were tested almost beyond endurance but who
came through. One of them was Job, who seemed to
be visited with
all kinds of sorrows until everything was
taken from him. Even his body was a mass of festering
sores; but he still held fast to the love of God, and so
he passed the test. He knew that whatever happened
was either because he deserved it, or to test him for
his final initiation.
Will you visualize the form of the white lotus? Let us
see this flower as resting upon the surface of the stilled
waters, its roots reaching down into the mud beneath.
White Eagle on the Intuition and Initiation I
Let us see in this symbol a deep truth, as representative
of the soul which has become at peace, that is stilled,
untouched by the storms and passions of life
. . . the
soul which has learned the lesson of dispassion.
We recognize the sensitivity which results from the
increase of the spiritual forces within, which are assisted
in their growth by the great rays of light and power
from on high. But he or she who would become worthy
of initiation into the temple of the holy mysteries
must learn dispassion. Such a person must learn to be
unaffected, undisturbed, by those things which usually
cause the less understanding, or younger, soul to fly into
a state of mind which must cut him or her off from
those spiritual blessings of God which indeed are the
birthright of all of you.
The symbol of the lotus should bring to your waiting
minds this state of dispassion which you and we all
It is a symbol of annunciation . . . of initiation.
It tells those who are the silent watchers of human
growth and spiritual unfoldment the moment when the
soul is ready to be guided towards the gates of heaven.
The lotus is
a symbol of impersonal service, but also
a symbol of power. The rose symbolizes human and
divine love, and in the life of the Christ-person we
see this complete blending. The lotus also represents
this love, but a universal love, a love withdrawn from
the personal. It is
a complete symbol of life. We see
represented in its form the six-pointed Star, within the
centre of which dwells the life of God. The life of God
Still . 1 13
is the central point within the six-pointed Star; while
the Star as
a whole stands as the complete symbol of
the God-life. It is a Star of brotherhood, of power
and wisdom. This is the respect in which the lotus is
symbol of power.
Standing by a lake (in the world of spirit) and watching
the reflection of goodness and beauty, you can see
your own reflection, and see yourself in comparison
with God and God's manifestation of truth. And thus
you gain the jewel of truth. It is then that the dewdrop
shines within the lotus.
As we have said, this lesson of dispassion is one of
the most important lessons to be learnt by the candidate
treading the path towards the major initiations.
Channeled by  Bev Karakochuk on FOL
Bev began channeling White Eagle in place of Pam due to attack and blocking of her gifts.

Lola - What Does My Name Mean? - Meaning and analysis of this name of Lola

Lola - What Does My Name Mean? - Meaning and analysis of this name of Lola

  • The name of Lola creates a very quiet, practical nature and a clever and inventive mind.
  • Being analytical and naturally studious, you are interested in a factual understanding of the mysteries of life.
  • Your methodical nature requires that you like to finish what you start without interruptions and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.
  • An ability to concentrate could take you into computer programming or accountancy or any work requiring concentration and attention to detail.
  • You have, also, a flair for creative expression with your hands.
  • You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt and go into moods which can be quite extreme at times, causing much turmoil and unhappiness.
  • Although the name Lola creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and elimination system.

Superfoods you should Know About!

Super foods you should know about ❥➥❥ How many of these 13 beauties do YOU like?

Goji Berries: This amazing little superfruit contains natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds. Their powerful antioxidant properties and polysaccharides help to boost the immune system

Spirulina: This algae weighs in with an impressive 60% all-vegetable protein, and also contains a powerful combination of important vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin E, zinc, B-complex, copper, calcium, and magnesium. It is also a rich source of the antioxidant beta-carotene and the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA)

Acai Berries: The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you will ever find. Acai is an indigenous berry commonly found in the rain forests of the Amazon. This antioxidant-rich fruit has been heralded for centuries as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit. An exotic relative of the blueberry and cranberry, research has shown that this antioxidant-rich berry may be able to support in the prevention of diseases associated with oxidative damage, not to mention many other health benefits (source: globalhealingcenter)

Bee Pollen: Bee pollen is the food of the young bee and it is approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be sued directly by the body. Such highly assimilable protein can contribute significantly to one's protein needs (source: mercola.com)

Blue Green Algae: Blue Green Algae is the single most nutrient dense food on the planet. If these small bacteria are responsible for all oxygen-breathing life as we know it, imagine the powerful effects it can offer to the human body! It's been said that the nutrients in just one daily tablespoon of the algae have been known to reduce eye problems associated with Vitamin A deficiency. The same amounts have also been shown to add to levels of the essential fatty acid GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), and eradicate iron and protein deficiencies in infants

Cacao: Cacao is the highest antioxidant food in the world, with 15 times the antioxidants of wild blueberries. It is also the number one food for your heart; is the highest natural source of magnesium, the highest natural source of iron, manganese, and chromium of any major food group. It is also a tremendous source of phosphorus, zinc, and copper

Camu-Camu: Although camu-camu is not a popular fruit in the US or Europe, it is slowly gaining popularity due to the newfound interest in tropical super fruits and alternative medicines. Camu-Camu benefit's the health as it contains nutrients such as calcium, Vitamin C, niacin, phosphorous, leucine, serine, iron, flavanols, riboflavin, valene, thiamin and amino acids. Other health benefits of camu-camu is that: anti-depressant, antiseptic, good source of beta-carotene, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, powerful antioxidant, effective at treating colds, promotes mood balance and immune system, strengthens the immune system and supports health red and white blood cell formation. Camu-Camu and Cancer: The high Vitamin C content of camu-camu makes it powerful at preventing cancer. high Vitamin C consumption helps to prevent cancer associated with the colon, stomach, mouth, lung, esophagus and throat. So, eating camu-camu will lower your risk of developing different kinds of cancers

