Apr 27, 2011

Exceptional Liability Insurance

"ABMP's rate for liability insurance, along with their publications and all
the other services, is the bargain of the century."

--Roberta Geier, Member since 1999>

Not all insurance policies are the same! As a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), your massage insurance coverage includes:
  • The highest dollar-amount coverages available
  • Individual coverage vs. an aggregate coverage shared amongst all members
  • Legal defense coverage
  • Additional insured endorsements (employers, landlords, etc.) can be named on your policy at no extra charge
  • Occurrence-form coverage, rather than claims-made coverage, to protect you from late-filed claims
  • Coverage at multiple work sites for multiple positions, including instructing, conducting private sessions and/or classes, and working for someone else
  • Coverage for hot stone massage
  • Coverage for cupping
  • A stable massage liability insurance program that has been managed by the same underwriter for nearly a decade.
Bottom line: No other massage organization offers a program as extensive and protective as this. ABMP's massage liability insurance package is the most comprehensive in the profession.*

And, while you hope to never have a claim filed against you, if you do you can rest assured, knowing ABMP has got your back.

For more details, please visit our “Liability Insurance for Massage Professionals” section.

ABMP ~Membership


Board of Massage Therapy ~LMT

Florida Department of Health
Medical Quality Assurance
Board of Massage Therapy
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Bin #C06
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Tel: 850-245-4161
Fax: 850-921-6184
Email: MQA_MassageTherapy@doh.state.fl.us

> Website

Title: Licensed Massage Therapist
Requirement: 500hrs & NCETMB
Renewal: 24hrs/2yrs
All hrs can be online
12 hrs MT techniques
2 hrs medical error prevention
2 hrs Florida law
AIDS/HIV course

Apr 24, 2011

NCBTMB Code of Ethics

NCBTMB Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Revised October of 2008

NCBTMB certificants and applicants for certification shall act in a manner that justifies public trust and confidence, enhances the reputation of the profession, and safeguards the interest of individual clients. Certificants and applicants for certification will:
  1. Have a sincere commitment to provide the highest quality of care to those who seek their professional services.
  2. Represent their qualifications honestly, including education and professional affiliations, and provide only those services that they are qualified to perform.
  3. Accurately inform clients, other health care practitioners, and the public of the scope and limitations of their discipline.
  4. Acknowledge the limitations of and contraindications for massage and bodywork and refer clients to appropriate health professionals.
  5. Provide treatment only where there is reasonable expectation that it will be advantageous to the client.
  6. Consistently maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence, striving for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses and through continued education training.
  7. Conduct their business and professional activities with honesty and integrity, and respect the inherent worth of all persons.
  8. Refuse to unjustly discriminate against clients and/or health professionals.
  9. Safeguard the confidentiality of all client information, unless disclosure is requested by the client in writing, is medically necessary, is required by law, or necessary for the protection of the public.
  10. Respect the client's right to treatment with informed and voluntary consent. The certified practitioner will obtain and record the informed consent of the client, or client's advocate, before providing treatment. This consent may be written or verbal.
  11. Respect the client's right to refuse, modify or terminate treatment regardless of prior consent given.
  12. Provide draping and treatment in a way that ensures the safety, comfort and privacy of the client.
  13. Exercise the right to refuse to treat any person or part of the body for just and reasonable cause.
  14. Refrain, under all circumstances, from initiating or engaging in any sexual conduct, sexual activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a client, even if the client attempts to sexualize the relationship unless a pre-existing relationship exists between an applicant or a practitioner and the client prior to the applicant or practitioner applying to be certified by NCBTMB.
  15. Avoid any interest, activity or influence which might be in conflict with the practitioner's obligation to act in the best interests of the client or the profession.
  16. Respect the client's boundaries with regard to privacy, disclosure, exposure, emotional expression, beliefs and the client's reasonable expectations of professional behavior. Practitioners will respect the client's autonomy.
  17. Refuse any gifts or benefits that are intended to influence a referral, decision or treatment, or that are purely for personal gain and not for the good of the client.
  18. Follow the NCBTMB Standards of Practice, this Code of Ethics, and all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements promulgated by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.

