Aug 6, 2010

Namaste from Larry at Buddhahands

"As the leaves drop in the autumn and the snow flakes turn to snow,
You too have special gifts to release and just let go,
As the rain falls from the clouds and each river flows to sea,
Inside your heart is love and the power to be free...

As our Earth orbits the sun and gently dwells in outer-space,
All troubles can dissolve to reveal your inner-grace,
As the light explodes in glory at the start of each new morn,
You too have life’s permission to refresh and feel reborn,
As the never-ending cycle of birth, death, awake and sleep,
Eternity hums her tune and beckons...‘Journey deep...’

As a child laughs with pure innocence and we peel back every layer,
We find ourselves, beyond the noise, to be a mighty player,
As the wind sings through the tress and the rocks stand bold and strong,
You too can find beyond your thoughts, there’s really nothing wrong,
As the rain soaks dried up lands and the lightening parts the sky,
Sometimes it is fine to pause and rest, and feel no need to try,

As great underwater worlds intensely sparkle, dance, and play,
You too can choose to live beyond, the forceful Ego way,
As the seed becomes the flower which then reaches for the Sun,
Living from you heart can be discovery and fun,
As the stars shine in the cosmos and bring wisdom to our skies,

There truly is another world... so breathe and close your eyes,
Life...mystery...unfolding...endless loving flow,
Peace is here for you, when you choose to, just let go..."

1 comment:

Lola Moonflower said...

Thank You Larry for the Beautiful Poem, Lola;~}