Coconut: Coconuts are one of the wonder foods on earth that amply provides for all human needs and have multiple health benefits… They can even save your life. Coconuts can be used to: Lower cholesterol, Improve digestion,Ward off wrinkles, Stabilize glucose levels, Fight off viruses, Build cells, Regulate hormones, Increase thyroid production, Lose weight, Increase metabolism, Fight infections, Kill bacteria And much more

Hemp seeds: raw shelled hemp seed is one of nature's perfect foods - a Super Food. This is one of the most potent foods available, supporting optimal health and well being, for life. Raw hemp provides a broad spectrum of health benefits, including: weight loss, increased and sustained energy, rapid recovery from disease or injury, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, reduced inflammation, improvement in circulation and immune system as well as natural blood sugar control.( source :healing-source)

Maca: Rich in essential minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, and is also quite high in protein. Maca can assist with strength, energy, and endurance, and is thought to reduce stress, improve memory and balance hormones

Raw Honey: Just to name a few uses of Raw Honey:aid in relieving morning sickness,relief from bladder infections, arthritis, upset stomach. bad breath. slow down hair loss, Honey and apple cider vinegar can be used for many ailments like stomach aches, constipation and even migraines

Marine Phytoplankton: Marine Phytoplankton is a supercharged, ocean-based micro algae that is raw, live, and thus enzyme active. It contains every known mineral and all amino acids that our bodies need for optimum health. Phytoplankton is the original source of Omega 3′s and is more powerful than any fish/flax oil you can find

Noni: Noni, Morinda citrifolia, has been used extensively in folk medicine by Polynesians for over 2,000 years. Noni is a traditional food and medicine in many tropical areas including the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, India, and the Philippines. Ancient Hawaiians used Noni fruit for both internal and topical applications. Noni is still used by the local population in Hawaii for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart health maintenance, abnormal growths, and other chronic disorders