ATMA Code of Ethics

AMTA Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics is a summary statement of the standards by which massage therapists agree to conduct their practices and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical, professional behavior.

Massage therapists shall:

  1. Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality massage therapy/bodywork to those who seek their professional service.

  2. Acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner with clients and/or colleagues.

  3. Demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment of strengths, limitations, and effectiveness by continued education and training.

  4. Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client's right to privacy.

  5. Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land, and project a professional image.

  6. Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their clients.

  7. Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients, and associates.


ABMA Code of Ethics

ABMP Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

As a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, I hereby pledge to abide by the ABMP Code of Ethics as outlined below.

Client Relationships

  • I shall endeavor to serve the best interests of my clients at all times and to provide the highest quality service possible.
  • I shall maintain clear and honest communications with my clients and shall keep client communications confidential.
  • I shall acknowledge the limitations of my skills and, when necessary, refer clients to the appropriate qualified health care professional.
  • I shall in no way instigate or tolerate any kind of sexual advance while acting in the capacity of a massage, bodywork, somatic therapy or esthetic practitioner.


  • I shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, providing services in an ethical and professional manner in relation to my clientele, business associates, health care professionals, and the general public.
  • I shall respect the rights of all ethical practitioners and will cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner.
  • I shall refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to or during professional sessions.
  • I shall always dress in a professional manner, proper dress being defined as attire suitable and consistent with accepted business and professional practice.
  • I shall not be affiliated with or employed by any business that utilizes any form of sexual suggestiveness or explicit sexuality in its advertising or promotion of services, or in the actual practice of its services.

Scope of Practice / Appropriate Techniques

  • I shall provide services within the scope of the ABMP definition of massage, bodywork, somatic therapies and skin care, and the limits of my training. I will not employ those massage, bodywork or skin care techniques for which I have not had adequate training and shall represent my education, training, qualifications and abilities honestly.
  • I shall be conscious of the intent of the services that I am providing and shall be aware of and practice good judgment regarding the application of massage, bodywork or somatic techniques utilized.
  • I shall not perform manipulations or adjustments of the human skeletal structure, diagnose, prescribe or provide any other service, procedure or therapy which requires a license to practice chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, podiatry, orthopedics, psychotherapy, acupuncture, dermatology, cosmetology, or any other profession or branch of medicine unless specifically licensed to do so.
  • I shall be thoroughly educated and understand the physiological effects of the specific massage, bodywork, somatic or skin care techniques utilized in order to determine whether such application is contraindicated and/or to determine the most beneficial techniques to apply to a given individual. I shall not apply massage, bodywork, somatic or skin care techniques in those cases where they may be contraindicated without a written referral from the client's primary care provider.

Image / Advertising Claims

  • I shall strive to project a professional image for myself, my business or place of employment, and the profession in general.
  • I shall actively participate in educating the public regarding the actual benefits of massage, bodywork, somatic therapies and skin care.
  • I shall practice honesty in advertising, promote my services ethically and in good taste, and practice and/or advertise only those techniques for which I have received adequate training and/or certification. I shall not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered.


Florida State Code of Ethica

Florida State Code of Ethics

Your Rights, Our Ethics & Reports

Patient’s Bill of Rights

  • The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.
  • The patient has the right to obtain, from their therapist, complete, current information concerning their treatment in terms the patient can reasonably be expected to understand.
  • The patient has the right to receive information to make an informed choice prior to the administering of any treatment.
  • The patient has the right to refuse any treatment.
  • The patient has the right to privacy concerning their own wellness/therapeutic treatment program, limited only by state statutes, rules or regulations.
  • The patient has the right to be advised if the therapist intends to engage in any research or experimentation process while administering therapeutic treatments.
  • The patient has the right to refuse to participate in research.
  • The patient has the right to be treated fairly and humanely without consideration of race, gender, social or economic status.