ℒℴѵℯ / Thanks ➸ Rawforbeauty

Jan 20, 2013

A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum Songfacts

A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum Songfacts

A Whiter Shade Of Pale


Procol Harum


Songfacts™:  You can leave comments about the song at the bottom of the page.
Procol Harum's lyricist Keith Reid wrote the words to this song. He told us: "It's sort of a film, really, trying to conjure up mood and tell a story. It's about a relationship. There's characters and there's a location, and there's a journey. You get the sound of the room and the feel of the room and the smell of the room. But certainly there's a journey going on, it's not a collection of lines just stuck together. It's got a thread running through it." Reid got the idea for the title when it came to him at a party, which gave him a starting point for the song. Says Reid: "I feel with songs that you're given a piece of the puzzle, the inspiration or whatever. In this case, I had that title, 'Whiter Shade of Pale,' and I thought, There's a song here. And it's making up the puzzle that fits the piece you've got. You fill out the picture, you find the rest of the picture that that piece fits into."
Reid formed Procol Harum in 1967 with Gary Brooker, becoming an official member even though he didn't sing or play any instruments. "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" was one of about 15 songs that he wrote for their first album. Says Reid: "We were really excited about it and liked it a lot. And when we were rehearsing and routine-ing our first dozen songs or so, it was one that sounded really good. But there were a few others that we liked I would say equally - we have a song on our first album called 'Salad Days (Are Here Again)' that was a strong contender. At our first session, we cut four tracks, and 'Whiter Shade of Pale' was the one that recorded best. In those days it wasn't just a question of how good is your song? It was how good of a recording can you make? Because it was essentially live recording, and if you didn't have a great sound engineer or the studio wasn't so good, you might not get a very good-sounding record. And for some reason everything at our first studio session came out sounding really good."
Procol Harum had a few more modest hits, including "Homburg" and "Conquistador," but they attracted a devoted following, releasing 10 albums before breaking up in 1977 (they would re-form in 1991). The band was always more concerned with the quality and integrity of their music than with serving the singles market, which them unlikely candidates for one of the most successful singles of all time. When we spoke with Gary Brooker on the subject in 2010, he explained: "What is a hit? I think that any song that's going to immediately capture people and stay with them for a bit. What happens with a song that becomes a hit is that people want to hear it again, they've got to hear it again. Therefore, that requires what we call 'hooks,' doesn't it? And hooks can be all sorts of things, they can be just a little turnaround in the song. Often the people that aren't musicians, the producers and the people at record companies, are the ones that pick up on what is the hook. It might be an unimportant part of the song to you, but suddenly that is the part of the song that captures you. That's the part that hooks you and gets you in. So if you're thinking of a single, then you've got to have hooks and/or you've also got to have something that's quite different to everything else that's around. I think 'A Whiter Shade of Pale' fell into that category, something like - what's the one by the Irish girl that was a Prince song? 'Nothing Compares'? That's got lots of hooks in it, also. It was very different to whatever else was around musically, off the wall and interesting. We don't always want what we heard last week. It doesn't mean to follow the fads and fashions is what makes a success, often it's the complete opposite of that. The go-where-no-man-dares-to-tread."
Gary Brooker recalled the writing of the music in an interview with Uncut magazine February 2008: "I'd been listening to a lot of Classical music, and Jazz. Having played Rock and R&B for years, my vistas had opened up. When I met Keith, seeing his words, I thought, 'I'd like to write something to that.' They weren't obvious, but that doesn't matter. You don't have to know what he means, as long as you communicate an atmosphere. 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' seemed to be about two people, a relationship even. It's a memory. There was a leaving, and a sadness about it. To get the soul of those lyrics across vocally, to make people feel that, was quite an accomplishment.
I remember the day it arrived: four very long stanzas, I thought, 'Here's something.' I happened to be at the piano when I read them, already playing a musical idea. It fitted the lyrics within a couple of hours. Things can be gifted. If you trace the chordal element, it does a bar or two of Bach's 'Air on a G String' before it veers off. That spark was all it took. I wasn't consciously combining Rock with Classical, it's just that Bach's music was in me."
In the same Uncut interview, Keith Reid recalled the writing of the lyrics: "I used to go and see a lot of French films in the Academy in Oxford Street (London). Pierrot Le Fou made a strong impression on me, and Last Year In Marienbad. I was also very taken with surrealism, Magritte and Dali. You can draw a line between the narrative fractures and mood of those French films and 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale.'
I'd been listening to music since I was 10, from '56 to '66-The Beatles, Dylan, Stax, Ray Charles. The period of 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' was the culmination of that 10 years of listening. But my main influence was Dylan. I could see how he did it, how he played with words. I'd met Pete Townshend through Guy Stevens (A&R man and Procol Harum's original manager), and he'd put my name forward when Cream were looking for a lyricist. Then Guy put me and Gary together. I was writing all the time. 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' was just another bunch of lyrics. I had the phrase 'a whiter shade of pale,' that was the start, and I knew it was a song. It's like a jigsaw where you've got one piece, then you make up all the others to fit in. I was trying to conjure a mood as much as tell a straightforward, girl-leaves-boy story. With the ceiling flying away and room humming harder, I wanted to paint an image of a scene. I wasn't trying to be mysterious with those images, I wasn't trying to be evocative. I suppose it seems like a decadent scene I'm describing. But I was too young to have experienced any decadence, then, I might have been smoking when I conceived it, but not when I wrote it. It was influenced by books, not drugs.
It was twice as long, four verses. The fourth wasn't any great loss, but you had the whole story in three. When I heard what Gary'd done with them, it just seemed so right. We felt we had something very important. As soon as we played it for anyone, we got an immediate response.
In rehearsal, instrumentation was added. We had this concept for the sound of Procol Harum to be Hammond organ, piano and blues guitar. No other band had that; it gave us a bigger sound. It's a live recording… I think we did three takes. It's equal parts Dylan and Stax. On our own terms, we were always trying to make a Soul record. Funnily enough, Otis Redding wanted to do it, but we wanted our record out first, and Stax wanted the exclusive."
The "Vestal Virgins" were the virgin holy priestesses of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth and home. There were six of them chosen by lot and they were sworn to celibacy. Their main task was to maintain the sacred fire of Vesta. The Vestal duty brought great honor and afforded greater privileges to women who served in that role. The Vestals lived in the Atrium Vestae near the circular Temple of Vesta at the eastern edge of the Roman Forum.
This was the first song Procol Harum recorded. After it became a hit, they fired their original drummer and guitarist, replacing them with Barry Wilson and Robin Trower - more experienced musicians who could handle the subsequent touring.
Nearly 40 years after this song was released, Matthew Fisher, who played the organ in the recording, filed a lawsuit claiming that he deserved songwriting royalties for his contributions. In 2006, a judge agreed and awarded Fisher part of the copyright. In 2008, the British court of appeals overturned Fisher's right to collect royalties due to the delay in filing his claim, but it upheld, by a unanimous decision, his composer credit which had been awarded by the High Court, confirming that Fisher's organ solo was part of the song's composition. Fisher was granted permission to appeal this decision in the House of Lords and on July 30, 2009 the Law Lords unanimously ruled in the organist's favour, pointing out that there were no time limits to copyright claims under English law. The ruling means that he now receives a share of future royalties for the track. A delighted Fisher commented: "This was about making sure everyone knew about my part in the authorship." One of the five judges who heard the case, Baroness Hale, said: "As one of those people who do remember the '60s, I am glad that the author of that memorable organ part has at last achieved the recognition he deserves." (thanks, Neil - Melbourne, Australia)
On July 24, 2008, Matthew Fisher's friend and collaborator Alan Fox told us why Fisher waited nearly 40 years to bring his lawsuit: "In fact, Matthew did not wait 40 years to bring this case to court. He tried 4 times between 1972 and 2005, but was told each time by counsel that he had absolutely no chance of making a successful claim. This of course was never reported. It wasn't until he met his current lawyers Jens Hill, that he was told that he had a very strong claim and decided to proceed."
This was one of the biggest hits of the "Summer Of Love" (1967). John Lennon was a big fan of the song.
Annie Lennox covered this in 1995. It is on her album Medusa, and hit #16 in the UK. Willie Nelson also covered this.
There are two additional verses that Procol Harum used to sing at live events. They're listed on the lyrics page. Reid told us why they were removed: "Originally it was twice as long, and that was partly because at that time there was somewhat of a vogue for really long songs, whether it be Dylan or The Beatles "Hey Jude." So I was trying to write a really long song. But as we started routine-ing it and getting it ready to record, one of the verses just fell away pretty naturally - we dropped it pretty early on in the process. We felt it was just a bit too long, because, the song was like nearly 10 minutes. We were rehearsing it with three verses, so it was running about 7 minutes or so, and our producer said, 'Look, if you want to get airplay, if you want this record to be viable, you probably should think about taking out a verse.' And we did. I didn't feel badly about it because it seemed to work fine. It didn't really bother me."
This song has a chord progression that is similar in spots to that of "When A Man Loves A Woman" by Percy Sledge, although its melodic line is quite different. It is the chord progression, melodic line and song lyrics working together that make a song into a unique artistic entity.
The lyric, "As the miller told his tale" sounds like a reference to "The Miller's Tale," from Chaucer's English novel The Canterbury Tales. This tale is well known to English students as a vulgar or bawdy story, told by the miller. Given this, the line, "And so it was that later as the miller told his tale, that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale" is an attempt by a young man, who has just caused a girl to turn pale by telling some vulgar story, to explain away her signs of disgust as due to other things. Such as the dancing, the drinking.
Reid, however, disproves this theory. He told us: "I'd never read The Miller's Tale in my life. Maybe that's something that I knew subconsciously, but it certainly wasn't a conscious idea for me to quote from Chaucer, no way."
An instrumental version by the saxophonist King Curtis plays behind the opening credits of the 1988 film Withnail & I.
The song was heard in the NBC and Hallmark Entertainment Miniseries The 10th Kingdom, a 5 hour miniseries about a teenage girl and her father who are engaged in a fantasy world of the Grimm Fairy Tales coming to life. The scene has John Larroquette and Kimberly Williams, as the father and daughter, entering a swamp, where Talking Mushrooms trick the two to eat them. The song "A Whiter Shade of Pale" plays from just a faint sound to a full audio clip. (thanks, Logan - Troy, MT)
In 2004, the UK performing rights group Phonographic Performance Limited named this the most-played record on British TV and radio of the past 70 years. In 2009 it was announced that this song is still Britain's most played record. The runner-up in the list was Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." The two songs share one unusual similarity-on both of them the word "fandango" crops up in the lyrics.
In the UK, this was re-released in 1972.
This song also won a Brit award for Best British Pop Single 1952-1977. It was the joint winner along with Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody."
Denny Cordell produced this track. He became Joe Cocker's manager and in the '70s started an independent record label called Shelter Records, whose acts included Leon Russell, J.J. Cale and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

Comments (91):
Listening to Glenn Hughes version of this song and loving it. In it's original and various interpretations it has a dreamy-trippy kind of fairy tale quality.
- eb, FL Keys, FL
She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,'
though in truth we were at sea
so I took her by the looking glass
and forced her to agree
saying, 'You must be the mermaid
who took Neptune for a ride.'
But she smiled at me so sadly
that my anger straightway died

If music be the food of love [see note, left, about this verse + its opening]
then laughter is its queen
and likewise if behind is in front
then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then like cardboard
seemed to slip straight through my head
So we crash-dived straightway quickly
and attacked the ocean bed

~ these are the missing verses that we not recorded because they were advised that they wouldn't get air time if the song was too long.
Suzen - Calgary, AB, Canada
- Sunsong, Calgary, AB
Patsy ~ that would be Sarah Brightman you saw.
Suzen, Calgary, AB, Canada
- Sunsong, Calgary, AB
This song just sounds like it's about getting totally wasted. Maybe that's what it meant to Joe Cocker and why he did a version?
- Thomas, Mannum, Australia
This has been my number one song that I stop and get into every time I hear it. It is ethereal, mood evoking, soul stirring, dream-like and incredibly played and sung. An all-time hit.
- Peggy, Villa Park, IL
Always thought this song was kinda boring.
- sandy, Enterprise, FL
I'll always will believe it is "as the mirror told his tale".
- Cid, Argyle, NY
If you are troubled by the lyrics... David Lanz has a beautiful piano rendition of a Whiter Shade of Pale on his Return to the Heart album. Every song on this album was cut at a different European location. The music to this song is intoxicating. I heard it first in 1968 and no other song has surpassed it - it's my all time favorite. Everyone seems to have a different take on the lyrics, however - maybe this is why John Lennon listened to it so intently - it will always be a mystery. That is why this song is timeless.
- Petronella, Tacoma, WA
Keith Reid wrote this after he had a dream about saxs crying and organs wailing in the distance. In the dream he discovered a cave in some New England location and in this cave was many golden abandon instruments. His dream continues to this day . . . making sense only to the Gods of Harmony. I read this in London in some tabloid years ago (1960's). Lennon and Dylan had a conversation about this song while riding in a limo. This part was never recorded. - Caruso, Colorado
- mel, Midland, MI
Paul McCartney said in an interview that this song was playing when he met Linda Eastman at the Bag O' Nails club in London and always thought of it as "their song". I love the video of '60s London. Beautiful, one of my favorite songs of all time.
- Paula, Charleston, SC
magical song...one of the greatest ever
- Valentin, Beijing, China
That woman was probably Sarah Brightman. You know her better for her work as Christine in Phantom of the Opera.
- Fred, Santa Clarita, CA
The song is also used in the 1989 film trilogy New York Stories. The first part, directed by Martin Scorsese, starred Nick Nolte and Rosanna Arquette, is called "Life Lessons".

A Whiter Shade of Pale is used in the opening credits.