FSMTA Code of Ethics

  • Honestly represent their education and certification and maintain their professionalism through continuing education
  • Formulate treatment plans that are beneficial to the client/patient’s health and well-being
  • Describe their massage therapy treatment and their intended draping procedures to each client/patient
  • Respect the client/patient’s right to continue, modify or discontinue massage therapy at any time and respect the client/patient’s choice
  • Recognize the scope of massage therapy and refer to other healthcare professionals when appropriate for the client/patient’s health and well-being
  • Provide quality care to those who seek professional massage therapy and maintain high standards of professional competence
  • Maintain honest and accurate records
  • Maintain a clean, professional environment and high standards of personal hygiene
  • Never engage in any sexual conduct involving clients/patients
  • Advertise accurately and with professional integrity
  • Administer all treatments in a professional manner with respect for the client/patient confidentiality, boundaries, safety, and privacy.

Code of Conduct

  • Adhere to the FSMTA Constitution, By-laws, Policies & Procedures, Patient’s Bill of Rights,and Code of Ethics
  • Conduct themselves always in a professional and ethical manner
  • Treat the client with respect and dignity
  • Be professional and ethical in all verbal, nonverbal, and written communications
  • Adhere to all Florida laws, rules and statues governing Massage Therapy
  • Seek other professional advice when needed
  • Remain in good standing with the FSMTA and the Florida Board of Massage Therapy
  • When using the FSMTA logo on business cards, brochures, advertisements, stationary, websites, and other forms of communications with the public, do so only within FSMTA established guidelines and in a professional and ethical manner
  • Immediately return the FSMTA certificate if it is revoked or suspended
  • Obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws
  • Refrain from any behavior that results in illegal, discriminatory, or unethical actions
  • Accept responsibility for their own actions
  • Report to the proper authorities any alleged violations of the law by other practitioners
  • Maintain accurate and truthful records
  • Report to the FSMTA any criminal convictions regarding him/herself
  • Protect the client’s identity in all situations unless requested by the client in writing, medically necessary or required by law.
  • Solicit information only that is relevant to the professional client/therapist relationshipStore and dispose of client files in a secure manner
  • Practice with honesty, integrity and lawfulness
  • Provide an environment that is safe and meets Florida legal requirements for health and safety
  • Accurately and truthfully inform the public of services provided
  • Represent all professional qualifications accurately and truthfully
  • Advertise in a professional and ethical manner and in a way that follows all laws and rules set out by the FSMTA and the Florida Board of Massage Therapy
  • Recognize the patient’s rights and limitations and only practice within those
  • Do not exploit the relationship with the client for personal gain
  • Do not engage in any sexual activity with the client
  • Avoid dual relationships with the client that could impair judgment or harm the client, employees or co-workers.
  • Respect the client’s freedom of choice in regards to the massage and the right to refuse treatment
  • Do not practice under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any illegal substances (with the exception of prescribed dosage of prescription medication which does not significantly impair the therapist)
  • Have the right to refuse therapy to a client who is abusive or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any illegal substance
  • Act in a professional and ethical manner at all FSMTA functions
  • Do not deliberately misrepresent themselves, the facts, or the FSMTA in any way
  • Respect the boundaries of all other therapists, clients, FSMTA members

Apr 3, 2011

Ridin' With The Legend

Keith Bryant, Ridin' With the Legend Lyrics

Looking for Keith Bryant tabs and chords? Browse alphabet (above).

Artist: Bryant Keith
Song: Ridin' With the Legend
Album: Ridin With the Legend

Keith Bryant Sheet Music
Keith Bryant CDs

Download RingtoneSend “Ridin' With the Legend” Ringtone to Cell PhoneDownload Ringtone

I was on my way to Daytona, I had my race gear in my pack,
When a stranger pulled up beside me in a stock car, painted black.
He was dressed like a NASCAR driver, moustache with mirrored eyes.
Said: "It's a long walk to Florida, would you like a ride, son?"

So I crawled across the roll-cage as he fired that Chevy up.
The badge on his sleeve said the man had won seven Winston cups.
His eyes were intimidatin', as he rode into the night.
An' I knew there was somethin' strange about this ride.