The film also uses a live Bob Dylan and The Band version of Like A Rolling Stone as the song which the tortured artist Lionel uses as a backbeat as he paints.
- Joe, Austin, TX
about 38 years ago or so they used to play this song alot at sock hops and also at roller skating rinks (when they quit skating on Fri nites and you could dance). A very listenable song and very danceable too. At the time I had no clue as to what it was about...lyrics then werent as readily available as they are now, eh?
- doug, kansas city, MO
This has to be one of the best & prettiest of songs in music history.
Thanks Gary
- Nanciellen, east weymouth, MA
John Lennon was obsessed with this song and played it repeatedly for weeks after its release. Quite a compliment I'd say.
- john, Grand Island, NY
Wasnt there a lost verse of this found a few years ago that made the meaning all clear? I cant remember the details but I seem to remember it turning out to be about a group orgy!
- Paul, Liverpool, United Kingdom
My mom's favorite song, it really is amazing thanks to the singer's stellar vocals.
- Theresa, Murfreesboro, TN
I am surprised that no one has mentioned this, or maybe I just missed it in the above comments, but the organ intro can be heard in the movie "The Commitments". When two of the lads go to the church to seek out their friend as keyboardist for the band, he is playing the intro during Mass. The priest gives a dirty look into the organ loft. Very funny scene.
- Kelley, Hickory, KY
I first heard this on our new Cassavant Frere Organ in Rochester, NY, played by a, then, teenager, and when I heard it played on that new organ, never having heard the song before, well, I simply cried at its simple beauty. Such a sound on such a beautiful instrument, and so right for that church. It is deeply religious in its tone, and filled the chancel with a sense of beauty I shall never, ever forget. To this day, when I hear it, I am transported back to that day. to that moment, to those tears, to all those memories. It was during the Civil Rights/Viet Nam, etc., era, and it just seemed to fit so well................
- Jim, Cincinnati, OH
One of the most memorable songs of the Sixties! I've always been intrigued by the band's Latin name, noted above to mean "beyond these things" or "something more than this."

On April 14, 2009, "A Whiter Shade of Pale" won the Times Online (UK newspaper) poll for "Most played songs in public places over the last 75 years," beating Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and The Every Brothers... See:


I didn't discover this song until I was in high school in the late Seventies but I learned to play the intro chords on my little Hammond organ, and just hearing them "casts my memory back there, Lord..."
- Luis, Baton Rouge, LA
i read a quote someplace that paul mccartney had said about this song- "When we heard it the first time, we said 'This is the greatest song ever.'" Must be pretty good, huh?
- chloe, st. louis, MO
In Latin "Procol Harum" means Far From These Things or Something More Than This. The bands original name was The Paramounts. "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" was originally released as a single with "Lime Street Blues" on the B-side.
- wayne, Salem, VA
What is the relationship between this song and the Colosseum "Beware the Ides of March"? They share the same melody, but the latter does not seem to be a cover of the former.
- ANDREA, Rome, Italy
Love it! One of my all-time favorite songs.The opening chords are beautiful,timeless.After hearing the(Previously unreleased stereo version)from the Procol Harum 30th Anniversary Anthology.I almost prefer the stereo version over the original.Of course they are both great! Plus Procol Harum is one of my all-time favorite rock bands.A thinking man's band.Just like The Who and early Jethro Tull etc.,progressive rock.I saw Eric Clapton for the 1st time in June of 1982.And Gary Brooker was in his tour band.He performed"A Whiter Shade Of Pale".And the lyrics were different from those of the original.Of course it was great with Eric singing along on the chorus.Willie Nelson does a nice version of this song on his "Red Headed Stranger" album.For those of you who don't know all of the Procol Harum catalog.Then check it out.Especially "She Wandered Through The Garden Fence" and "Something Following Me" from their first album (Procol Harum). Shine On Brightly,A Salty Dog etc.,you won't be disappointed. I read somewhere that Keith Reid grew up in the slum section of London.It just goes to show that you never know where great talent lies.-Tim,Salem,VA
- wayne, Salem, VA
I was 5 years old when this song came out. I loved it then as I love it now. It always has and always will be my favorite song....no matter who covers it. It is the best song of the modern era, in my opinion.
- Linda, New York, NY
It was probably the most iconic of all sixties pop songs, so I was surprised to discover on TV's Top 100 Songs, that Matthew Fisher's organ contribution was influenced by the Hamlet TV commercials.
- John, London, United Kingdom
To Janetlee, Panama City, FL:

The lyrics to make sense , if you know what the other two verses are (see http://www.procolharum.com/w/w9901.htm if you want to know)

To Dave, Enumclaw, WA. I don't think they ever recorded all 4 verses (Gary Brooker has been known to play it occasionally). That said there is a recording of 3 verses. You can find it on a DVD called "Live at the Union Chapel."
- Jon, NY, NY
If I remember correctly, when the song came out there where questions in an interview as to the lyrics in the chorus that are now thought to be, "that at first her face just ghostly". I remember one of Procol Harum saying that it was actually a Latin phraze. I've been searching for them, does anybody know them?
- Gerry, Baton, Rouge, LA
To end all confusion about J.S. Bach's works mentionned concerning AWSoP, here are the facts:

- Air on the G string: 2nd mvt (AIR) from SUITE no 3 in D major, BWV 1068

- Sleepers, Awake: SCHUBLER CHORAL no 1 "Wachet auf" BWV 645 (not the intro, but the Choral tune)
This Choral was also used for the Cantata BWV 140.

The beginning of AWSoP is similar (tune and harmony) to these BACH's works.