He said: "Boy, can you make fans stand an' scream your name?
"Can you hit 'em in the rear an' grab another gear, still roll into victory lane?"
He said: "Boy, do you know how it feels to run three wide?
"'Cause if you're Daytona-bound, let me warn you, you're in for a ride."

Then he cried when we got to Daytona an' as he pulled onto the track,
An' he said: "This is where you get out boy, 'cause number three ain't comin' back."
As I crawled out of the race car, I said: "Thanks, I'll catch you later."
He said: "It'd be tough catchin' me boy, 'cause I'm The Intimidator."

He said: "Boy, do you make fans stand an' scream your name?
"Can you hit 'em in the rear an' grab another gear, still roll into victory lane?"
He said: "Boy, do you know how it feels to run three wide?
"'Cause if you're Daytona-bound, let me warn you, you're in for a ride."

He said: "Boy, can you make fans stand an' scream your name?
"Can you hit 'em in the rear an' grab another gear, still roll into victory lane?"
He said: "Boy, do you know how it feels to run three wide?
"'Cause if you're Daytona-bound, let me warn you, you're in for a ride."

"If you're Daytona-bound, let me warn you, you're in for a ride."

"You been ridin' with the legend, an' it's a fast ride."

[ More Bryant Keith Lyrics ]

Download RingtoneSend “Ridin' With the Legend” Ringtone to Cell PhoneDownload Ringtone

Apr 1, 2011

Dear Lola Moonflower,

Welcome to Cortiva Institute-Florida! Congratulations on taking your first step toward creating an exciting, flexible, and fulfilling career in massage therapy by enrolling in Cortiva Institute’s 750-hour Massage Therapy Diploma program!

Did you know that Bloomberg Businessweek.com rated massage therapy as the #1 Career for 2011? This is certainly a very exciting time to be a Massage Therapist. One of the reasons I believe massage therapy is such a wonderful career choice is that more consumers today are receiving regular massage therapy sessions as an integral part of their health and wellness routine than ever before. Massage therapy services are utilized now by consumers for relaxation, stress reduction, health and wellness development, pain relief, athletic injury recovery, performance enhancement, ease of movement, and many more reasons, too.

Another reason I believe this is an opportune time for new Massage Therapists is because there are so many different environments and workplaces for Massage Therapists to practice their profession and utilize their valuable skills. For example, Massage Therapists are offering their health and wellness services at national franchises, small, sole-proprietor massage studios, physical therapy centers, acupuncture clinics, chiropractic offices, pain management clinics, day/destination/resort spas, medi-spas, cruise ships, professional sports teams, airports, sporting events, health fairs, conventions, the workplace, and home visits are becoming very popular, too. Of course, massage therapy also presents many self-employment opportunities. In fact, approximately 66% of all Massage Therapists decide to build a private clientele during their career. Another growing trend is the partnering of Massage Therapists with other like-minded health and wellness professionals services to offer an expanded menu of services to their clients such as yoga, nutrition, personal training, skin care, and cosmetology. Some therapists even become dually certified in these other modalities so they can offer more value to both clients and employers.

Lola Moonflower, I am here to help you get your career off the ground. I plan to begin working with you and your classmates right away. In fact, you will see me at your class icebreaker event, orientation, and I’ll make an informal visit to your class every single week in an effort to get to know you and learn as much as I can to help you launch your career in massage therapy. I look forward to helping you crystallize your career dreams and ideas in the very near future as we work together to develop an effective plan for your successful career development.

Please feel free to contact me if you want to begin talking about career plans now or if you have any questions. Once again, welcome to Cortiva Institute.


Paulette Beaudoin

Director of Career Services

Paulette Beaudoin . Director of Career Services
Cortiva Institute – Florida

4045 Park Boulevard . Pinellas Park, FL 33781

t 727-865-4946 f 727-545-0053

e pbeaudoin@cortiva.com cortiva.com

“Wellness starts with you!”