Jean* -Montréal
- Jean, Montréal, QC
Jim in PA--Regarding disco, there were discothèques (a French word) in the U.S. in the early 60's (1964, I believe, if not before--Wiki cites the original one in Paris in 1941, which would have been occupied Paris!--does this mean the Nazis invented disco?!?!), some years before AWSoP. Some here may remember the disco-dancing girls in the "disco cages" from that era. The name discothèque came from the fact that they played records ("disks," thus "disco-thèque") instead of hiring a live band. The "disco" style of music, which derived its name from those establishments, became popular much later (early 1970's?), after AWSoP. So the reference here may or may not be to discothèques.

--Also, I think the line(s) in "Ode to Billy Joe" that James in Ocala was asking about wasn't that one, but the one that goes, "He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge / And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin off the Tallahatchie bridge." This line has been speculated about since 1967 when the song hit the airwaves. If you go to that song's page here on songfacts, you'll find tons and tons of comments just about this part of the song. My hunch is that if a member of PH told an interviewer that there was a clue to this mystery in AWSoP, then he was just having some fun with the interviewer. And with all of us, who will now go poring through the lyrics looking for that clue!

Layla, Van Buren, AR--you are blessed with the name of perhaps the greatest rock song ever, and it's a beautiful name, besides. That song and the folksong, "Darcy Farrow" (w/m Steve Gillette, popularized by Ian&Sylvia), are responsible for the naming of countless girls born in the 60's and 70's. I knew a couple, Chuck and Lisa, who were friends of my kid sister, college age in 1972, who named their daughter Layla, because Chuck was a rock musician and was absolutely in love with that song.

Finally, as an amateur astronomer, it occurs to me lately, and it's probably sheer coincidence, but "Procol Harum" sounds an awful lot like the correct Latin pronunciation of the largest of the lunar maria (those dark patches on the moon), Oceanus Procellarum ("pro-kuh-lah-rum"); it means Ocean of Storms. Gee, am I swift? It only took me 40 years to notice that. So if the band took its name from a friend's cat, was that friend an astronomer?
- Fred, Laurel, MD
john Lennon once told me this was one of his favorite songs.
- leftykc, st joseph, MO
"We skipped the light fandango" is a takeoff on a lyric from an 1890 song called "Sidewalks of New York", written by James W. Blake and Charles E. Lawlor: "We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York." Before anyone says that charming little number had to be about drugs, well, at that time "tripping" meant dancing, and "tripping the light fantastic" came from a 1645 poem about dancing by John (Paradise Lost/Regained) Milton! The godawful Spoon River Anthology renders the line as "skip the light fantastic", so perhaps Keith Reid was thinking of that, too.
- Ekristheh, Halath, United States
I've been told the orignal lyrics at the start of the song where, we tripped the light fandango, not we skipped,anyone else heard this?
- Dennis, Broxbourne, England
Hey, Jak in Seattle...... Just caught your drift (I should have the whole thing) LOL

- Jim, Somewhere, PA
To: James in Ocala, Fl.
The line in "Ode to Billyjoe" is " The day billyjoe Mcallister jumped off the Talahatchy brige"

To: Jak in Seattle: This song came long before the disco era....

- Jim, Somewhere, PA
I might add, that the Annie Lennox also recorded the song and did an completely miserable execution of it. If memory serves me, Annie said right after her version was released that she hated the song, and only did it because she was told to do it.
- Jak, Seattle, WA
I love the artsy explanations and the creative conjecture guys, but the lyrics are pretty simple if you just listen to them.

First off, it's a disco scene. They were dancing and the crowd wanted more, so they were showing off. They were getting a buzz on because the room got hotter, and the waiter brought them a whole tray, probably because everyone bought them drinks in appreciation for their show-off dancing (typical of the disco era).

The guy was playing his percentages with one of the vestal "virgins", who were apparently were on vacation, and figured he would get "lucky" with one of them. It's apparent they were all pretty drunk by then.

So it was a little later, when the Miller beer told it's tale, her face was burst just ghostly and she puked all over the place, and that's your "whiter shade of pale".

Now I do love the haunting melody though, because I have a Hammond B-3 and have performed that number on stage many times. But please get real about the lyrics.
- Jak, Seattle, WA
Hey, Layla, check out Joe Cockers version.
- Nunzio, Darwin, Australia
What is the connection between this song and Ode to Billy Joe by Bobby Gentry?
- james, ocala, FL
In the seventies i heard an interview with one of the band members{dont know which one] but i remember him talking of a LINK to Bobby Gentrys' song Ode to Billy Joe in regards to what they threw off the bridge. They said the answer is in the lyrics of A W S of P. has anyone else heard of this?
- james, ocala, FL
This song is in key with and resembling of "No Woman No Cry", even more so than "When A Man Loves A Woman" if you ask me. But Bob Marley wrote it later on, so he borrowed chords from this song, no doubt.

I think Fisher deserves only 33% of copyright to the single. Hope Booker wins the appeal against him, to be honest.
- Julius, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The first time I heard this song was by "HSAS", Hagar, Schon, Aaronson and Shrieve. Then I found out that it was done by Procol Harum first. My dad had both versions. I listened to them both and still prefered HSAS's version. It's my second favorite song, after "Layla" by Eric Clapton. What can I say?... I was named after that song.
- Layla, Van Buren, AR
One of the two other verses is occasionally sung in concert, usually the "home on shore leave" one, and is also featured on one of the recently televised concerts.
- Kev O'Carroll, Helensburgh, Scotland
Zakk Wylde did an awesome cover of this song on his "Hangover Music" album. Check it out.
- Nolan, Florien, LA
This has been my single most favorite song of all time. It was played at my wedding 35 years ago and it will be played at my funeral (by instruction).
Btw, the Annie Lennox version is OK (he says damning it with faint praise) but I've heard a new one lately from a soon to be released album from Celine Dion called Songs Of Mass Destruction. It is the best cover version I've ever heard. Give it a go.
- Sean, Auckland, New Zealand
PJ asked about a female singer. Answer Sara Brightman

She's incredible!

Check out her songs. "Harem" "Phantom of the Opera" "Time to Say Good Bye" Album, "La Luna"
- bill Milner, whitefish, MT
Attended high school with a gal who had this tune played when she walked down the church aisle to get married! ô It's a great song.
- Jeanne, Ontario, CA
I don't know when the comments above was written. A while ago (Feb 07?) I read a newspaper report that Matthew Fisher (I assume it was him) claimed royalties from the band for writing the tune - it was contested based on the fact that they (Brooker et al?) acknowledge it is a straight take on "Air on G-String". His claim is based on the fact that he added a unique character to the song.
- Andre, Cape Town, South Africa
This is one of the first songs influenced by Burrough's "cut-up" style. Bowie, Lennon, Dylan and Paul Simon use this style. Take a newspaper and cut it up into pieces and reassemble it into a jumble. Give it a try it works well.
- Ken, San Diego, CA
The first Goth song.
- Ekristheh, Halath, United States
A million cover versions including- Herbie Mann, Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson, Wailing Souls, James Last, Sara Brightman, Hagar & Schon, Kenny G, Jimmy Castor (excellent wailing sax), Black Label Society, Gerry & the Pacemakers, King Curtis, Kenny Fife & Bac Trac(?), and Doro & Warlock(??). My favorite song of all time. As I'm lying in my casket, people will be thinking, "what is that tune the organist is playing, it seems familiar".
- Dave, Scottsdale, AZ
Is it true they named their band after a freinds cat.
- Graham, Surrey, Canada
Along with Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," "AWSoP" was honored in 1977 at the Brit Awards, the British equivalent of the Grammys, as the best British pop single of the past 25 years.

Despite popular belief, Robin Trower wasn't the guitarist on this song. Along with Gary Brooker, Trower formed The Paramounts in the early 60s. The band broke up and Brooker formed PH. Trower joined about a year or so later.

The band had a few other hits, most notably "Conquistador," a great song. Most people wouldn't recognize the song by its title, some may recall it if they heard it. The song was released in 1972 as a live song with the band backed by the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and reached No. 5 in the US. It was originally on the band's debut album and didn't chart.
- David, Youngstown, OH
I've always felt the lyrics refer to a girl who followed the band, who died of a heroin overdose. In that context the lyrics make perfect sense. "but the waiter brought a tray" is a reference to a plate upon which is a syringe, flame, heroin and a spoon. "her face at first just ghostly turned a whiter shade of pale." I've seen two heroin overdoses and these lyrics fit perfectly.
- William, Saint Louis, MO
As of November 2006 organ player Matthew Fisher has filed a lawsuit against Gary Booker for the rights to the song.
- Eddie, Natchez, MS
grant from wenatchee, I was going to say this is about a date or something but your idea is much better :)
- Johnny, Los Angeles, CA
I have always believed that "I wandered through my playing cards" was a reference either to playing solitaire or, more likely, to a tarot reading.
- Ekristheh, Halath, United States
This has been parodied on the British radio comedy show "I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again". In a musical bit, Bill Oddie portrayed a seaside organist influenced by the organ part of "Whiter Shade of Pale" and proceeded to perform a version of the bouncy British favourite "Oh, I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside". Surprisingly accurate--a Bach-influenced organ line, driving drum part, and soulful vocalising.
- David, Mesa, AZ
The opening organ solo isn't "sleepers awake" nor is it a direct copy of "Air on a G String" (both Bach) but a brilliant bit of faux-Bach created by Matthew Fisher, who filtered recollections of Bach through his own creativity to come up with something new. Many felt Fisher deserved a writing credit for this very key aspect of the song's melody and enduring appeal.
- illfolks.blogspot, NY, NY
Listen to Doro's cover version... I like it more than original
- Matija, Rijeka, Croatia
Doro also covered the song!
- Matija, Rijeka, Croatia
I think there must be 10 different artists that did this song. When it first came out it fit right in to the hippie movement. I loved it....still do!
- greg, Victoria, Canada
At one point this song was at least in part supposedly a reference to the death of a number of people when a dance floor collapsed domewhere in France. Some of the lyrics support that- anyone else ever have that understanding?
- grant, wenatchee, WA
The drums on this song are great.
- Johnny, Los Angeles, CA
As many Australians did in the sixties I had a working holiday in London. One of my jobs was at Olympic Sound Studios in Barnes and I was there the day "A Whiter Shade of Pale" was recorded. Little did I know that it would prove to be such a well known and well loved song. I'm sure many songs were recorded there that have been long forgotten.
- Toni, Brisbane, Argentina
Summer or 67. the ''summer of Love''. I was 15 and made love for the first time listening to this amazing tune. Always been my all time favorite and will always be. I even wrote in my last will that I want this tune to be played at my funerals.
- Christian, Montreal, Canada
Re the Joe Cocker comment posted by Erin of New York, NY: It was an excellent bluesy arrangement by Cocker featuring lead guitarist Larry Byrom (formerly of Steppenwolf). I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only person to have heard it (it was released sometime back in the late 70s / early 80s). Thanks to Erin for bringing back a good memory!
- John, Jersey City, NJ
My father listened to this when he was a teenager in Lithuania. He didn't understand any of the words, but loved the music. It's still his favourite song.
- Linus, Hamilton, ON, Canada
I just watched Procol Harum perform this song on a PBS show featuring various 60's groups, and was spellbound by their performance! Even after almost 40 years, the singer's voice was as great as his original recording, and the organ music sounded as hauntingly beautiful as ever! I was in Jr. High when this song was popular, and a girlfriend & I used to try to make ourselves cry while listening to this song...LOL! It seemed to be a sad song, and we wanted to learn how to cry on demand so we could be good actresses one day! :o) Barbra, Bremerton, WA
- Barbra, Bremerton, WA
I grew up with the original version, however, now I like much better the version by Annie Lennox (well, she can even sing Happy Birthday and sound great)
- Bernard, Caracas, South America
I believe that an istrumental version of this superb track also opened brilliant film "Withnail and I" I wonder if any of my stateside cousins have ever seen this film? It is a cult masterpiece!!
- wolf chinnery, hemel hempstead,,, England
It has been said that John Lennon, in 1967, loved this song so much that he would listen to it through headphones over & over during long journeys in the back of his limo.

Upon reaching his destination, he would remain lying on the back seat, saying he had to hear it a few more times before getting out of the car....
- Doug, Lake Mary, FL
Their are many comparisons to Procal Harum and The Band. Robin Trower was the guitarist for Procal Harum although I am not sure if it was him on this song?
- PHIL, San Jose, CA
Used at least twice in the Alan Parker film "The Commitments" [1991?] First, a church organist and prospective band mate is playing Bach's "Sleeper's Awake" and then starts singing PH's words. At the end of the movie, the protagonist contemplates the rise and fall of his band, and he recites the first verse. The scene, and film, closes with him confessing he doesn't know what the words mean.
- craig, madison, WI
please please tell me that "the miller told his tale" is about the miller's tale in the canterbury tales by chaucer.

on a side note, i once did an assemblage based on this song and my misunderstanding of it as a child. "one of sixteen vestal virgins" became "one of sixteen DISCO virgins"
- aimee, boston, MA
This song is also used several times in one of the 3 short movies of 'New York Stories'. The movie is named 'Life Lessons', feat. Nick Colte.
- Thomas, St.-Niklaas, Belgium
I always interpreted this as about being on stage at a club where the drinks are free-- getting too drunk-- messing around with a f*cked up fan-- which the singer really wooldn't have done had he not been so trashed-- because he's married.
- Gregmon, Intelbuquerque, NM
There is also a very awesome remake of this song on an album called HSAS. Released in 1984 featuring two very familiar names Sammy Hagar(The Red Rocker) pre-Van Halen, and post MONTROSE. Also another well known name Neil Schon, who is well known from Journey ,but also was in Santana at one point. The album was named Through The Fire and is out on CD.
- Chris, fort worth , TX
Great tune that people love to dance to; nothing
sweeter than that B3 organ solo. If you want a
terrific version, check out Jack Mack and the
-The Kid,Gonzales,La
- Kane, Gonzales, LA
A great song, and their most popular. Could be considered one of the first prog rock songs with its bold yet soulful organ. Produces a distict, psychedelic-tinged sound that is both glorious and lugubrious, and which may never be recreated. Probably has one of the worst fade-outs of any song ever recorded. This is one of those songs in which you'll never know the lyrics without looking them up.
- Jordan, WV
The most remarkable version of this song is from Germany´s most favored jazz-musician Helge Schneider. It´s worth to look for it as an MP3-file on the web. You won´t regret it... ;o)
- Roman, Cologne, Germany
Black Label Society released a cover of this on their album Hangover Music: Vol. IV.
- Brady, Fort Stockton, TX
I LOVE this song...I only wish that it had lyrics that made sense ! :)
- Janetlee, Panama City, FL
About those two extra verses... Has anyone ever heard a recorded version of the song with them included? And if so, where?
- Dave, Enumclaw, WA
I love this song...it is awesome. I heard this song on a Fido commercial but it was just the instrumental part of it. It is a cool song.
- Sarah, Ottawa, Canada
A couple of extra verses gleaned from www.proculharum.com
(1)She said "I'm home on shore leave"
Though in truth we were at sea
So I took her by the looking glass
and forced her to agree
saying "You must be the mermaid who took Neptune for a ride"
But she smiled at me so sadly
That my anger straightway died.
(2)If music be the food of love
Then laughter is it's queen
And likewise if behind is in front
Then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then was cardboard
Seemed to slip right through my head
So we crash-dived straight quickly
And attacked the ocean bed.
P.S.check out the web-site:)it's awesome
- Enzo, Adelaide, Australia
the female singer who re-made it, flying in air in concert, is sarah brightman. it is on her "la luna" cd and concert dvd; annie lennox also re-did this song
- Christopher, Houston, TX
Last October, 2002, I was in the hospital recovering from surgery, on heavy pain medication, and was watching an awesome concert with a woman who was singing AWSoP and she was in the air flying during this concert. She had a beautiful voice and was breath taking in this concert. The channel was on something like PBS. I wish I could find out who this artist was that gave this concert. She also had an entire orchestra and guest male vocalist who sang a few songs with her. Does anyone out there know anything about this concert? If so, would you please tell me the female artist's name. Thanks for all your help on this. PJ
- Patsy, laurel, MD
Joe Cocker also covered this song.
- Erin, New York, NY
Written By Reid after he "turned a whiter shade of pale" right before he horked all over his shoes missing the toilet completely.....no wait, that was me.
- Dave, Eau Claire, WI